Abonyi �rp�d (Csiba �rp�d �r� neve)

1887-ben "F�st" novell�ja d�jat nyert "H�rn�v" szinm�v�t Kolozsv�rott el�adt�k.

Kiadott sz�pirodalmi m�vei: 1894:"Novell�k",, 1895: A Z�ch csal�d, 1896: Bosny�k novell�k, 1898: A Haldokl� Gladi�tor, 1901: A Pavlin�i Csata, 1904: K�t L�ny Reg�nye, A Fr�terek �s A Grabovszkyak,

1909: A Feh�r Asszony, 1918: A V�r�s Regina. T�bb ifj�s�gi reg�nyt �rt.

Abonyi �rp�d (Nome de plume of Csiba �rp�d

In 1887 won prize for his short story "F�st" ("Smoke"). His drama "A H�rn�v" ("The Fame") was performed in Kolozsv�r.

Other fiction published- 1894: Short Stories, 1895: A Z�ch csal�d, 1896: Bosny�k novell�k, 1898: A Haldokl� Gladi�tor, 1901: A Pavlin�i Csata, 1904: K�t L�ny Reg�nye, A Fr�terek �s A Grabovszkyak, 1909: A Feh�r Asszony, 1918: A V�r�s Regina. He was member of the Pet�fi Society, his plays were often performed in the National Theatre, he also wrote fiction for youth.


Bod�n� Csiba Gizella

T�bb irodalmi d�j nyertese, (California Fitness, Elixir, �s a N�k Lapja foly�iratokt�l),

�rdemleges r�sztvev� a Fekete Istv�n Novella Versenyben..

�n�letrajza "A Csend" megjelnt mag�nkiad�sban, Budapest, 1998.

Won several literary prizes. (California Fitness, Elixir, and N�k Lapja, magazines). Credited participant at Fekete Istv�n Short Stories Competition. Author of self-published autography

"A Csend" (The Silence)


Chiba, Charles Tibor

"Selection of Land Suitable for Growing Walnuts" chapter in "A Brief Guide to Growing Walnuts in Australia" Publisher: Australian Walnut Industry Association, Melbourne.1993, 1995,1999.


Chiba, Mrs. Tan�czky M�rta

"A Introduction to the Literature of Palaentolgy with Reference to the Fossil Vertebrates of Australasia"

chapter in "Vertebrate Palaentology of Australasia" Publisher Design Studio Pty Ltd. Melbourne.1991

"An Introduction to the Literature of Paleantology with Special Emphasise on Australia"

chapter in "A Pot-Pourri of Australian Fossils" Edited by Rich,Bearlin and Long, Melbourne 1983

A Master's Thesis "A Bibliomertic Study of Literature Cited in Two Environmental Periodicals Between 1970 and 1979 Monash University, Melbourne, 1982


Csiba �p�d dr

"Sz�jpathol�giai Jegyzet", Budapest,1987,

"Sz�jseb�szeti Jegyzet: maxilo-faci�lis onkologia "c fejezet", Budapest 1975

"Odontog�n Daganatok", Monogr�fia, Budapest, 1977

"Oralpathologie und Grenzgebiete" c. n�met sz�jpatol�giai jegyzet, Budapest, 1991

"K�rd�sek �s Feleletek a Sz�jpatol�gia T�rgyk�r�b�l, egyetemi seg�dtank�nyv, Budapest, 1983.

Sz�jpatol�giai egyetemi tank�nyv, Budapest, 1987

"Mi a V�lem�nye?", egyetemi seg�dtank�nyv, Budapest, 1990.

Fog�szati asszisztensek �s dent�lhigi�nikusok k�nyve: "�ltal�nos �s sz�jpatol�gia" c. fejezet, Budapest1994

Hatnyelv� csehszlov�k fogorvosi sz�t�r anyag�nak n�metr�l magyarra ford�t�sa, Bratislava, 1991.

135 kiadott cikke jelent meg angol, n�met, francia, orosz �s spanyol nyelven.

Lektor�lta az 1996-ban megjelent "A fog�szat Oxford zsebk�nyve " c.

"Notes in Oral Pathology", Budapest,1987,

Article on maxilo-facial oncology in "Notes in Oral Surgery:", Budapest, 1975

"Oral tumours" A mongraphy, Budapest, 1977

"Oralpathologie und Grenzgebiete", notes on oral pathology in German Budapest, 1991

"Questions and Answers in the Area of Oral Pathology", university lecture notes, Budapest, 1983.

University handbook on oral pathology, Budapest 1987

"What is Your Opinion?" university lecture notes, Budapest, 1990.

Article "General and oral pathology" in handbook for dental assisstens , Budapest 1994

Translation of a six-language Czech dental dictionary from German into Hungarian, Bratislava, 1991

Published a total of 135 articles in English, German, French, Russian and Spanish.

Editor of the "Oxford Dictionary of Dentistry", 1996.


Csiba Imre

K�zirat Juris prudentia ex jure hungarico conscripta AD 1723. A magyar Nemzeti M�zeum k�ziratt�r�ban, Budapest.

Manuscript: Juris prudentia ex jure hungarico conscripta AD 1723. Among the manuscripts of the National Museum, Budapest.


Csiba, Istv�n

�rtekezlet: "A Hadsereg" c.c. 1910

An Essay :"The Army" c.c. 1910


Csiba Istv�n SJ

Kiadott m�vei: "Tyrnavia Crescens", Nagyszombat 1706, "Dissertatio historico-physica de admirandis Hungariae aquis" Nagyszombat 1713, "Dissertatio historico-physicade montibus Hungariae" Nagyszombat 1714.

Published works: "Tyrnavia Crescens", Nagyszombat 1706, "Dissertatio historico-physica de admirandis Hungariae aquis" Nagyszombat 1713, "Dissertatio historico-physicade montibus Hungariae" Nagyszombat 1714.


Csiba J�nos

Kiadott munk�i: 1940 "A Nagy Tartoz�s" Szinm�, 1 felvon�sban

"Elvesztett Fogad�s" Szinm� 3 felvon�sban

1941 "Nevelt L�ny" Szinm� 3 felvon�sban

Kiad� J�kai Lajos

Published works: 1940"The Big Debt", play, 1 Act

The Lost Bet" play 3 Acts

1941"The Adopted Daughter"), play 3 Acts

Publisher: J�kai Lajos


Csiba Lajos

Kiadott munka: "Csiba Lajos Di�riuma"

Kiad� Integrita Kiad�, �amorin, (Somorja),Slovakia

Published work: "Csiba Lajos Di�riuma"

Publisher: Integrita Kiad�, �amorin,(Somorja), Slovakia.


Csiba Lajos

Kiadott munka: "Csiba Lajos Di�riuma"

Kiad� Integrita Kiad�, �amorin, (Somorja),Slovakia

Published work: "Csiba Lajos Di�riuma"

Publisher: Integrita Kiad�, �amorin,(Somorja), Slovakia.


Csiba Lajos (sz�zados)

"Napl�" Lek�z�lte a"Sziv�rv�ny" USA, October 1988.sz�ma

Csiba Lajos (Captain)

"Diary" was published in the "Sziv�rv�ny" USA, in October 1988.


Csiba M�rton

Kiadott munk�ja "Romanocategorus", Debrecen 1637

Published work "Romanocategorus", Debrecen 1637


Csiba Mih�ly SJ

Kiadott munk�i: Excercitationes poeticae, 1.De clade Georgi R�k�czi junioris, 2. Strena Deo nato, Claudiopoli 1727. -Allocutiones oratoriae 1728.

Published works: Excercitationes poeticae, 1.De clade Georgi R�k�czi junioris, 2. Strena Deo nato, Claudiopoli 1727. -Allocutiones oratoriae 1728.


Csiba Mih�ly SJ (2)

Kiadott munk�i: Excertitationes poeticae I.L. de clade Georgi R�koczi junioris etc.

Published works: Excertitationes poeticae I.L. de clade Georgi R�koczi junioris etc.


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