Raising the bar for exceptional service everywhere.

With Economic Luxury, transform your business through custom proven strategies. Our unique three-step model reinvents your customer experience. Elevate your service and redefine business excellence.

hero image of happy barista serving customer

Our Promise

Economic Luxury focuses on people. We believe just as every human is different, so is each business, hotel, and location we serve. We promise to help you shine in a way that feels true to your brand. Become truly excellent by becoming truly you. Our promise is total satisfaction for you, your team, and your guest, client, or customer.

Our Three Steps to Success

1. Observe
We take the time to show up onsite in order to learn about your operation. We want to know what you do well and where we can help you shine. Observations are spent among staff, managers, and senior leaders to best understand the company culture.

2. Train
Hands on and role-play based. After being onsite and learning what needs to happen; customized training is developed uniquely for your operation. No repeat programs here! We specialize in focusing on you so you can focus on your team and customer.

3. Follow Up
You follow up with your clients and employees, why shouldn’t we? After training, and when real life settles back in, we’re back onsite to help you turn the ideological to the practical. We want to help ensure what is taught is properly implemented and that it sticks!