The Soft Insanity of Time
by Sajinn

Part 27:

By the end of the week, Wil was visibly improved. The increased feedings had made a big difference, but then so had time. Vampires healed quickly, and the medicine kept him immobile and let his bones knit faster. Angel was pleased with the progress, since it meant the vampire would be up and about soon. It also meant that he could stop feeling guilty for wanting Wil when he was so gravely injured.

In the meantime, though, Angel wanted to wipe the floor with Xander. The boy kept smirking at him, every time they ran into each other. When he'd asked Xander about it, he'd just grinned and chuckled. Nobody else seemed to know, although they too were prone to laughing at him behind his back. Angel's only real consolation was that Xander, now fully healed, was being run ragged by Oz and Gunn, who had taken over his training. They wanted Xander to learn to use his new abilities, now that they knew what they were. Angel was too preoccupied with Wil to help much, but he heard them running Xander up and down the halls, setting up obstacles and going after him.

It had taken the boy a couple of days to get the hang of his increased speed and agility, but once he did, nobody could come close to catching him. Angel even had a hard time tracking Xander with his eyes, he was so fast. And after the kid realized that he could get a couple of steps up a wall while he was running, he made a habit of racing around people and over their heads when they went down hallways. Angel had tried everything to stop him; including using a staff to knock him down when he tried to buzz Angel, but it hadn't worked. It was like Xander knew he was coming. Then again, maybe he was improving his control and could use the empathy to guess what Angel was going to do. It never occurred to the vampire that the empathy would tell Xander where he was or exactly how sexually frustrated he'd been.

Wil was groggy when he went to give him his first feeding of the day and the blonde barely woke during the entire process. Angel was glad, since he had a difficult time facing Wil when he was so affected by the process. After the feeding and medication, Angel went downstairs to see if Cordelia had anything at all for him to do.

"Sure," Cordelia replied. "You can go visit Lorne. He's feeling left out."

Angel shrugged and went downstairs. It was something, and since the sun was out he couldn't exactly go trotting down the street. He found the green demon muttering and swearing at his paperwork.

"Angel!" Lorne said happily. "Long time, no see!"

"How's the club doing?"

Lorne grinned. "Better than this damned computer. It won't even start, so I have to do all this by hand."

Angel looked at the machine. He knew almost nothing about them, other than that they needed electricity and didn't like him. "Did you plug it in?"

Lorne scowled at him. "Yes, Angel, I plugged it in. You're no help at all."

Angel shrugged. He'd just exhausted his knowledge of computers, and his nonuse of the machines was well known. "Sorry. That's Cordy's domain."

"So, how's Wil?" Lorne asked.

"Getting better," Angel answered.

"What's bothering you?"


"Hmm," Lorne murmured. "So, did Cordelia send you down here to cheer me up?"

Angel nodded. "She said you were feeling left out."

"Well, I'm not. I much prefer the safe confines of Caritas to running around on the streets, getting beaten up. Believe me, I'd rather be alone and healthy down here than bruised up there," Lorne declared. "And you all can come down here when the club's open, you know.'

"We will, once everything settles down. Everybody's still reeling," Angel replied.

"Yeah, but don't isolate yourselves up there. You'll lose touch with the city," Lorne said. Angel knew he was right. If they didn't keep their ears open to the community, they would lose track of their main opponents, Wolfram & Hart. Not all their information came from Cordelia and Xander's visions, and Xander's seemed to focus on the most helpless of the helpless-which were not the law firm's most common victims.

"I better go see what the others are getting themselves into," Angel said after a few more minutes. "But I'll be sure we're down here more in the future."

"You do that," Lorne said as Angel walked out. "Because things are going to get messy again before very long."


Oz ducked as Xander whizzed by, narrowly missing the lightweight practice mace Xander swung at him. The young demon was getting quite good, which was vital to his survival. Although becoming a demon had slightly improved his health, it brought along a host of drawbacks. There would be other demons after him now, ones that fed on Raphe, or simply wanted the challenge of catching one. Oz didn't want to see Xander die even younger than he would have if he'd stayed human.

"Did I get you?" Xander asked as he slowed down. Oz shook his head. "Damn!"

"You're anticipating it too much," Oz commented. "Stop hesitating. Look and swing."

Xander nodded and backed up the hall to try again. This time Oz varied his movement, rushing Xander from the other side and jumping straight at him. A sharp pain in his side told him that Xander had succeeded.

"How about.are you ok?" Xander asked, watching Oz hold his side.

"Yeah. Even the soft ones hurt a little," Oz explained. Xander looked contrite.

"You should wear padding, or we should quit this. I'm not going to keep hurting you."

Oz reached over and took the mace, setting it down on the floor. "You have to learn," He said. Xander shook his head, but Oz wouldn't budge. "Look." He lifted his shirt, showing that there wasn't even a bruise forming where the weapon had hit.

Xander ran his hand down the smooth skin, looking for any sign that he'd marred it. Sure enough, it was perfect, disturbed only by the winding tattoo that crept along Oz's body. After a moment, he remembered where they were and stepped back. "How about some lunch before we finish?"

"Sure. Hamburgers again?" Oz asked as they walked down the stairs.

"You know it," Xander said jokingly. "I'm gonna have to go on supplements."

"You should just eat the"

"No. I'd rather drink the protein shakes," Xander insisted, referring to the weightlifting supplements that Wesley had gotten for him. It was difficult for Xander to get everything he needed while still avoiding his natural diet, but they were working on it. No one really blamed him for wanting to avoid insects if he could find something else to consume.

"Ok," Oz said, shrugging. Whatever made Xander happy. He wouldn't be too thrilled with the bug thing either.

When they got to the kitchen, they found Fred and Wesley searching the fridge. "You did go to the market, Xander, like you were supposed to?" Wesley asked. "I was sure there would be more food, chocolate at the very least, but all I can find is a massive amount of blood and some sour milk."

Xander grinned nervously. "Oops?" Oz rolled his eyes and grabbed the van keys.

"We'll be back in a couple of hours. Xander's got some hamburgers in the freezer," He said, dragging Xander out behind him, protesting the entire way.


When Angel went to feed Wil again, he found the vampire both awake and aware. "Back already?"

Angel grinned. "It's been the entire day, Wil. You need to feed again."

Wil rolled his eyes. "I suppose."

"As if it's a hardship," Angel retorted. He unbuttoned the top few buttons on his shirt and leaned over Wil, placing his throat right on the vampire's lips. Wil nuzzled him briefly before sinking in.

Once again Angel found himself pulled under, intoxicated by the bite. He swayed but managed to keep his balance, even with his vision blurring. Frantic to keep his composure, he closed his eyes. It did help a little, steadying him some.

Wil released him a couple of minutes later, noting the flush and dazed expression on Angel's face. He knew that it affected his Sire, but was surprised to see how much. He obediently opened his mouth for what he hoped would be one of the last doses of the disgusting medicine.

"You should take more," Angel said as Wil swallowed. He knew he was crazy, offering himself like that, tempting himself. Wil tried to shake his head, but Angel stopped him. Wil sighed softly as he reopened the just-closed wounds, reveling in the lifeblood of his Sire trickling into mouth.

Angel didn't realize he had started moaning until Wil pulled away, startled. "Angel?" He backed up suddenly, embarrassed by his lack of control.

"I'm sorry, Wil. I should go," Angel said, rushing toward the door.


Angel turned back to Wil. "What?"

"No, you shouldn't go," Wil said.

"I should," Angel insisted. "I can't."

"You can't what?" Wil pushed.

"You know what it's like, Wil," Angel growled. He must know; after all, when they shared a bed Angel often fed off Wil to elicit just that reaction.

"Yes, I do. But I don't see why you should go," He replied.

"It's not right, I want to."

"Why don't you?" Wil asked.

Angel's head shot back up. "What? Wil, you're bedridden, I can't"

"Take care of yourself?" Wil interjected. "Wasn't that what you were going to go do anyway?" Angel's expression told him that he was planning to do just that. "You can do that just as easily here, can't you?"

Angel stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Or am I not good enough to even watch you wank yourself?" Wil asked harshly.

Angel grimaced. That wasn't what he thought, not at all. "It's not that, Wil. I."

"You have a serious kink deficit in your life, that's what," Wil said. "Now, come over here, strip down, and drape yourself over that chair. I want a show and you're conveniently turned on." When Angel just kept staring, jaw agape, Wil got serious. "Now, Angel."

Angel snapped his mouth shut and complied, pulling off his shirt as he walked over to the bed. "No, slower. I said I wanted a show," Wil chided. Angel frowned for a moment, then stepped back a little, running his hands down his body until he reached his belt. The strap of leather slid oh-so-slowly out of the belt loops, making a soft hissing sound. Once it was free, Angel let it slither to the floor. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants but left them on as he turned around to prop his shoe on the dresser, giving Wil a nice view of his tight ass. Once his shoe was untied, Angel repeated the procedure with the other. Wil was clearly appreciative of his efforts. That done, Angel toed off the shoes and pulled his socks off before returning to his trousers. He slid them to the floor, catching his boxers with them on the way down. Once he was naked, Angel did as Wil requested and draped his body over the chair next to the bed, giving the blonde a very intimate view of his body. He hooked one leg over a chair arm, opening himself up to Wil's perusal.

"Touch yourself," Wil commanded. Angel leaned back a little and ran one hand up a thigh to his cock, which lay thick and flushed against his belly. He ran a finger up the length and around the head, smearing the fluids there. His other hand reached lower, rolling his balls around, making him bite his lip to keep a moan in. He looked over at Wil, caught off-guard by the intensity of that gaze.

"Hold yourself, tightly," Wil asked, watching avidly as Angel cupped himself and squeezed, putting delicious pressure on his balls. He wrapped his other hand around his shaft, also squeezing tight. The pressure made him squirm a little, and Wil's gaze heated him up more.

"There's lube in the drawer," Wil said. "Stretch yourself," He ordered. After a moment, Angel reached over for the lube. If Wil wanted to watch him do that, fine. He covered two fingers and reached down. Wil's voice stopped him. "No, like I do it."

Angel looked back up at Wil. He changed the angle of his hand, gentling the push of his fingers and circling them more in the manner that Wil did when he topped Angel. It was surreal, watching Wil watch Angel imitating him. The strange mirror-like atmosphere heightened his senses, making the gentle stretching even more erotic.

"Use another finger," Wil said hoarsely. Angel added a second finger, scissoring them just like Wil did. It made him groan and clamp his hand down on his cock. "Don't come," Wil warned softly.

Angel nodded, never breaking their gaze. He continued to fuck himself with his fingers, brushing his prostate with teasing little strokes like Wil did it. If he let his mind wander just a little, he could almost feel Wil doing this to him; his thick fingers became Wil's slender ones as the space between them shrank to mere inches.

"Another," Wil commanded. Angel pushed a third finger inside himself, groaning at being filled in such a way. "Another," Wil said a moment later. Angel shifted a little and used another finger, trying to adjust to the awkward angle. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to regain some control, but he felt Wil's eyes burning into him. When he opened his eyes, he found that blue-gold stare pinning him.

"Faster, and use your hand," Wil said. Angel began to thrust his fingers more quickly, working himself on them. He also began to jerk himself off, using as close an approximation to Wil's loose-fingered grip as he could do. He began to pant, feeling lightening crackle down his spine.

"Harder, Angel," Wil whispered. Angel watched as his childe's eyes flashed gold and inhuman ridges accented his brow. It was just enough and he arched off the chair, crying out as his orgasm took him.

When he looked at Wil again the blonde was still in gameface, watching Angel's come drip down his stomach. Angel picked up a discarded sock and wiped himself clean. He crouched down next to Wil, who inhaled deeply, as though feeding off Angel's fulfilled arousal. "You?"

Wil's eyes widened. Angel reached beneath the covers, finding Wil achingly hard and weeping profusely. It wouldn't take much to bring him off, only a stroke or two. He moved his hand, watching as Wil's eyes rolled back in his head. His body was unnaturally still due to the medication, but it was obvious he felt the ecstasy. Angel waited for Wil's eyes to open, but after a couple of minutes realized that the blonde had fallen asleep, drained by the exertion. He cleaned Wil up and tucked him back into bed. Angel would need a shower before he lay down next to the invalid.

Part 28:

"Stop making that face. This is the last dose," Angel said as Wil took the last of his medicine. The blonde grimaced as the stuff slid down his throat. He complained about the taste of the medication, but it worked. He could tell that his bones were pretty much knitted together and that all the soft tissue damage was repaired. Wil was very hopeful that once the paralyzing side effects of the drug wore off, he'd be able to stand up and walk around. Even if it took a couple more days, it would still be better than when he was stuck in a wheelchair for months, waiting for his back to heal.

He grinned as Angel pulled open his shirt, perhaps for the last time. When the dark vampire leaned over to let Wil feed, he refrained from immediately biting. Instead he ran his tongue down the vein, pressing gently. He could feel the blood there, fresh from when Angel had fed just a few minutes before. Wil dragged his lips along the same path as his tongue, relishing the tiny tremors he sensed. "Wil," Angel growled.

Wil fastened his lips on a spot right over the vein and sucked hard for several seconds before morphing into gameface and sinking his fangs into his Sire's throat. He purposefully drew out the exchange, sipping slowly and massaging the tender area with his tongue. By the time he'd drunk his fill, Angel was a whimpering mess.

"You know you'll suffer later for that, don't you?" Angel muttered as he buttoned his shirt. Wil just grinned.

"You'd threaten the wounded? Shame on you, Angel," He said.

"Get some sleep, childe. I have work to do," Angel replied, watching as Wil fell asleep right before his eyes. He couldn't wait until the medicine was no more and Wil stayed awake for more than a few minutes at a time.

When he got downstairs, the entire gang was waiting for him. "Can't you make him a bottle or something? That takes forever!" Cordelia whined. "We've got to go, now!"

"What's with her? She's usually not this worked up over anything less than a shoe sale," Angel asked Wesley.

"I heard that, mister, and you're going to pay for it later," Cordelia snarled.

"Demons plotting to blow up the mall," Wesley replied.

Angel smiled. "See?"

"During a sale period," Oz continued. Angel began to look really smug. "With thousands of people crowded in the place." Angel's face fell.


Cordelia gave him a pointed glare. "I really hate being the butt of all your shallow-girl jokes, Angel, and I'm gonna tell Wil about it when he gets better and you actually let us see him."

Oh shit. "That'll be awhile," Angel said, lying a little.

"Can we go?" Gunn asked, impatient to get started. "The demons aren't going to wait for us to resolve our little personality clashes."


Cordelia was filing her nails at the desk the next evening when Wil walked into the office. The second she saw him, she jumped up. "Wil!" She ran over to help him sit down.

"I'm fine, Delia," Wil said, fending her off. He really was fine. Oh, it would be a week or so before he was back in top fighting condition, but he was already stronger than the average human and quite steady on his feet.

"Does Angel know you're up?" She asked worriedly. "Because he's been pretty protective of you."

Wil rolled his eyes. "How did you figure that out? Besides the fact that I saw you and the others for no more than five minutes a day, total, for the past two weeks?"

She grinned. "He felt responsible and wanted to take care of you."

Wil returned the smile. "And he did a bloody good job of it. But I'm better now."

"Good, because we're busy," She said. "And you can just start filing the paperwork from the last four jobs."

Wil took the huge stack of papers and went over to the filing cabinets. Settling down at the small desk there, he began the task of sorting out receipts and notes. After a few minutes he was so frustrated by Xander's handwriting he was about to offer to either take dictation or hire a secretary just to decipher it.

When Gunn, Xander and Fred returned, they found Wil swearing over the filing and Cordelia mopping up a cup of coffee she'd spilled. "Wil? You're up?" Xander asked disbelievingly.

"I'm beginning to wish I weren't, whelp. Come here," Wil said. When Xander arrived, he thrust several papers in front of him. "Did you see fourteen ice green cones, forty-five Martin Sheen clones or thirty milky scones?"

Xander stared down at the paper. "Four fries, two hamburgers and a coke," He translated.

Spike dropped his head into his hands. "Shoot me, please."

"Nah, that's too easy," Xander replied. "Where's Angel? I figured that he'd be here if you were out of bed."

"Angel, Oz and Wesley are checking out that book store across town," Cordelia said. "They'll be back any time."

Sure enough, before Xander had even gotten comfortable, the rest of the gang came home.

"Fred! I found a copy of the Matrix Murinus!" Wesley shouted, waving a thick text high in the air.

Fred smiled weakly. "Well, there goes the weekend."

"Wil?" Angel whispered, seeing the blonde sitting in the office.

Wil was beginning to get a bit put out at everyone's surprise at his recovery. "I'm fine, Angel, but I'm tired of lying in bed all day doing nothing."

Angel nodded, not wanting to upset an obviously touchy Wil. He thought it might have to do with the papers he was waving around. "Hungry?"

Wil nodded, so Angel went downstairs to heat up some blood. Meanwhile, the others dumped more paperwork on Cordelia's desk and split up to entertain themselves. When Angel returned, he found Wil alone in the office, much more relaxed.

The blonde accepted the huge mug of blood from Angel, amused that his Sire was trying to fatten him up. After he drained the mug, he set it down by Angel's and stood. "I think I'll go upstairs now. It's been a long day," He said, yawning a little.

When he reached the stairs, he turned back to Angel. "You're coming, aren't you?" After a moment, Angel got up to follow.


Wil hadn't even made it fully into the room before Angel started to pick him up. He opened his mouth to complain that he was more than capable of taking care of himself, but stopped when he realized that Angel's intent wasn't to baby him. The dark vampire was pulling at his clothes, nipping along his neck.

This didn't bother Wil one bit. He returned the favor, disrobing Angel slowly. When they were finally unclothed, Angel pushed Wil toward the bed, knocking both of them off balance so they fell upon it. Wil immediately rolled on top of Angel, kissing him deeply. By the time he pulled away, Angel had stilled under him, focused entirely on the kiss. Wil smiled softly and reached for the night stand.

Angel made to move, but Wil stopped him with a look. The older vampire lay back, waiting to see what Wil had planned. The blonde slicked up a finger with the lube he'd retrieved and reached between Angel's legs, painting random lines of cool gel here and there. "You did fairly well, but you didn't get the technique quite right," Wil said. Angel shuddered at the memory of their last encounter, where Wil had watched him pleasure himself.

Wil stroked and pushed a finger just inside Angel's body, twisting it slightly. A moment later he pushed farther in, finding and pressing on Angel's prostate. "I move more slowly than you, but deeper," Wil said, easing a second gelled finger into Angel's body. Angel watched him with hot eyes as the blonde began to scissor his fingers and twist them inside his body. After several more torturous minutes, Wil added a third finger, also cool and slick.

"Bend a little more at the knuckle, like this," Wil tutored, simultaneously demonstrating. By this time Angel was writhing, wondering when Wil would decide he was stretched enough to be fucked. The time hadn't come, though, because instead of withdrawing, Wil inserted a fourth finger. Angel felt incredibly full and unusually hot, due to the constant pressure on his prostate.

Wil watched Angel's eyes close as he pressed further into his body. Once Angel had adjusted to the fourth finger, Wil twisted and folded his hand, making room for his thumb. Angel's eyes flew open comically wide as Wil's fist slid into his body. "Wil."

The blonde kept pushing until his entire hand was encased in tight flesh. Angel panted, wanting Wil to do something, move or speak or anything. Wil stared at Angel, willing him to calm down. Once he was, Wil began to move his hand. Angel's eyes rolled back into his head as he felt unbelievable pain/pleasure race through his body. Then Wil began to open his fist a little, spreading his fingers as he moved.

Angel screamed a high, keening sound that rang off the walls. Wil reached over and caught his ejaculate in his mouth as Angel climaxed hard. Once the dark vampire's muscles had relaxed, Wil carefully extracted his hand, soothing Angel's shudders with the other. Once Angel had stopped shaking, Wil moved up to lie next to him.

It was several minutes before Angel recovered enough to reach over for Wil. He pulled the blonde close, holding him against his body. Wil tucked his head into the crook of Angel's neck and sighed. He was aroused, almost unbearably so, but knew that it might be a long time before Angel decided to do anything about it. A tremor raced through the dark vampire every once in a while as his body came down.

Eventually, though, Angel nudged Wil's head and bent down to drop nibbling kisses along his jaw line. Wil squirmed, trying to get closer. Other than the feedings and a touch here and there, he'd been deprived of contact for almost two months-ever since before being sucked through the portal. He knew that it had been far longer for Angel, who had spent five months alone before he got back.

Angel released Wil briefly as he moved to sit up against the wall behind the bed. He pulled Wil back against him, cradling his childe in his lap. Wil leaned back against Angel's chest, reveling in the feel of his Sire's hands roaming over his body, pinching and tickling here and there, never resting on one spot for more than a few seconds.

His earlier release had been shattering, so Angel felt no hurry this time. The weight of Wil's body was a pleasant ache against his growing erection, and the scent of Wil's arousal brought a smile to his face. When the blonde squirmed to press himself into Angel's hands, he grinned. Perhaps it was time to pay Wil back for some of the torturing he'd done while he was bedridden. He reached for the lube Wil had discarded as he pushed his closed legs between Wil's and spread them open, exposing his lover to his hands.

Wil moaned softly at the first touch of Angel's hands. The moan deepened to a plaintive growl as one strong finger breached his hole, working its way inside. "But you like what I do, don't you, Wil?" Angel murmured into Wil's ear. "Faster and a little harder," He said, punctuating his words by adding another finger and pushing roughly against Wil's prostate. The blonde arched back, panting, as Angel opened his body.

Angel laughed silently at his childe's writhing. Withdrawing his fingers, he coated his erection. Placing a hand on either side of Wil's waist, he lifted his childe off his lap. "Wil." He murmured, waiting for the blonde to complete the implicit command.

After a moment, Wil reached down, positioning Angel at his hole. Angel lowered him slowly, enjoying each centimeter of Wil's body as it encased him. The tight, cool flesh was always a welcome surprise. Each time he entered Wil, he marveled at how perfect this could feel.

Wil collapsed again, laying the full weight of his upper body back onto Angel. It had been far too long since their last coupling. Once his body had adjusted to the intrusion, he shifted a little, hoping that Angel would move.

Instead of thrusting, Angel lifted one of Wil's legs, bending it so that Wil was kneeling on it. He repeated the maneuver with the other leg, giving Wil the leverage to move himself. The blonde caught on immediately, lifting himself almost all the way off Angel before sinking back down. Both vampires hissed at the sensation of flesh dragging along flesh.

Once Wil had begun a steady, if slow, rhythm, Angel wrapped one arm around his waist. The other arm slid lower, crossing his groin and pinning his leaking cock to his stomach. Leaning his head forward a little, Angel captured the side of Wil's throat with his mouth. He felt the blonde quake when he shifted into gameface and thrilled to the low cry he gave out when Angel's fangs just pierced the surface of his skin. He let his fangs go a bit deeper, just touching the vein there. Every movement Wil made rubbed the vein against Angel's fangs, teasing both of them.

Wil waited for Angel to finish the bite, to take what was by rights his, just as he was taking Wil's body. He tightened himself around Angel, sliding up and pausing before relaxing and lowering himself. He shuddered as Angel's cock pushed against his prostate, sending lightening up his spine again. Still Angel hovered just short of the bite. Wil could feel that ecstasy so close and grew impatient with his lover, so he jerked upward suddenly, impaling himself on Angel's fangs.

Angel grinned around Wil's neck as his lover lost control and finished it for him. He held on carefully, just nicking the vein. He wanted this to last a long time, to show Wil just what all those feedings felt like. So instead of drawing deeply of his childe's sweet blood, he shifted his fangs a little and lapped up what ran freely from the wounds. So long as he kept worrying the punctures occasionally, blood would flow in a steady trickle for hours, or as long as they could stand it.

Wil convulsed when he felt Angel's fangs breach the vein and begin to draw out his blood. He welcomed the almost painful bliss they brought, the craving for completion. Angel wasn't pulling hard, drawing his blood away in deep swallows like he normally did. Instead, he was sipping slowly, dragging out the bite. So instead of being hurled into climax, he was being floated on a razor's edge, not quite able to go over into completion.

The blonde began to move faster, working himself on Angel's cock at a feverish pace. The bite drove him along, its tantalizing pleasure consuming him. He lost sight of everything but climax, needing it even as he lost sight of the end. Angel continued to drink gently of his childe, allowing Wil to ride him however he wished. He knew that Wil wouldn't find orgasm like this, not with the way he was drawing out his blood, nor with his cock pinned against his body and receiving almost no stimulation. The blonde wouldn't find reprieve until Angel granted it to him.

Wil's hands scrabbled along Angel's body and the bed, looking for purchase. He grasped onto the blanket under him, using the bed to push himself harder. Harsh panting and the slide of his body against Angel's were the only sounds in the room as Wil struggled toward the bliss that eluded him. He wasn't far from begging, if he could find his voice.

"Sire." Angel oriented on the choked voice. Wil was obviously near the breaking point, his body shuddering and quaking. He didn't want to hurt the newly healed vampire, nor did he want to emotionally torture him. Moving his arm so that he could fist Wil's cock, Angel drove his fangs deep, giving Wil what he craved.

A high, unearthly scream filled the air as Wil froze, his face contorted in a rictus of absolute pleasure, his body frozen as every nerve sang at once. Just seeing Wil like that brought Angel to his own shuddering climax. He withdrew his fangs just before it hit, letting his head fall back against the wall as he thrust up into his lover.

Part 29:

Oz was just settling down with a good book when Xander flopped down on the bed. The Raphe had been fiddling with some daggers on the dresser, shortly after rearranging Oz's CD collection. Now he was lying next to the werewolf, staring at him intently. It was unnerving.

"What?" Oz murmured, trying to pay attention to his book.

Xander grinned. "Nothing."

Oz rolled his eyes. "Fine."

A minute later, his book disappeared. Xander had plucked it out of his hands and tossed it across the room. He looked over at the demon in frustration, but what he saw stopped his rebuke. Whereas a moment before Xander's expression had been mischievous, now it was fierce. He leaned back as Xander crawled over him, slithering up his body to press him down against the bed.

Xander enjoyed feeling Oz shiver as he ran his tongue along the base of his neck, licking away traces of salt from his skin. He kneaded his hands into Oz's shoulders, pressing hard. The werewolf arched up, then lay back, trying not to respond.

"Xander," Oz began warningly. He had been holding off on initiating a more intimate level of their relationship, wanting to wait until Xander had a better grasp on what he was. Oz, of all people, knew what could happen if you didn't have a full appreciation of what you were capable of. His ignorance had almost cost Tara her life.

Xander growled warningly. "Tired of waiting, Oz."

"They're together, aren't they? Is he feeding again?" Oz asked. Xander's ability to control his empathic tendencies was improving, but he still picked up on the slightest surge of sexual energy. They both figured it was due to his age. Because of that, Oz was even more hesitant to start having sex at this point; he was never sure if Xander was responding to him or to his surroundings.

Xander clawed his hands down Oz's shirt. "I want to. NOW!"

Oz braced his hands against Xander and pushed him over to one side. Before the faster demon could grab him again, Oz got off the bed and walked out the door, heading for the lobby. He couldn't stand it; he craved contact with Xander like a drug, but he was afraid for him. The boy could easily wake up the morning after and run, blaming the whole thing on the influence of other people's hormones.

Xander chased after Oz. He knew what the werewolf was thinking. While it was true that the initial push was from the guys upstairs, the drive was his own. He'd been going crazy the past few weeks, waiting for Oz to do something-anything at all.

"Oz! Wait up!" Xander called out, following Oz through the lobby and down to where his van was parked.

"No," Oz said flatly. "I'm going out."

Xander ran in front of him and leaned against the driver's side door. It wouldn't stop a determined werewolf, but it might buy him some time. "This isn't about them, Oz."

Oz cocked an eyebrow. "It isn't? Then why do you only start when they do?"

Xander grimaced. "It's hard to explain, but it's not just because they're together right now, ok?"

Oz shook his head. "I can't just stay around here right now, Xan. Move."

Xander stepped away from the door. "Let me prove it?"

"How?" Oz asked as he got into the van.

"Take me with you. I won't be around them or anyone if you'd prefer. Then we'll see," Xander replied.

Oz didn't like it much, but it was better than the current situation. "Fine."

Xander restrained a shout and hopped into the passenger seat. Before long they were on the highway, heading for nowhere in particular. "Where are we going?"

Oz looked out the window. "Elsewhere."

"Um, ok," Xander replied, shrugging. If Oz wanted to be cryptic, fine by him.

They drove for more than an hour, Xander staring out the side window as the dusty scenery whizzed by. He dozed a little and jerked awake when they turned off the main road, onto a gravel path. Oz drove them several miles down it before turning again. Xander couldn't see the highway, or anything else for that matter. Still Oz kept driving, until Xander was completely lost. He couldn't even see the faint glow of Los Angeles from here.

"Where are we?" Xander asked as Oz pulled the van to a halt. They were at the base of a tall rock formation, which looked ominous in the pale moonlight.

Oz shrugged. "I come out here to run sometimes," he replied. It was a good place to let the wolf slip a little; no one lived nearby and the only traffic was a power company guy that checked the transmission lines once in a while. He'd never actually encountered anyone else out here.

"Cool," Xander said, walking around the van. He paused next to Oz for a moment, wondering just how they'd go about this. His feelings for Oz hadn't changed on the drive, but the situation and what had been said sort of put a damper on his 'want to jump Oz now' feelings.

Oz opened the back of his van and pulled out a soft, old blanket. Tucking it under one arm, he shut the van door and started walking along the rock formation. Xander hurried to follow him as they wound their way between boulders and small scrub bushes.

It took another half-hour to get to where Oz wanted to be. On the far side of the ridge was a shallow recess carved into the rocks. He liked to sit there during the heat of the day, protected from the burning sun yet still outside, where the wolf wasn't clawing at the walls. When they reached the cave, Oz spread the blanket on a waist-high rock inside it. Xander propped his head on Oz's shoulder, looking around curiously. "Neat place."

"Yeah," Oz murmured. He felt Xander's awkwardness and saw the same within himself. Steeling himself for whatever happened, Oz turned around, loosely wrapping his arms around Xander's waist.

Xander took advantage of the moment, leaning down to kiss Oz as soon as he was within reach. As soon as Oz began to respond, Xander deepened the kiss, tasting Oz's wild, exotic flavor. In the back of his mind, he felt the werewolf's arousal shimmer and grow, but he studiously ignored it. If Oz wanted this to be about only what he felt, so be it.

Oz brought his hands around to run them under Xander's shirt, digging his fingers into whipcord muscles. Xander arched against him, demanding more. He complied, turning them so that Xander was pressed against the blanketed rock. Soon they were grinding against each other, breathless moans drifting down to the ground below them.

Xander closed his eyes against the night sky, trying desperately to isolate his mind. The more excited they got, the harder it was to differentiate what he felt from what Oz did. He couldn't help it; whenever he touched Oz he felt an echo of the caress on his own body. Whenever Oz did something to arouse him, it doubled back in his mind, ringing loudly along his nerves. When the werewolf palmed his erection through his jeans, he nearly jumped out of his skin.

Oz grinned at the low groan Xander released when he rubbed his hand against the demon's cock. He didn't seem to be having any problems at the moment, so Oz pushed things a bit further, starting to unfasten Xander's clothes. To his surprise, Xander returned the favor, stripping the werewolf with amazing ease and familiarity.

When Oz pushed on Xander's shoulder to turn him around, the boy paused for a moment. It was clear what happened next, but until now Xander hadn't given it as much thought as others might have thought. The small tube of lube in Oz's hand brought him back to reality rather quickly. "You remembered that?" He asked incredulously.

Oz just cocked an eyebrow. Of course he remembered it. Then again, he always had some in the van. It paid to be prepared. He nudged Xander's shoulder again and the demon turned around, leaning against his arms on the rock. Oz pushed a leg between Xander's, making him step apart. Once he had Xander opened to his liking, Oz opened the tube and drizzled the cold stuff into the crevice of Xander's ass, making him yelp.

"Cold!" Xander squeaked. Oz smirked. Once he'd finished with the lube, Oz ran a finger down the trail he'd just made, letting Xander get used to being touched. His breath puffed warmly against Xander's shoulder as he brushed and pressed the demons' tight hole.

Xander shuddered and jerked under the gentle caress. It was better than he'd been expecting, but it was also taking a lot longer. He twitched when a finger pushed inside him, going in easier than he'd thought it would but still feeling odd. He was just getting used to the one finger when another joined it, pushing against him. He winced against a twinge of pain but said nothing.

Oz caught the scent of pain and anxiety warring for dominance with arousal and slowed down a bit, twisting his hand to find Xander's prostate. He'd wanted to hold off on doing that, since it was obvious that Xander was very easily aroused. He wanted this to last, not be over before it started.

Xander yelped, and then hummed in appreciation as whatever Oz changed about his method put sparks behind his eyes. So that's why guys did this. Hello, prostate. Man, if Anya'd known about this, he'd still be in Sunnydale. Pushing that thought aside, Xander moved back to press Oz's fingers harder against that wonderful little spot. This was far better than anything he'd ever done before. A tight, pulsing ecstasy crept through his body, alternately tensing and releasing his muscles.

Oz wondered idly if Xander had any idea how wanton he looked, bent over a rock while thrusting back against his hand like that? The low moans and occasional 'more' didn't hurt the picture he made one bit. Oz pushed a third finger in, pleased that Xander didn't even tense up when he did so. Perhaps this part wouldn't take all night.

Xander whimpered as Oz's fingers disappeared from his ass. Damn, he wished they'd thought of this a long time ago-coming out to the middle of nowhere. They could have been having fun for weeks now. When he felt the push of Oz's blunt cock at his hole, he pushed back encouragingly. Anything that made the burning, rushing pleasure return was fine by him.

Oz watched Xander carefully as he pushed inside. The dark boy was a true virgin; he'd never had more than a finger inside his ass before tonight. Because of that he was startlingly tight. Despite the resistance Oz encountered, Xander didn't complain. Hells, he pushed back more, sinking himself on Oz's cock with an eagerness the werewolf wasn't anticipating. The deep, throaty moan Xander released encouraged Oz to thrust forward, pushing his erection the rest of the way inside.

Xander's eyes nearly crossed as Oz shoved himself right over his new most favorite place on or in his entire body. He was incredibly full, but the searing feeling was more than welcome. Xander leaned farther forward, opening himself more to Oz.

The werewolf looked down at the graceful curve of Xander's back, following the s-curve of his spine up and over the cheeks of his ass to where Oz's cock was shoved up inside his hole. Xander was moaning and pushing back against him, practically begging him to move. Taking a firm grip on the demon's hips, Oz rocked forward, then back, gently moving himself inside Xander. Despite his lover's enthusiasm, he could be easily hurt at this point.

"Ozzzz...." Xander moaned, laying his head down on the covered rock. "Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods." He pushed back against Oz, riding the werewolf for all he was worth. Each movement sent shivers up his spine and down his aching, leaking cock. When he could actually form a thought, he was amazed at how close to coming he was without having even a hand on his erection.

Oz redoubled his efforts, pushing into Xander faster, although without any more force. The flesh surrounding him was tight and feverishly hot, drawing him in and wringing him dry. He was so close, but kept holding off, wanting to be aware enough to enjoy Xander's orgasm. To that end he twisted his hips just so, grinding his cock against Xander's prostate with almost cruel pressure.

Xander's head whipped back and a high, unearthly scream was ripped from his throat as he bucked and convulsed against the supporting rock. Pleasure, almost to the point of being pain, slammed into him again and again. He almost choked on it, gagging on the very air he breathed.

Oz watched as Xander spasmed and howled into the night sky. The screams went from simply mindless to truly terrifying-no sound a human had ever made. They kept pouring out of his throat, an ululating litany of shrieks and wails. The sound made the werewolf howl and leap at Oz's soul and he pulled Xander back as he thrust forward, sinking himself deep inside as he came. Unlike Xander, no sound came out of his mouth as he climaxed, a mirror image of his still-crying lover. Exhausted beyond belief, Oz finally collapsed against Xander, who was draped over the blanketed rock like a thrown-aside rag doll.

When Oz finally roused, he pulled away from Xander very slowly, not wanting to cause him even a moment's pain. He looked down at his lover, eyes bugging out at the emerging pattern on his back. Shit. He'd forgotten about that. Raphe demons didn't develop their characteristic stripes until sexual initiation. It was probably good they were out here, in case Xander couldn't immediately learn to control them so that they would fade on command. Speaking of the young demon, he was still out cold and gasping for air. Oz gently ran a hand down his back, rousing him from his stupor.

Xander groaned as he regained consciousness. A delicious ache permeated his body and his skin itched pleasantly. Rolling over, he opened his eyes to see Oz, similarly pleased-looking, staring back at him.

"You ok?" Oz asked softly.

"Mmm hmm," Xander hummed. Why was Oz peering at him like that? The werewolf raised a tentative hand and traced his fingers across Xander's cheek. "What?"

"Stripes are a good look on you," Oz commented wryly.

Xander blinked. Oh hell. He'd completely forgotten about that. He hoped the meditation stuff worked on them, too. Otherwise he'd be concocting some wild stories about Tijuana, tequila, and a pretty girl who'd assured him that whole-body tattoos were incredibly sexy. " everything ok?"

Oz nodded. "Yeah, for the moment, anyway. We may have a problem later, though."

Xander frowned. "Why?"

Oz jumped up on their rock and sat down, staring up at the stars. "You're a screamer. Big time screamer. The neighbors will complain," He said. After a beat, he continued. "In San Francisco."

Xander blushed a bright red, making his new stripes turn almost black from their normal medium brown. "You're kidding, right?"

Oz just cocked an eyebrow.



Parts 30, 31, 32 & 33

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