Although traveling with an infant or toddler can be stressful for parents, there are a lot of infant travel accessories that are designed to make trips away from home less strenuous for the family. With the right equipment, being away from a babys familiar ground doesnt have to be so hard on the baby or the parents. Whether the equipment is for feeding time, play time, or nap time, the following items are just a few examples of how trips can be less stressful and more relaxing.

One of the most common things that parents use while they are on a trip is a portable crib or a play yard for their baby to sleep and play in. They fold up into themselves and are easy to carry and simple to pack and transport. However, with all of the teething, drooling, crying, and exploring with their mouths that babies do, many parents often worry about the cleanliness of their portable playpen. Many parents are finding that many of the largest hotel chains in the country offer play yards for them to use while they are staying at the hotel, and unfortunately there is just no way for parents to be sure that the play yards have been cleaned or properly sanitized.

To combat this issue and to put parents at ease, one of the most popular infant travel accessories to come along in a long time is the washable play yard cover. These are made of soft, washable material that just slips on and off of the playpens, covering the parts that infants and toddlers come in the most contact with, such as the rails. We have all seen the babies and toddlers that pull themselves up on the play yard rails and stand there with their mouths on them! It is a large concern for parents who are borrowing or renting the play pens because they worry about the dirt and unseen germs that might be on those rails. The washable covers act as a hygienic barrier between germs and the infant, and they just pull right off and can be tossed into the washing machine.

Other infant travel accessories that are common are baby bottles that have an area for the water to be held in and a separate area for a pre measured amount of formula to be in, all in one container. The bottle takes up no more room than a regular bottle would, and parents do not have to hunt through diaper bags and duffel bags for water and formula because both parts are right there together, but not yet mixed. It is simple to mix the formula and the water, still using only the bottle. This saves parents a lot of stress and messy bags when they do not have to go on a rigorous hunt for the formula.

Finally, another convenient item to take with you on a trip is a portable changing bag. These nifty bags have room in them for diapers, wipes, creams, lotions, and also soft, washable pads that you can take with you and pull out quickly to change a baby. It is frustrating when a baby needs to be changed to have to hunt all over for everything that is needed to change a diaper. These bags come with the changing pads, so instead of hunting and grabbing all of the items individually, parents can use these infant travel accessories to just grab the bag and have everything there at a moments notice.

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