Download: (40 KB, Updated: 06/18/2003)

The plugin is labeled "Extrude Edges..." on the Vertex menu by default(menu can be changed).

Plugin Features:

The last used settings are saved in "msExtrudeEdges.ini" in the Milkshape folder. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.


Example A: (Perpendicular extrusion, Reverse option)

Example B: (Shared / non-shared option)

Example C: (Coplanar extrusion, Select option)

Just copy the DLL to your Milkshape 3D folder, and start up Milkshape.
The plugin should show up on the bottom of the Vertex menu as "Extrude Edges...".

To add a key shortcut to the plugin, you have to manually edit 'shortcuts.ini' in the Milkshape 3D directory. In the last section of the file (all the ms*** entries), add "msExtrudeEdges =1,". Make sure to add it in alphabetical order. Now you can use the Plugin and Shortcut manager (Tools menu) to set a key shortcut. I suggest Ctrl+X, as it hasn't been used by Milkshape yet. Make sure to press "Set" after selecting the shortcut key.

Please report all bugs to cccp_99 AT hotmail DOT com , or post them on the Milkshape forums.

Author: Michael Udaltsov, aka "CCCP"

Thanks To:
mijacs, for implementation ideas, source code for coplanar extrusion, and the Milkshape SDK Addon(some reusable 3D code),
Mete Ciragan, for creating Milkshape 3D,
Furious George, for the original plugin suggestion,
And all the other forum members for their support.

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