The Roman Battles

Well, I have been asked when my site will be finished. For these Roman battles I will now list the ones I will write about. I'll get to them when I can. Those that are done, just click the battle name. This page alone is for people who just need the dates. Many battles are written as parts of my Life of Gaius Julius Caesar. Some will be debated because there dates are uncertain. If anyone wants to mail me some explainations I'll be much appreciative. More battles will be added.

Battle of the Allia River

July 18, 386 BC

Source: Livy 6.1

Battle of the Aegates Islands

March 10, 241 BC

Battle of Ticinus River

mid November, 218 BC

Battle of Trebbia River

December 22?, 218 BC

Battle of Trasimeno Lake

June 21 or 24, 217 BC

Battle of Cannae

August 2, 216 BC

Battle of the Metaurus River

June 23, 207 BC

Battle of Zama

October 19, 202 BC

Source: Zonaras 9.14

Battle of Magnesia ad Sipylum

December, 190 BC

Battle of Pydna

June 22, 168 BC
(September 4 Roman system)

Battle of Carthage

Spring of 146 BC

Battle of Arausio

October 6, 105 BC

Battle of the Colline Gate

November 1, 82 BC

Battle of Carrhae

June 9, 53 BC

Battle of Pharsalus

June 6, 48 BC
(August 9 Roman system)

Battle of Zela

May 30, 47 BC
(August 2 Roman system)

Battle of Thapsus

April 6, 46 BC

Battle of Munda

March 17, 45 BC

Battle of Phillipi

October 3, 42 BC/October 23, 42 BC or
October 23, 42 BC/November 16, 42 BC

Battle of Actium

September 2, 31 BC

Battle of the Teutoberg Forest

September 7-9?, 9 AD

For this battle, I'm still unclear about the exact dates, so I based the dates on the modern German celebration of it. However it is not implausible since it would take about 7 days or so to get 3 legions to here from the summer camp going towards the Rhine, with camp followers of course. More battles will be listed shortly! Thanks for viewing!

This page will be added to in the future and I don't mind comments and suggestions mailed to me. If I have made a terrible error, let me know about it so I can fix it.

Send mail to Kevin

This page was last updated on June 15, 2001 AD

Copyright � 2000-2001 Kevin Wheeler
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