Comparing Buddhism, Christianity and Islam




On God

The original Buddhist philosophy does not entail any theistic world-view. Godly figures were introduced later.

There is only one true God in Christianity, Who referred to Himself as, "I am who I am."

The Muslims also believe in one god known as Allah.

On Salvation

Man lives his own fate, and has no one to blame but himself. In other words, you have to work for your salvation

Salvation is not based on work. It is a free gift to all who would accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Salvation is based on work through implementing the five pillars in life.

On Eternal Life

In a sense, there is eternal life. But one is not sure what his next life will end up being. It depends on the karma of his present life.

Eternal life in heaven is promised to all who accept this free gift of salvation.

Eternal life is defined as 'eternal bliss in Hereafter'. Not everyone who obeys Allah and practices the five pillars is promised eternal life.

On Love

There is no god in Buddhism to love or take care of its people.

The Bible is filled with teachings of God's love towards us, to the extent that He sent his only Son to die for our sins.

The Quran does not mention Allah's love towards his people.



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