Chrissy's Blog
Special TS Lady looking for action,friendship.
Entry for August 06, 2006
I recently invited Raven to join my blog and become one of my special friends. I read her blog concerning men and transsexuals, This is what she wrote and I hope she does not mind that I reprint it here,  she deserves the credit for it. I liked it so well that I wanted to add my two cents to it. "I hope you do not mind Raven."

Raven wrote  "if a man certain he wants a transexual for his girl why is he ashamed to be seen with her,but will bed her, does this make him ashamed of her or ashamed of what he have become?"

We as Transsexuals have always been  intrigued by men. "WHY"?  Because we always portray our real selves. We always strive to look and dress our best.  Face it guys look at the difference between a transsexual and a normaly dressed genetic female, WHICH ONE LOOKS THE BEST"?
 A transsexual "KNOWS" how to please her man, not only in the bed but in normal life also. We have many steps above the genetic woman when it comes to pleasing our men.
 I have dated quite a few men and most I have to agree with Raven is that all they want is a one night stand with a transsexual, They loved it and they know it but the thought crosses their mine "WHAT IF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY FIND OUT?" If a man is truely intrested in a transsexual he will have the balls to stand up for his choice. One man that I dated made that choice and we were together for over a year until his job took him elese where. But we keep in constant contact with each other by phone and emails. This is one man who did not care what his friends and family thought. He always told me that it was the happiest time in his life and to this day he is still not interested in genetic females.

 The problem lies in that men do not have the balls to make the choice, what others or family would think of him matters more to him than a great and wonderful relationship with a very special lady.

 Thats my two cents!!!!!
2006-08-06 16:00:06 GMT
Comments (2 total)
Societies prejudice against what may or may not be precieved gay is to such a massive degree. We all know that weight of complete and untter rejection for our selves and we spent years even decades building up the courage to face it. It his hard for a trans either way MtF and FtM. We cant just exspect a society taught to hate us to suddenly open arms. As for those who make an effort with reservations, some pity and understanding should given. If it concerns you so much then dont sleep with the guy before he comes to terms with acception. I believe it is as much your fault for rushing into an encounter as his for allowing fear to hold him back. So try taking things slower allow them more time to build up the courage to fight thier fear and the rejection of others.
2006-08-09 14:34:34 GMT
That is just why I do not call myself an 'Admirer'.. just a man , gentleman, and admires ladies and treats them as the ladies they are .. anywhere anytime .. see my blog on subject :) 'Why I am NOT an Admirer ... Cecil
2006-08-10 08:11:57 GMT
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