Chrissy's Blog
Special TS Lady looking for action,friendship.
Christa's Story
For several years now I have been told that I should write about my transition since it has been hard and difficult. One friend told me it would make a great article. So now I am starting to put one together. Most likely it will be in parts but the first part should be posted soon.
2008-02-04 15:20:51 GMT
Comments (1 total)
I hope you reconsider about jumping on that ship. I find that trans blogs are all too often the same old things. And trans books are all too often the same old things. If you read one trans storey you have read them all. If you really want to help, write about living day to day. Show others that you can live as a woman even if you don't have the money to transition.

I don't know why your transition(ing) (your profile says you are pre-op) is/was hard but I have found it to be a matter of money. If one has money, transitioning is easy. Without money, it is all but impossible.

Let me stop and clarify the term transitioning as so many are confused. One doesn't transition to become a woman(man), woman(man) is gender and that is always there. Since it is always there, what are you changing? Transitioning is changing the body, the sex. Like it or not, if you have a penis, you are male. You are a woman born with male bits and the bits determines your sex, not your gender. It is very important for transsexuals to make that clear. If we start trying to muddy it all up, then we will never get the help we need under the law.

I am having a difficult time transitioning because I don't have any money. I still have hair on my face and I don't have the money to start laser or electrolysis. However, I am not letting it stop me from living as a woman. So my blog is to illustrate to all the others like me that you can still live as a woman even if you don't have the money to transition.

2008-02-04 17:19:04 GMT
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