Download: (25 KB, Updated: 12/04/2002)

The plugin is labeled "Array..." on the Tool menu.

Array Tool Features:

Just copy the DLL to your Milkshape 3D folder, and start up Milkshape.
The plugin should show up on the bottom of the Tool menu as "Array...".

To add a key shortcut to the plugin, you have to manually edit 'shortcuts.ini' in the Milkshape 3D directory. In the last section of the file (all the ms*** entries), add "msToolArray =1,". Make sure to add it in alphabetical order. Now you can use the Plugin and Shortcut manager (Tools menu) to set a key shortcut. Make sure to press "Set" after selecting the shortcut key.

Please report all bugs to cccp_99 AT hotmail DOT com , or post them on the Milkshape forums.

Author: Michael Udaltsov, aka "CCCP"

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