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Romeo Michigan



Dedicated to the education and welfare of the English Bulldog since 1967 bred many sired by our studs. Members of the Bulldog Club of American and Life Members of The Detroit Bulldog Club Ch.Edwards O'Scully O'

Boo or Barb and Ed Scully live in the small historical village of Romeo Michigan, in a litte swiss chalet in the middle of 10 acres with maple trees, pines, apple trees, ponds and gardens. We have been breeding and showing English Bulldogs since 1969. We have owned or bred 28 champions, 17 of these are home bred. Barbara and one of her dogs are in the BCA Hall of fame. Ed is very active in Division 2 and the national club. Working on the large data base of champions and helping with the bulldog club hall of fame. His work can be seen on the ed's data base of champions at the Bulldog Club of America page.



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this website is my advanture in learning HTMl, the code that makes or breaks websites. I have made several websites for myself and other people using canned programs, such as Front Page and Homestead.I will be making a diary as i go along. Keeping notes of what i have learned on each page. You can pretty much see what i have done on each page but i will highlight the troublesome parts. On this page it was wrapping the text around the pictures. aligning the images, and putting in the background image.

copyright 2004 boo scully

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