Here are the models I've made for different mods and for myself back in year 2000. These were mostly done as practice for learning MilkShape 3D. They're not finished, and will probably never be finished by me(old mods closed down, and I don't have interest in finishing them right now). If you want to finish one of them, you're free to do it, just give me credit :)


Chainsword, 296 polygons

Crossbow, 399 polygons

Dagger 1, 360 polygons

Dagger 2, 270 polygons

Dagger 3, 340 polygons

Plasma Pistol, 270 polygons

The following model was meant to be a player model for Half-Life, but I started learning LightWave, and decided that I could get much better detail using subdivisions. Eventually it drifted off to the backburner, and was never finished. If you end up finishing it, send me an email, I'd love to see what it can become.

Gremlin, 874 polygons

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