Burn It

Website Summary:

What content will the site contain?

It will have one big prompt over a text entry bar in the middle of the screen. The prompt will say something along the lines of "Your anonymous secrets are safe here. Tell us whats been bothering you." Or something like that. I also want to be able to have a section that allows a user to be directed to my email newsletter sign up page. As well as a "powered by The 70x7 Newsletter" text at the bottom. I would also love to leave room for ad space as well as a way to make donations to a mental health foundation of my choice.

Where will you get all of the content for your site (ie. images & text)?

I was thinking of using pexels for copywrite free images if I choose to go that route. I will write a page describing my newsletter and why you should subscribe. I would also love to make buttons that take you straight to our social media pages.

Why should users care about the focus of the site?

Honestly, becuase it feels great to get things off your chest and watch them burn! Im not sure how complicated it is to create that animation but it is the goal. It is also a fun idea. Although, it may not be a revolutionary idea it serves a clear purpose that is communicated to the user quickly and simply.

Why should a site be built for this?

Sometimes its hard to let go of some of the things you want to hold in becuase of some social anxiety. A website is anonymous. With enough monthly users it also is the fastest way I can think of to help a good cause and create a source of income for myself. It is a win win. The users don't pay to use it and i would get paid through advertisements that align with the sites values.

What would you like users to do at your site?

I would like my users to get tough things off their chest and know it is completely anonymous. I feel great relief in jounaling because its a safe place to let out everything I am feeling wether its happy or something that might make someone look at me weird. I believe the website I create will make this concept easily accecible, faster, more attractive, and more efficient.

What is the goal of the site?

The goal of the website is to...