FRAME MAKER Marquee Code Generator

Frameset Code Generator

Want to make your webpage with frames but have no idea how to do it? Use this frame generator to take the hassle out of it. Have your pages made up that you want to have in each frame, then enter the details of how you want your frame. It couldn't be easier!

1 . Fill in the details in the form
2. Press the button to create the frameset HTML code
3. Follow the instructions on how to link within your frameset

frameset details

Frameset Title:
Type of frameset:





Width (or height) for frame 1:
Border size:
Border color:
URL for frame 1:
URL for frame 2:
Name for frame 1:
Name for frame 2:
Resizeable frames: No Yes
Scrolling disable for frame 1: No Yes
Scrolling disable for frame 2: No Yes
Text for "no-frames" area:
(HTML allowed)

Results will open in a new window
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