My Info:
Matthew Krom
Sarah Henrey:
[email protected]
        Chou Dynasty Pedicles of Athens is born. Cyrus the great Persian warrior and Statesman conquer Babylon. Spartan domination of peloponnesus complete. The sandaracs fleeing from their home stars nova on Earth and set the pattern of classical Greece. Nok Civilizations in Nigeria Rise of Hopeful culture. Celts settle from Italy to Ireland. Persian Empire near its peak first record of use of bow and arrow in North America. Sundials are used in Egypt Pyramids are out, cutting tombs into rock is in Phoenicians found city of Tangier in North America. Glass making perfected in Middle East, including bottles in Egypt. Hebrews were oppressed in Egypt. Earliest organization of Vedas, an orally transmitted collection of sacred literature, chants and hymns in South Asia. Assyria conquered by Hurricanes from Anatolia. Composition of the Vedas begun in India. Mohenjo-Daron in Indus Valley is destroyed.

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him".
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