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The Changing Earth

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The Earth is constantly changing; this is a long-established fact. But recently there have been many observations that the Earth is changing at a much faster rate, bringing about many spiritual changes in people. A few people have been making prophecies, whether from "channelled" sources, or their own psychic abilities, about the changes in the Earth, how and when they will happen, and why. Some of the more well-known of these "prophets" that we will find are Gordon Michael Scallion, Stan Deyo, Edgar Cayce, Dannion Brinkley, and Nostradamus. On this page we will also look for links to Web Sites on the Earth Changes: the earthquakes, volcanoes, changing icebergs and glaciers, storms, comets, environmental issues, survival issues, and other signs of our changing Earth, as well as some views of Kansas, great fishing and huntingweb sites, and other interesting sites.

Earth Changes



Icebergs & Antarctica

Hurricanes & Storms


Spiritual Changes

Environmental Sites

Survival & MIllennium & Y2K Issues

Fishing Links

Hunting Links


UFO's on the Web

Science Related Sites

Government Agencies


News of the Day

Friends and other Sites of Interest

Searching the Web

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