Reading Room 2006



Adam Nicolson - God's Secretaries : The Making of the King James


Joan Didion - The Year of Magical Thinkng


Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient


James Shapiro - A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare


Paul Auster -The Brooklyn Follies


Sven Birkerts - The Gutenberg Elegies : The Fate of Reading in an
                         Electronic Age (2nd time)


Robert B. Parker - Widow's Walk


Robert B. Parker - Back Story


David M. Bader - Zen Judaism : For You, A Little Enlightenment


Kurt Vonnegut - A Man Without A Country


Cormac McCarthy - No Country for Old Men


Don Watson - Death Sentences : How Cliches, Weasel Words, and
                       Management-Speak are Strangling Public Language


Jeremy Adler - Franz Kafka


Friedrich Durrenmatt - The Pledge



Dalton Trumbo - Johnny Got His Gun (2nd time)


Robert B. Parker - Bad Business


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