In order to be able to use this simple, fast and manageable method of creation of objects we needed the following programs:

AC3D V4.0 2.276-KB      to create the objects in 3D                          ( VISIT the WEB Of the AUTHOR)         

  CONVOB3D v 2.0  92-KB  

Tool created by Samuel L.S BVESPANISH, convert VMRL1-B3D. With  new version 2.0 , you can use function POLY(to 4 vertex) of AC3D and apply textures,RECT and LINE  .With this new function you have new possibilitys for  build objects, for example you can build mountains...This version  correct all bugs of version 1.1 , as position of textures.

If you want learn how to build a object with this method , Click here , in this section you can download a demostrate  VIDEO for build a object for BVE with AC3D. 



In order to learn its simple handling quickly and the steps that there are to give to elaborate an object successfully , Click here ,

With this novel method we will obtain advantages.
Easy  handling and intuitive creator of objects.
Fast creation of objects, in less of 30seg we can have prepared  an object.
Visual creation and in real time, without having to insert vert
ex of written way.
To make modifications of the objects in real time (Rotations, to reorient objects, translations...).
ew of the objects from any point of view and real time.
Insert textures to the objects and  view them in real time.
Possibility of manipulating textures (OFFSET, duplications  texture
Build complex objects,fast and effective way.
Export  objects to format VMRL-1 from AC3D  and convert them  comfortable and fast way to legible format B3D BVE.
Limitless number of parts with which it can be integrated an object.
Limitations and considerations to consider,VERY IMPORTANT   The program is not even able to create transparencies with textures BMP. Even so converter CONVOB3D associates by blue defect pure the 255 as transparent color for the objects.
Each part of an object must have associate a texture,
for good result with CONVOB3D.
The conversion to B3D puts by defect all the faces of an object visible.
The creation of objects with AC3D must be made with sides, cannot be inserted the diverse functions in 3D from which it comes provided the program, like buckets, cylinders, etc. Even so the creation of objects is extremely simple.
The names of each element of an object cannot go separated by spaces.
You can only build object with the function RECT, POLY (4 vertexs) and LINE(with 4 vertex, no texture) of AC3D , is not vaild functions as ELLIPSE , BOX,CYLINDER,SPHERE..
You cannot convert model of examples that come with AC3D , are not compatible with CONVOB3D, because they use functions incompatibles with BVE. 


In order to learn its simple handling quickly and the steps that there are to give to elaborate an object successfully , Click here ,



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