Chrissy's Blog
Special TS Lady looking for action,friendship.
Christa's Story
Hi everyone,
Some how I messed up and my last blog post failed. I am trying to figure what went wrong. Even blonds have rough
I received my first flu shot in years last month and became instantly ill. I am just starting to get over it, because of it I have not continued with My Story yet but I have started and it will be posted soon. I apologize but I could not attemp this with the flu.. Hugs to all...
2008-03-05 14:59:41 GMT
Comments (3 total)
OK, we'll let you off the hook this time cause you were sick!
2008-03-05 23:07:57 GMT
I hate it when that shit happens. You know, the failed blog entry. And having to get a flu shot. And the flu on top of that.

But you should feel better knowing that you are definitely cover girl worthy.
2008-03-14 06:29:50 GMT
every time I get a flu shot, I alwys flu-up in the toilet...what a bummer. Well, some folks say I have my head in the toilet all the time anyways. so, what-the-heck. Where is the rest of that story!! Please...:-)
2008-03-20 22:41:20 GMT
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