My Info:
Matthew Krom
Sarah Henrey:
[email protected]
I watched the movie �Titus�. The movie was based off of William Shakespeare�s play �Titus�.  The movie starts out with the roman general, Titus, and his sons returning from a war against the Goths in which they were victorious. They bring with them five prisoners who they captured by the end of the war. The prisoners were: the queen of the Goths, her three sons, and a single black man.  When they get back to Rome, Titus has her eldest son executed in exchange for all of the roman soldiers lost during the war. Then the scene switches to the streets of Rome where two brothers are both campaigning for emperor of Rome. Titus chooses one of them to be emperor and the other to be a servant.  The new emperor of Rome chooses his brothers wife to be his mistress. However, his brother flees with his wife into the forest near the capitol. So instead, the emperor chooses the queen of the Goths to be his wife. The emperor then sends his men to go look for his brother. While they were all in the woods, the queen finds the black guy and the movie introduces their love relationship. The brother and his wife see them and the black guy runs off. Then the queen gets her two sons to kill the one brother and bury him. They take the woman off and ravage her, and cut out her tongue and hands. The black guy and the queen set it up to make it look like two of Titus�s sons did it. Titus is told that if he sacrifices part of himself, his sons will live, so he cuts off one of his hands and sends it to the emperor.  The emperor then has Titus�s sons killed and their heads shipped to Titus.  It is then that Titus finds out about the woman, who is also his daughter that had her hands cut off. Since she can not talk, she writes the names of the two queen�s sons in the dirt so Titus knows who they are.  When Titus eventually captures them, he finds out about the Goth queen tricking the emperor. So he slits their throats, cuts them up into little pieces, and makes them into pies, which he serves to the emperor, his wife and the senate at a dinner party. At the party, he then stabs the queen to death. The emperor runs across the table and kills Titus, then one of Titus�s sons kills the emperor.
  I could not really make e very in depth summary of this story since I did not understand one thing that they were saying. All I got was what was basically happening. I  did not really enjoy the movie since it was really awkward. I could not get into it because the way it played out was really weird.
"These words are razors to my wounded heart".
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