Burke Lake Disc Golf Course
Welcome to the Burke Lake Park disc golf course site!

Just came home from NYC! What a great trip.

Leaving in the morning to go to school. I will miss my family. But be back at Christmas.
I Guess I will miss out on the Duck Golf tournament on August 15th.

Also Geocities is closing the free site down on October 26th. So if you need to catch up on what is going on at Burke Lake DGC. Check out myspace: BurkeLakeDiscGolf. It should have some great picture and people to answer your questions. This will be my last post here.
God Bless you and have fun.

Going to NYC for a week with the family than come back. Hope to get one more day out at Burke Lake before I go back to school on the August 11th.
I know the church group will be out at Burke Lake watching and playing in the tournament on August 15th.

Wow they have a top ten list on there website. But one guy is counted twice. What's up with that?

Wow, Just found out that the DGCNV changed there name. To Novadiscgolf.com. I have been away to long. Maybe with my video camera we can catch people in the act of having fun playing disc golf and post it on the web!
Elon U.
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