Night of Nights
by Sajinn

Part 71:

"Wow. It's so... dark," Xander commented in hushed tones. He and Spike were standing on the deck, staring out at the inky ocean and equally black night sky. Spike agreed with Xander; he'd not seen the sky so dark since the advent of electricity. "Beautiful..."

"Yeah," Spike murmured, leaning closer to Xander's warm body. Night was his time; vampires thrived in the Stygian atmosphere of after-sunset, moving freely as they stalked warm-blooded prey. Nights like these, however, actually made Spike glad he was a vampire. Yes, Xander saw a certain beauty in the velvety, stark darkness. Spike, however, could discern much more. Pale moonlight glinting off waves became an electric light show. Stars spun and danced along the horizon, beckoning him. The devil's-heart blackness called to him, a seductive violin yearning for his footsteps in a fool's dance.

Xander felt something change in the man beside him. Spike did nothing, said nothing. However, in one moment, Xander went from relaxed to tense, from calm to alert. It was as though Spike's demon was suddenly just below the surface and the vampire was going hunting. That realization didn't scare Xander; his body reacted as a lover's would, melting against Spike in a blatant offering.

Spike pressed Xander back against the railing, trapping the young man with his arms. He rolled his hips, finding that Xander was in the same state as he, thick and heavy with arousal. The vampire dragged still-blunt teeth along Xander's neck, across a fine jaw line and around one ear. "You know what I am," He hissed, shifting into gameface. "Who I am."

Xander choked out a hopefully-affirmative noise, not completely capable of speaking at the moment. Spike's mouth was doing sinful things to his neck, and the blonde's cock was grinding into his, making Xander see color in the pale stars above him. He wanted Spike to bite, to bring into focus this almost-ecstasy.

"You let me touch you," Spike whispered softly, "Knowing I could kill you as easily as pleasure you." Sharper fangs danced like lace over the shell of his ear and down, lower, tapping his jugular with every thumping heartbeat. Spike thrust against Xander, growling as heat from the boy's arousal permeated his coldness. He could feel Xander's erection, blood-hot and straining, wanting... Each denim-covered stroke of their bodies pushed that heat further, drove Spike higher.

"I can hear your blood dancing, begging me to swim in it. It wants me, Xander. Inside, owning, taking..." Spike punctuated each word with a brush of fangs against skin, never soothing those sharp caresses with tongue or lips. Xander's harsh, erratic breaths were music; the wash of pheromones and drumbeat pulse told Spike that the boy was unbearably aroused by this moment. That pleased Spike, for he was at the edge of climax, pushed there by Xander's heated capitulation to Spike's claim in the presence of the vampire's eternally shaded mistress.

"Your blood is mine, Xander," Spike declared, pushing harder, faster and with more purpose. "Given to me willingly." Xander's lips quivered as Spike outlined them with ivory, just barely making contact with warm skin.

Xander cried softly as his body capitulated; proving Spike's words by obeying the vampire's every unspoken command. Spike held him fast as he shuddered and jerked through a strange, intense orgasm that left him weak and naked. Xander's eyes opened in time to watch Spike's yellow ones go blank, the vampire's face a marble sculpture of heaven as his own pleasure tumbled down and shattered.

"S-seventy one," Xander gulped, letting Spike hold him up against the railing. He wasn't sure he could walk quite yet.

Part 72:

Xander and Spike glided through the cramped corridors of the ship with the grace and agility of drunken swallows. Their fellow passengers couldn't tell if the men were sick, stoned or sleepy--but everyone got out of the way of the blue-eyed man with the hunter's face.

They got back to their cabin without incident, slipping through the barely-opened door like thieves stealing inside. Spike crossed to the far side of the room, leaning against the wall. From there he could watch every move Xander made. The vampire couldn't help but stare; Xander held a beauty as immortal as Spike's own demon. Skin that would never pale, eyes forever warm and liquid. Spike was fascinated by Xander's warmth--not simply the obvious human presence of the boy, but the way that vibrant, living heat radiated from Xander's personality. This was a man, Spike knew, who would never be frozen. No matter what a cruel universe thrust at Xander, he would never know the frigid harshness that permeated Spike's own existence.

Xander stalked over to where Spike was standing, drawn by the intensity he saw in the vampire's eyes. He felt stripped naked, his armor obliterated by this creature in front of him. How did Spike do that, unmake him so easily? Xander stopped just in front of the blonde, almost-but-not-quite touching his lover. He wanted to reach out, to tear away the thin cotton that separated him from alabaster flesh. Wanted, but did not take...

Spike watched avidly as Xander came to him, drawn willingly along a thread of desire. The vampire's own excitement heightened when he saw the ever-present warmth that was Xander heighten into a blazing flame of lust. He could almost feel Xander's hands on him, heat and strong fingers tugging and pulling at his clothes. There was an order, not quite whispered, underneath the silent intensity of Xander's gaze. "Show me your body," It said, breathless words flying by his mind, "There is no one but us and I want to see you."

Xander followed the slippery progression of dark fabric as Spike removed his shirt, waiting until the garment landed softly on the floor before taking in what was presented to him. A sculpture in liquid marble, coolly heated by the vampire's eternal will to exist. Xander wanted more, needed to see Spike in his entirety. A classical masterpiece was his lover, and no Michelangelo wore Levi-Strauss denim.

Blue eyes never left brown as Spike lifted first one ankle and then the other, unlacing boots and kicking them off. Once bare feet were perched on threadbare carpet, he began to worm his way out of too-tight jeans, lifting his hips sinuously. Xander stood too still, unmoving as no human should ever be. Spike loved watching Xander move, to see his playful warmth in action, flowing like laughter given form.

Xander wondered if Spike had been born of some artist's creative mind, and then walked away when no one was looking. The human was so engrossed in taking in the sight of his lover that he almost missed the hunger in Spike's own eyes. Nakedness was most striking in solitude, and Spike hated being alone. Xander acquiesced, feeling the demon's eyes covering him as he removed his coverings. This was no striptease; shirt, shoes and the like were removed with utilitarian efficiency. Xander could tell that this wasn't about seduction--they had long since seduced each other so completely that there was nowhere else to go with that pretense.

Spike wished he could see the heat rising from Xander the way he felt it. Surely the boy was surrounded by a glowing halo of light; how could he not? The blonde felt it in waves as Xander stepped closer to him, drawn like a magnet. North and south became human and demon, forces brought together despite any effort to the contrary.

Then he stopped.

Xander braced himself on his hands, leaning over the smaller vampire. Mere centimeters separated them; the air that skated between their bodies was charged. Their bodies wanted to meet but could not, held back by suddenly steely self control. Spike settled flat against the wall, basking in the presence of this human. Xander's scent spread like fine perfume, obliterating the odors of stale sheets and staler food. The annoying hum of a living ship died away, leaving only a man and his demon.

Brown eyes met blue once again, words flickering between them without disturbing the noise of silence they'd created. "Touch me," Spike's skin pleaded, craving his lover with a hunger only demons could know. He was unbearably aroused, nerves singing and crying out. A single touch would suffice. Just one touch...

"When am I not touching you?" Xander's eyes replied, casually stroking Spike's fair skin with their gaze. "When are we apart?" He could feel Spike everywhere, touching but not touching. Xander's cock ached for his lover, his hands itched with the need to touch, his lips begged him to taste. His soul, however, was sated, for that part of Xander never stopped holding Spike close.

Spike's eyes flashed, yellow filtering through blue. "We are seraphim in a charnel house," They cried, "It is that light in our darkness that draws us near to each other. Draw me near, lover, for only your feathered wings may shield me."

"Surely you can feel me, for I am now where I always reside," Xander's heart whispered, "Or have you cast me out of your mind and spirit, to flounder in a world empty of you?"

Spike's demon blinked, realizing that the warm light that was wrapped around its mottled form was Xander. That illumination had settled in with the boy's presence and the demon never realized its significance. Sharp, keening happiness raced through Spike's form, releasing tensed muscles and frozen limbs. Relief triggered pleasure in a wash of surety and acceptance that Xander could actually see as it rippled across Spike's pale face.

The striking, fluid contact of Spike's orgasm called forth Xander's, though the young man somehow managed to maintain the distance between them throughout his own soul-shaking release. Never once did their eyes waver, even when both men were gasping for needed(unneeded) air and wondering if they would soon awaken alone, undone by this dream.


Part 73:

Spike woke to the sound of retching. He rolled out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, tripping over the shoes he'd left on the floor earlier. That had been when he'd gone through his and Xander's luggage, searching for the small medicine kit he was sure they'd packed.

Why? Because Xander was sick. A handful of hours before, the young man had woken up to the excruciating sensation of his intestines rebelling. He'd barely made the bathroom before the first wave of cramps hit, and since that time he'd spent four of every five hours on the commode, usually cowering over a small garbage can at the same time.

Spike had failed to find the medicine, but the cruise ship was well stocked with medicine for 'stomach flu', as they called it. Xander had been put on a strong dose of whatever they'd prescribed, along with as much Gatorade as he could keep down. Actually, Spike was a bit suspicious as to why the ship's crew was so well prepared for Xander's illness, but he said nothing. All his time was spent taking care of the poor boy.

Which brought Spike back to why he was stumbling out of bed. After five days of this illness, Xander had seemed a bit better. Therefore, they'd piled up in the bed, with the covers somewhere else. Xander was so warm from his sickness that he hated the idea of fabric over him. Spike's cool body became his personal air conditioner. However, at some point during the last few minutes, Xander must have gotten worse, since he was now in the bathroom again. Spike figured that the reason he didn't wake up immediately was that he was exhausted. After all, even demons needed sleep occasionally, and the last few days had been hell.

"Xan?" Spike whispered, leaning against the bathroom door. "Need more meds?"



"Wow, there really *is* a sky," Xander whispered as he walked out onto the deck. "I was beginning to have my doubts, you know."

Spike smiled weakly, trying to enjoy Xander's humor. The young man had spent the past two weeks pretty much incapacitated, taken down by what was probably a simple virus. The illness gave Spike more cause for worry than his lover's discomfort, however. The incident really hit home the fact that while Xander was now immortal, he wasn't invincible. His eternally young body could still get sick...or injured. Spike knew that such facts were just part of what they would have to go through to stay together, but that didn't make him feel any better.

Xander leaned against the railing, listening to the dim sounds of water and people. He could tell that Spike was subdued, probably because he'd been so sick. Xander knew he'd feel the same way if the situation had been reversed. However, the young man actually felt good and had a little energy. He didn't want to spend it being Spike's therapist, walking the vampire through the rougher aspects of associating with the vulnerable.

"So..." Xander murmured, counting stars, "I heard there was dancing tonight after dinner..."

"Ballroom dancing," Spike clarified. "Waltzes and the like."

Xander grinned. "Sounds great! Do we have anything to wear?"


"Here's hoping the music is better than the steak," Xander whispered as they wandered into the ballroom. His meal hadn't been anything to write home about, which was saying a lot when his recent illness was factored in. Spike had tried to eat a little, but found himself wishing there was a potted plant nearby he could use as a trashcan. He'd have thought of a dog under the table, but he had more respect for dogs than that.

Spike listened to the opening strains of the next song and offered his hand to Xander. The vampire led them through a waltz, followed by a tango. Dancing was something both men enjoyed, particularly after Spike taught Xander the more traditional ones. Xander was hell on wheels when it came to modern club dancing, but it took a classically educated demon to get him to appreciate more formal exercises.

"Have you noticed how you always lead?" Xander inquired as they floated across the dance floor. "I never get to."

"You don't know how to lead," Spike replied. "And if you tried, we'd end up in the water, the boiler room, or the kitchen."

Xander smiled ruefully. "Yeah, I know. might be fun sometime, just to try."

"And the next time we're dancing in the middle of a wide open place... say, a desert, you may lead to your heart's content," Spike conceded.

It was several minutes before Xander spoke again. "Do you think we could bribe the band to play the Time Warp Dance?"

Spike abruptly decided that it was time to return to their cabin.


"So..." Spike began as he ushered Xander into their cabin. "What do you want tonight?"

Xander shrugged. "Chocolate, a back rub, ten dancing gnomes in string bikinis..."

"Tell me you're joking," Spike replied fervently. "Lie if you have to."

Xander backed Spike into the bed, pushing the vampire down. "Yeah, joking," He murmured. "But there is something I would like..."


"A kiss," Xander said distractedly. He was focused on seeing if he could remove Spike's shirt with his teeth. "Maybe something else. Up to you, I'm good here."

Spike simply lay on the bed for a few minutes, letting Xander's mouth distract him. Warm skin snaking across his chest, nipping here and there. The vampire was almost content enough to let Xander continue as he was.


Xander felt Spike reach for his clothes, but found the blonde's seeking hands minimal distraction. He loved the way the flavour of Spike's skin bloomed on his tongue, like the steady roll of whisky across his palate. By the time he got Spike's shirt off, the vampire had him similarly disrobed. Cool lips touched him, searching for what he wanted.

Spike floated in a tangle of limbs and teeth, moaning as silk met satin, both covering rich blood. He wanted so much, nothing really. Just everything he could sink his fangs into, to hold on forever. Demonic ridges brushed against living warmth, but Xander just turned into the caress. Razor sharp ivory begged entry and was received. Blunt fingers dug into alabaster, clasping hardness, milking away lingering fear.

Spike tasted the first drop of blood and found nothing but his lovely boy. No lingering illness, no weakness--just that impossible happiness and strong thread of innocence. The second drop held lust, and the third affection. When Xander took him in hand, Spike returned the favor, even though the gesture was unneeded. Time drove them higher than hands could, the separation of illness more effective than any aphrodisiac.

When Xander lost himself, it was in Spike's arms. The young man held his vampire when Spike slipped away, keeping them together throughout. But Xander was tired, exhausted and in need of sleep. Spike cleaned them quickly and poured blankets over their bodies, knowing that sleep was all Xander needed.

"Seventy-three," Xander said sleepily, smiling into Spike's shoulder.

Spike just grinned.

Part 74:

"Ok, how did you arrange this?" Xander asked loudly, shouting to be heard over the whine of helicopter blades. Spike tightened his arms around the young man's shoulders, not completely confident in the nylon safety straps that held them in place.

"Money," Spike replied. It was nothing less than the truth; money could buy just about anything.

Xander watched as ink-and-snow water flew past them, reflections of the moon stretched into wavy gashes upon the undulating surface. He couldn't look behind them, but the boy could well imagine their cruise ship, shrinking rapidly as they sped toward land.

Spike inhaled deeply, scenting his lover in the cramped compartment. Though he wanted nothing more than to tear the boy's clothes off and sink himself inside giving warmth, the vampire was willing to wait. That sufferance was born of the sure knowledge that he would never tire of Xander, that the young man would never grow boring or common. Without the rush of needing to get his fill before one or the other of them left--through death or apathy--Spike found himself a patient man, for the first time in his life.

When the helicopter landed, Xander followed Spike to a small plane. He wanted to ask Spike where they were going, but there wasn't time. Soon they were in the air again, heading for... well, Xander seemed to recall the blonde mentioning Paraguay, so in the end, he decided that their destination was that country.

"You know, Spike, I'm beginning to get the whole vampire thing," Xander said as he stood next to Spike in front of a small hotel in Asunci�n. "Not the super eyesight thing, because Paraguay in the dark looks a lot like Venice in the dark...or Paris, or any other place we've been."

"What is it, then?" Spike inquired, thinking he'd done remarkably well at hiding his hurry. It was dark now, but the sun was begging for permission to rise and Spike wanted to get inside, strip Xander naked, and do evil things with him.

"Smell," Xander replied. "Humans smell impatiently, you know? We don't break things down. Old cooking oil, gasoline, coffee, stagnant water, and some kind of flower."

Spike smiled softly and nodded, gesturing for Xander to enter their hotel.


Xander slammed Spike against the window, letting the friction between vampiric skin and the curtains hold his lover up. Easily evading the blonde's hands, Xander sank to his knees.

Spike's jaw locked, muscles freezing as his eyes rolled back. Xander's tongue slid wetly around the head of his cock, pushing back his foreskin. Soft-edged teeth pressed, and then fled. "Xander..."

Xander pulled back. "Hmm?"

Slim hips bucked forward, begging for the return of that hot mouth. "Just...suck me," He growled, reaching for Xander's head.

"Ah, that," Xander murmured. Then he fell forward, swallowing as Spike's erection slid along his tongue. He listened happily as Spike's harsh growl was choked down to a mewling wail. Slender fingers wrenched Xander's dark waves into tight loops, binding them together.

Spike thrust forward, mindless except for the convulsive pleasure that surrounded him. He moaned, shaking violently when Xander murmured in response. The vibrations made Spike's balls draw up, but Xander was having none of that. Blunt fingers wrapped around that cool, soft sac and tugged, drawing out both a scream and demonic ridges from the boy's pale lover.

Xander winced as Spike tugged harder on his hair. A sharp yank on the vampire's testicles brought a quick end to that, so Xander returned to working over the blonde's cock. Cool fingers kneaded Xander's head frantically, trying desperately to not just grab hold. Xander rewarded Spike by wrapping his tongue around the weeping head of the vampire's erection and sucking hard.

Spike began changing Xander's name, intermingling the word with the occasional 'fuck' and 'please'. Xander sank down farther, just enough to take some of the pressure off the cock head. He paid special attention to the vein on the underside of Spike's cock, wondering idly why it throbbed when the vampire had no heartbeat. Spike's fingers drifted down to Xander's mouth, caressing the stretched skin and fluttering over the boy's closed eyes.

Once again, as soon as Spike was close to coming, Xander brought him back down. By now the vampire's entire body was moving in synchrony with Xander's mouth--hips thrusting, voice cracking with each touch, hands urging the boy on. When this was over, he was going to kill Xander... or at the very least fuck him so hard he never forgot it.

Xander glanced up at Spike's face. Tears were streaming down that alabaster visage, which was twisted into the demonic equivalent of tortured ecstasy. Blood joined the tears where Spike had pierced his lips with razor-like fangs, chewing at them in his agony. Xander decided to take pity on his lover. Besides, he had plans for the rest of the evening.

Spike felt the lightning begin to crackle inside him and waited for Xander to pull him away from the cliff. To his pleasured surprise, the boy merely sucked harder, pressing the irregular ridges on the roof of his mouth against the vampire's erection. Instead of denying him his pleasure, Xander's fingers teased and caressed his balls, pushing Spike over the edge. He came with a raw scream, holding Xander's head against his body.

Once Spike relaxed enough to let him move, Xander sat back on his haunches. He licked his lips, smacking them together loudly. "Seventy-four," He said, grinning.

Part 75:

Xander licked his lips again, chasing the last traces of Spike's taste. The vampire was the very image of satiated debauchery; shirtless, jeans rucked down past his thighs and platinum hair tousled just so. Pale lips, reddened slightly from being stretched tight against ivory teeth; eyes a glittering mosaic of aquamarine and citrine ribbons. If his own clothing wasn't pulled tight against a raging erection, Xander would have been content to stay where he was all night, kneeling in blasphemous worship of this monument to sensuality.

Despite the mind-shattering blow job Xander had just given him, Spike still wanted to see his lovely human spread out and thoroughly fucked. Besides nearly killing him, the only thing the boy's attack had done was make Spike want to take his time. The blonde had a sneaking suspicion that Xander hadn't planned it that way; no man--sane or otherwise--would willingly put themselves in this situation. No matter; Spike wasn't about to change his mind.

"Er..." Xander murmured, seeing the beginnings of taut heat in Spike's eyes. Yeah, he was in a lot of trouble. "Wanna take a shower?"

Spike ignored Xander's feeble attempt to distract him. Slender fingers wrapped themselves around Xander's muscular shoulders, drawing the young man upwards. He knew what Xander was expecting. He would be sorely disappointed.

Xander braced for the impact of Spike throwing him back on the thin mattress of their hotel bed. The vampire hadn't tightened his grip to the point of pain, not yet. It was only a matter of time, however. After a play like that, Xander knew he was in for something rough. He didn't mind; if he had, he'd have never gone after Spike the way he had.

Spike gently guided Xander onto his back, moving his hands up to cradle the young man's head as it fell onto the pillow below. Still-light fingers parted cotton, peeling layers away from precious, sweet skin. Silken lips met satin flesh as Spike pressed kisses to everything he exposed, cataloguing each and every aspect of his boy's arousal.

Xander groaned under the weight of excited confusion as Spike touched him with all the violence of a butterfly. Feather light caresses, whispered kisses and care so soft it hurt contrasted harshly with what he'd been expecting. Xander's body almost hurt the tension he felt, ever expecting Spike's ministrations to turn sharp.

Spike eased his knees between Xander's, spreading the boy's thighs open. Nimble fingers, slickened thoroughly, begged for entrance into Xander's body even as Spike's tongue knelt at the human's mouth. Xander was powerless to resist, opening to the vampire with little more than a whimper of protest. Spike delved in slowly, relishing the warmth, friction and erratic slide of flesh and lust rubbing against each other.

Xander gasped into Spike's mouth as he was prepared. Blunt fingernails dug into Spike's forearms, demanding haste. He was ignored with careless ease. Xander bucked upward, trying to twist and press their bodies together--knowing how much Spike loved the way their skins reacted to such a caress. The vampire easily avoided the maneuver. The only respite Xander got was the steady, grounding press of Spike's tongue against his as the blonde consumed him breath by breath.

Spike anointed his cock and pressed inside Xander, never relinquishing the boy's mouth. He thrust slowly, moving deeply inside that warm body. With each movement, he poured vital air into Xander's lungs. The boy was totally controlled by Spike; his body no longer his own. The demon possessed his pleasure, his will and his very life.

Xander let his mind drift towards Spike, eyes hazy and crossed with both pleasure and dizziness. He couldn't tell if he was fainting from too much oxygen or too little, but regardless all he could think about was the way Spike seemed to be all the way inside him--crawling under his skin, kissing his heart and stroking his soul with every slow thrust and drag.

Once he was sure Xander was completely caught up in the iridescent web he'd woven, Spike shifted his hands to pin Xander's arms above his head. The vampire used the new position to ride Xander hard, thrusting fast and deep. The first scream preceded Xander's orgasm by mere seconds, the next broken sound flowing into the vampire's throat just as hot seed spilled between them. Unholy, golden eyes watched as Xander convulsed and fell unnaturally still, pushed over the edge and into oblivion.

Spike's own climax took him by surprise, bowling him over as he bucked uncontrollably, burying himself inside his mate. Only after long seconds of jaw-clenching spasms did Spike's pleasure abate enough for him to roll onto his side, bringing Xander with him.

"Seventy-five," The vampire murmured, a grin playing around the edges of his mouth.

Part 76:

"I apologize for being truthful," Giles said acidly, "But we have no idea where they went."

Buffy glared at her Watcher, wishing that a large demon would appear to give the annoying Englishman a few nasty bruises. "We have to find them, Giles. Spike is going to do something evil, I just know it."

Angel frowned, looking over the stack of Polaroids they'd collected. Venice had proven to be a goldmine in that respect; well over two dozen of the small, square pictures had surfaced. The dark vampire now had quite the Xander montage, one that told a story very different from the one that Buffy preferred. Angel had never seen Xander so happy--or content. Perhaps Spike wasn't toying with the boy. If not, they had nothing to fear--at least until the blonde vampire decided to turn Xander.

Regardless, Angel realized that their chances of finding the two men were very slim. The clues in Venice had led to Strasbourg. Since all the previous findings had proven to be accurate, they'd followed blindly. That had been a serious mistake. Nothing in Strasbourg carried any sign that Spike and Xander had been there. A wild goose chase, and precious time wasted.

More importantly, it was time for Buffy and him to return to California. They had duties in their respective cities. Just last night, Giles had alluded to the idea of going home. Buffy had stopped him, but Angel figured that after this little argument, they'd all be on a plane back.


"I like this place," Xander commented as he and Spike wandered the streets of Asunci�n. "Can we stay here for a while?"

Spike directed Xander down one brightly lit street, whistling absently. "Yeah, wasn't planning on skipping out for a while."

Xander grinned, leaning closer to the vampire. Maybe he'd learn some of the local language and get to do some sightseeing. Or maybe he'd spend most of his time flat on his back. Either way, he'd be happy. "How do you always know where to get blood, when we visit a new city?" He asked Spike.

The vampire shrugged. "Ask around in the last place," He murmured. "Most vamps don't go for the packaged stuff, but plenty of demons do."

"Oh," Xander said. He glanced across the street, spotting a rather attractive, antique street lamp. It's pale, yellow glow reminded him of Sunnydale, The Magic Box, and...well, things. "Look at this," He called over to Spike.

Spike frowned, following Xander to the other side of the street. "It's a lamp post," He muttered. "A rather rusty iron lamp post."

Xander's grin was truly evil. "Yeah, I know. You think it's related to the one in Sunnydale?"

Spike's face fell into confusion. "Xander, lamp posts don't have relatives. They're bits of metal and wire, not family-types. Next thing, you'll be telling me this one's got a pen pal back in Sunnydale, or that it's the long-lost cousin of your old kitchen light fixture."

Xander ignored Spike's diatribe, moving around to push Spike against the post. "Not what I meant, Spike," He whispered. "You think this one'll hold up to us fucking against it, or will we break it like the other one?"

The sound of Spike swallowing echoed down the street. "Oh." Slender fingers pushed into old metal as Spike held on for dear life. Xander was already fast at work, yanking Spike's jeans down. A hot tongue thrust inside the vampire, eliciting a hissed expletive and sharp yellow eyes. Xander kept moving, relishing the sounds of Spike trying not to make noise. The lamp post protested the vampire's rough treatment with groans and creaks.

Spike was two seconds from begging Xander when the boy stood up. Intense pressure made the blonde gasp as Xander pushed inside him without the benefit of lubricant. The friction was maddening. Spike's cock brushed against rough metal, catching on the corroded surface. Xander gripped the vampire hard and thrust forward, nearly lifting Spike off his feet.

Spike could do little more than hang on as Xander rode him with cruel force. If the boy hadn't been so bloody good at what he was doing, Spike would've been humiliated at how wantonly he was begging for it. But gods, what could he do? Every thrust was deadly, striking in just the right spot. Xander's breath was hot and erratic on the back of Spike's neck, blending in with random drops of sweat that fell from the young man's body.

Xander focused on Spike's incoherent ramblings, knowing that the vampire was almost at the end of his tether. Still, he moved fast and faster, until Spike froze with an unholy scream. The vampire's body clenched so hard around Xander's cock that he was stopped cold. It didn't matter, though, because the feel of Spike climaxing around him was enough to send Xander into his own orgasm.

Spike blinked a few times, wondering why his cock itched. He looked down to find himself covered with sticky semen and flakes of rust. Cursing under his breath, Spike wiped down with a handkerchief he kept in his duster.

"Mmm... Seventy-six," Xander said, helping his lover right his clothing. "And that really is a great lamp post."

Spike couldn't help but agree. After all, it hadn't even flickered.

Part 77:

"I love the way the sky looks," Xander whispered. They were standing some distance outside Asunci�n, where everything was inky and silent. Even the hum of the town itself was out of earshot. Only the random chirping of insects broke the fluidness of this night.

Spike nodded his agreement, sidling up to Xander with agile grace. The boy drifted into his arms without comment, leaning heavily on the vampire's unmoving chest. "Wanna fuck?" Spike asked lightly, still admiring the evening.

Xander laughed. "Oh, you are a charmer. 'Wanna fu--" Before Xander could continue his mocking echo of Spike's question, the blonde had him turned around, pressed against a nearby tree, and half-naked. In Spike's opinion, Xander's voice sounded better when muffled by his tongue. After all, groans were a beautiful thing when made this way.

The first thing Xander noticed about the change in his situation was that Spike's mouth still tasted like him from the last time they'd kissed. The second thing was that tree bark was very uncomfortable against bare skin. His squirms prompted Spike to drape his duster over Xander's shoulders. "Put your arms in," Spike hissed as he released the boy. Xander obeyed as the vampire removed the rest of his lover's clothes, the speed of his movements in counterpoint to their tenderness.

Xander fumbled through the duster's pockets, finding a tube of slick just as Spike reached for him again. Their lips came together in a kiss flavored with desperation, cool fingers sliding inside Xander's warmer body in time to the thrust and parry of their tongues. Xander's eyes, when they were open, were drawn to the way Spike's skin seemed to glow under the night sky, illuminated by a few stars and a sliver of moonlight.

Spike abandoned his preparation of Xander and picked the boy up, growling his approval as strong legs wrapped around his waist. He positioned his cock, but made no move. Finally, Xander began to lower himself, his weight forcing the vampire deep inside. Xander broke their kiss to gasp for air, his face a twisted portrait of concentration and need.

"Spike," Xander gasped, panting as the blonde pushed inside him. "Move. Please."

Spike obediently began to move, lifting Xander to meet him. He found the boy's mouth again, stroking their tongues together as their bodies slowly slid and pushed towards completion. Each thrust and drag elicited moans from both men as heat and coolness blended together in a lust-slickened aria.

When Spike dragged his blunt teeth over Xander's neck, the human arched towards the caress. A growl, a hiss, and Spike was in gameface, now-sharp fangs carefully selecting just the right spot. Xander made hungry, pleading sounds as those ivories split his skin, drawing forth hot, fresh blood.

Xander surrendered to Spike's ministrations, letting cock and fangs hold him together. The pleasure of having the blonde inside him was doubled, then doubled again, by the feel of Spike at his throat. Were it not for the silken fingers pulling at his own cock, Xander figured he could stay like this forever, bound to his lover.

Spike thrust harder, knowing that Xander was close to orgasm. The sharp, high sound of his lovely boy screaming into the night drove the vampire on. The feel of hot seed spilling forth completed the picture of lovely debauchery; Xander lay back against the tree, a boneless and sated creature without a care for the world. Spike pulled back from the boy's neck just as his own body tumbled forth, and a slightly less human cry chased Xander's through the dark.

"Mmm... seventy-seven," Xander mumbled sleepily.

Spike tapped his teeth together in agreement. Maybe speaking could wait. That required an organized effort of tongue and lips and... yeah, Spike figured he should hold off on speaking.

Part 78:


Spike flopped over in his sleep, completely undisturbed by the sound of his lover starting to get bored. Xander couldn't blame him; after all, the vampire was supposed to be asleep during the day.

"But he's also supposed to keep me entertained, right?" Xander asked himself. And, as anyone who was anyone knew, a bored Xander was a dangerous Xander.

Spike was just about to catch Xander, who was running around naked, when wet heat slid up his neck, breaking the dream. A low growl accompanied his ascent into consciousness. The closer he got to being awake, the more heat spread along his neck. "Xander?" He murmured groggily, the name turning into a groan as Xander's tongue dipped into his ear.

"Hmm?" Xander hummed, tracing the shell of Spike's ear. He could feel Spike waking up, in more ways than one. The blonde's body twitched to life, muscles contracting as Xander touched nerves here and there.

"You got something against sleep?" Spike managed to ask. Xander had begun to apply the edges of his teeth to Spike's ear, nipping at tender skin before laving away the hurt. He wasn't really complaining, since he wasn't all that tired, and sex with Xander was never to be missed.

"No..." Xander said between strokes of his tongue, "But I was thinking, and I realized something."

Spike waited for Xander to continue, but the damned boy simply continued his slow assault. The vampire's body was tight and aching, wanting the human to *do* something instead of simply teasing. "What?" He demanded harshly.

"Oh... See, As long as the sun is up, you're trapped in here," Xander remarked absently. "So I figure I should take full advantage." That last bite had drawn blood, so Xander sucked on the wound, loving the way Spike twitched when he did that.

"Is that so?" Spike gasped. Against his better judgment, he asked the logical question. "And how do you intend to do that?"

Hot breath swirled around Spike's ear as Xander laughed softly. "There are always the chains we brought along," He mentioned. "I've been wanting to see you tied up for a while now."

Spike swallowed, his back arching against Xander's knees. The mortal gave a warning bite to Spike's earlobe, encouraging him to stay still. When that simply made the vampire squirm more, Xander wrapped one hand around his lover's straining cock. Then he squeezed hard.

"Now, now, is that any way to act?" Xander taunted. "And we brought all those lovely toys with us," He continued, as though Spike wasn't melting all over his hands. Slow strokes had the blonde thrusting into his hand, in time to the boy's heartbeat. "I figure I should learn how to use them sometime."

"Ah-h..." Spike stuttered helplessly as he pushed himself into Xander's grasp. Images of Xander torturing him with lovely, shiny toys danced through his head, making his cock ache with want.

"But first, lover, let me see you come," Xander hissed, digging the nails of his free hand into Spike's hip. "I know you're close, right on the edge. Come on, Spike, I know you want to. You're practically begging for it."

Spike's eyes slid closed as his body obeyed Xander's directive. Muscles spasmed as the vampire's lithe frame convulsed against the warmer human, cool seed pouring into the youth's waiting hand.

"Seventy-eight," Xander said as he released Spike. "How about we get through eighty three or eighty four before sunset?"

Spike's eyes snapped open in alarm.

Part 79:

While Spike was deciding just how worried to be, Xander was retrieving the chains they'd brought with them. The vampire was yanked back to earth by the feel of cool metal snapping around his ankles and wrists.

"You know, we're pretty lucky that this hotel's beds have those old metal frames," Xander commented as he fastened the now-shackled Spike down. The blonde was quite the sight, spread-eagled on a sea of pale cotton. Xander added one more chain across the vampire's stomach, knowing that otherwise, he'd twist and buck too much. While Spike was still irate over being pinned down, Xander picked up the cock ring he'd gotten out earlier and slid it on the blonde, pumping him a few times to make sure it stayed put.

"Xander," Spike growled. "Do you... oh, never mind." He wanted to ask the boy if he knew what he was doing, but decided better of it. After all, this was his lovely boy, and could be trusted.

"Yes, I know what I'm doing," Xander replied happily. "But since you asked..." From out of one bag, Xander retrieved a soft leather gag. "I get the feeling you won't stay quiet without this."

"Don't you da--" Spike's rant was interrupted by the gag, which Xander tied snugly around the vampire's head.

"That's better," Xander declared. He stripped off his too-tight jeans, finally freeing the erection that had tormented him for the past hour. Spike's blue eyes tracked his every move as Xander straddled the vampire, letting their cocks brush together.

Spike watched Xander mount him, muscles gliding under smooth skin. The finest sheen of sweat covered the boy's body as the day's heat began to seep into their room. A bottle of lubricant appeared out of nowhere, its cool contents falling onto the vampire's belly. Spike waited for Xander to spread the stuff between his legs, over his cock and into his hole.

That wasn't what happened, however. An evil grin crossed Xander's face as he scooped up some of the lubricant and applied it to his fingers. Spike's face rippled as those blunt, thick human fingers slid inside Xander's own body, stretching and twisting. The boy's face was a picture of pleasure, with each prodding touch making the boy groan and hiss.

"Gods, Spike, I can't wait until you're here, inside me," Xander moaned, working himself back on his own hand. Suddenly Xander leaned forward. One slick hand wrapped around Spike's cock, positioning him as the human sank down and took him in.

Xander slid down by tiny increments, relishing the way Spike's cock stretched him wide open. Millimeter by millimeter, until finally they were together. Xander let his head fall back as he rose up on his knees and then sank back down again. Within a few repetitions, he had the angle perfect and Spike's cock was just barely nudging his prostate with every upstroke.

Spike watched Xander move, unable to do anything but be a passive participant. He strained against his bonds, wanting nothing more than to grab Xander, turn them over, and drive into the boy until that expression of self-satisfied pleasure was replaced by tears of ecstasy. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen. His lovely boy was a bit too efficient with the chains, and Spike was well and truly trapped. His balls ached within their restraints, his cock weeping as Xander rode him slow and easy.

All of a sudden, Xander pulled off of Spike and knelt back. The vampire only had a moment's warning before Xander's cock was pushing inside him, stretching him as he was entered. Azure gave way to citrine as Xander filled him, pushing hard. When Xander began to move, the vampire lost his battle and slipped into gameface. The boy was riding him hard and rough, not holding anything back.

Xander gritted his teeth against the overwhelming feel of Spike clenching around him. The blonde was so tight and cool, like an icy vice clamping down on his cock. There was no way he was going to last, not for long. Trembling fingers found the vampire's erection and began a rhythm in counterpoint to his thrusts.

Spike screamed behind his gag as his body fell apart. He swore his balls simply disintegrated as orgasm slammed into him, giving immediate relief from the ring encircling him. A sudden burst of warmth told him Xander was with him in this maelstrom. Then his mind shut down and the world faded away.

"Mmm... Seventy-nine," Xander murmured. He decided to use this impromptu nap that Spike was taking to prepare for the next round.

Part 80:

"You know, I wish I had a camera," Xander commented as he admired Spike's stretched out body. "'Cause you're beautiful like this." Spike's eyes simply followed the boy as he wandered around the room. Xander picked something up, but the vampire couldn't tell what it was. "I have mentioned that before, right?" He asked, turning back to face Spike. "I swear I have..."

Spike studied Xander's face for a moment before nodding. The truth was, Xander talked of the vampire's physical beauty regularly. It had taken Spike months to convince Xander that he was just as perfect, if not more so. Were it not for the gag, Spike would have told Xander as much. As it was, all he could do was nod.

"You look like one of those marble statues I saw on the History Channel," The boy murmured as he moved to straddle the vampire. Spike groaned as familiar warmth cloaked his thighs. "Zeus, or Poseidon, or maybe Apollo." He thought for a moment. "Nah, didn't he drive the chariot that dragged the sun around? Maybe Bacchus." A frown graced his face. "But he had horns. Nah, you're better than all of them anyway... coz you're mine."

Spike made an affirming noise, one which turned into a startled sound when Xander displayed what was in his right hand. The blonde's eyes were riveted by a snow white ostrich feather. The boy was *not* going to...

Xander watched as Spike's eyes went wide. He traced sharply defined collarbones with the feather, relishing each moan and growl that the vampire made. Soft, white tendrils snaked around Spike's arms, twisting between his fingers. By the time Xander directed the feather over the vampire's cock, Spike was golden-eyed and twitching. Those inhuman eyes followed Xander's every move, promising cruel revenge once the sun was set. The human chose to ignore those warnings in favor of stroking his implement of torture over Spike's feet, focusing on the sensitive insteps.

Spike swore the world was spinning around him. His body was a twisted mass of strung-out nerves, each one singing out for Xander to please stop the torment and kill him--just to put him out of his misery. He hoped the boy didn't stop for hours; he'd not been made to endure such a sweet torture in ages. He happily gave himself over to Xander's ministrations, letting the excruciating sensation of being tickled contort him into a vampiric wreck. Xander thought Spike had never looked better; arms and legs drawn tight, cock heavy and leaking against his stomach, face rippling in and out of gameface. Oh yeah, he was going to suffer for this later.

About ten minutes into his work, Xander decided to pull out the other item he'd collected from their belongings. He glided the feather up Spike's left foot one more time, following it with the tip of the vampire's favorite dagger. The young man put off looking at his lover's response until after he'd laved away tiny droplets of blood with his tongue.

Spike's eyes were riveted to Xander's face. A flash of silver nearly distracted the blonde from his focus, but he stayed unswerving. "You like that?" Xander asked softly, a feather in one hand and a knife in the other.

Xander watched Spike stare at him. The intensity of the vampire's expression answered the boy's question, so once again the elegant little dagger was laid down onto that perfect body. This time, Xander brushed the feather across Spike's chest, teasing his nipples. The dagger, however, sliced a shallow groove into the blonde's right thigh. "I used to wonder why vampires liked blood so much--besides the whole 'needing it to survive' thing," Xander murmured as he lapped at the liquid that welled from his most recent cut. "Maybe it's the connection, knowing that you're taking in something so vital to life."

Spike moaned behind the gag as Xander drew abstract spirals across his abdomen, tracing each with his tongue. The damned feather was brushing his left ear, driving him crazy. He wanted to tell Xander how right he was, that blood was intoxicating because of its importance, but he couldn't. Ivory limbs strained at their bindings, reaching for their tormenter.

"Or maybe it's the taste," Xander commented as he tipped into Spike's blood-filled navel. "I've never tasted anything like your blood, Spike. It calls to me. Maybe I should be afraid of that, wanting the blood of a demon. But I don't." He dropped the feather and the dagger over the side of the bed, dragging his hands through the thickening blood on Spike's body as he drew back.

Blunt fingers, dyed red by his own blood. Scarred palms wrapping around pale, erect flesh. Spike gasped as Xander slid blood-covered hands over his cock, finally giving him a substantial touch. Then those lovely hands disappeared...only to be replaced by Xander's tongue.

Xander bent his head to Spike's groin, licking the vampire's cock clean. Blood mixed with precome in a salty-sweet-coppery pool, one quickly removed by the human's lips. Without further preamble, Xander slid his mouth over the tip of Spike's cock, humming softly. The sound of Spike screaming gave Xander pause and he pulled back, tongue still poised over the blonde's pulsing shaft.

"You want me to stop?" Xander asked Spike, his expression serious. "If it's too much, I will." Spike growled menacingly and twisted as much as he could within his bonds. "I only wanted to taste you, to feel you in my throat. The blood, that was for you, Spike, a little pain with your pleasure. This is for me," Xander whispered as he resumed swallowing the vampire's cock.

Spike's back arched sharply, his stomach straining against the chains across it. Harsh, grinding pleasure swept around him, spiraling down to concentrate inside Xander's mouth. Each muscle contraction irritated the many cuts on his body, making Spike's skin twitch and tingle. The faintest scraping of teeth had the vampire groaning. Then Xander began to suck, hard, and Spike was lost.

Xander pulled back slightly, letting his teeth graze Spike's flesh. When just the head of the blonde's erection was left inside his mouth, Xander began suckling. A high-pitched wail accompanied Spike's climax, cold seed jetting across Xander's tongue and sliding thickly down his throat.

"Eighty," Xander murmured as he released Spike's softening member. A quick glance at the head of the bed showed him one seriously out of it vamp... which was perfect for what he had planned next.

Part 81:

Spike woke reluctantly. It was nearly noon outside, and his body wanted to sleep. Oddly enough, however, it was that same body that gave him the signal to wake. The reason didn't take long to discern; when the vampire had lost consciousness, he'd been restrained. Now he was free, lying comfortably in bed. A thin cotton sheet had been pulled up to his shoulders, and a soft pillow cushioned his head. If it wasn't for the rather delicious ache that permeated his body, Spike would've sworn he'd dreamed the past few hours.

Thinking of what had made him pass out had Spike prying his eyes open and looking around for Xander. After a moment, he found the boy--standing next to the window, fully dressed. "Xan?" Spike murmured, frowning. Why was the boy over there, whilst he was over here? Then he shrugged; the easiest solution was for him to get out of bed and go fetch his lover.

Xander saw Spike beginning to move. "No," He said, voice firm. "Stay on the bed."

Spike quirked one eyebrow. Stay on the bed? Well, if Xander insisted..."Are you going to join me?" He asked coyly, patting the mattress next to him.

Xander ignored the invitation, though it was difficult. Spike probably had no idea how he looked; white sheets pooled around the vampire's hips and filtered light from the window cast shadows over the sharp planes of Spike's face. However tempting the blonde looked, Xander had other ideas. "I don't think so," He commented. "Pull the sheet down, Spike."

Spike's eyes widened slightly at the command--not for its content, but for the tone of voice. Xander had just given him an order. The boy lounging so nonchalantly against the wall definitely had something on his mind. With a small nod, Spike obeyed, twisting slightly to let the sheet slip to his thighs. The blonde's now-exposed cock lay half-hard on his thigh, stirring under Xander's gaze.

Xander fought the urge to lick his lips. Spike's constant appeal never ceased to amaze him. "Touch yourself," He said, eyes closed to slits.

With a small smile, Spike complied. He shifted some of his weight onto his right hand, wrapping the fingers of his left around his quickly hardening erection. All it took was a couple of hard strokes, and he was rampant. Xander's laughter made him pause, however.

"Spike, Spike," Xander tutted, pushing off the wall. "Always to the point, aren't you?" He walked slowly around the bed, surveying his lover. "Why don't you take it slow? Try pinching your nipples, or teasing your lips." Though Xander said them as a suggestion, both men knew Spike had been given yet another order.

Spike reluctantly let go of his cock, dragging his hand higher. If Xander wanted a show, then he'd get one. First one nipple, then the other was pinched. Spike hissed as the tender flesh was twisted and pulled. The muscles of his abdomen rippled and his cock jumped. Was Xander getting off on this? The blonde looked around, but Xander was behind him. Spike turned to look, but the boy's voice stopped him.

"No, no, Spike," Xander murmured. "Don't you worry about me. Focus on yourself. I want to see you wanting, Spike. Show me how you like it."

Spike resumed his touching, now focusing on his own face. Cool fingertips traced similarly chilled lips, dipping inside to brush against still-blunt teeth. "What do you like, Spike?" Xander whispered, his voice moving around the room. "When I touch you. Make your hands mine."

The vampire's eyes slid closed as his roving hand reached one ear. He shuddered as he traced the shell, just like Xander did with his tongue. If he concentrated and listened to Xander's heartbeat, he could almost imagine that his one fingertip was Xander, tasting him so delicately. Spike shifted again, freeing his other hand. Then he sank back onto the bed. One hand continued to memorize his face, while the other crept across his torso. First it circled the blonde's navel. Then it dipped lower.

"Open yourself," Xander ordered softly. His own cock was at least as hard as the vampire's, straining against his jeans as though he'd not come in months. Xander watched from his chair, transfixed, as Spike's muscular legs bent at the knee and slid apart. The vampire languidly reached between his thighs, barely brushing his testicles before pressing one finger into his hole. The boy gasped along with Spike as the blonde was breached dry, and his hips lifted out of the chair along with Spike's as the vampire arched and clenched around the invading digit.

The nails of Spike's free hand dug into his ribs as he slid a second finger inside himself. Cold, slick drops of precome trickled down his stomach. The vampire caught them, bringing the fluid back to his mouth. He could almost taste Xander's skin as he licked himself clean, all the while stretching himself. It was unbearably erotic, knowing that Xander was watching him do this. He could feel the boy's eyes on him, burning his skin with their intensity. If only Xander would end this, would come over and finally replace his own cold hands with far warmer ones...

"More," Xander commanded hoarsely. He could tell that Spike was getting closer; that long, pale cock was pulsing with each movement of slender fingers. The vampire complied immediately, pushing a third finger alongside the first two while also reaching down to stroke his aching erection. Xander groaned as sharp nails dug into the blonde's sensitive scrotum, and then sighed in relief as the pain was assuaged by tender fingertips.

Spike found his prostate just as he began to jerk himself off. His back arched sharply, pushing his hips off the bed. He didn't want to come, not without Xander touching him, bringing him to completion. His body, however, was screaming for release. Every stroke brought him closer to the point of breaking as he waited desperately.

Xander fought to bring himself under control. Just another minute and Spike would be there; all he needed was a little patience. "Do it, Spike," Xander growled. "Make yourself come."

Spike cried out--part climax and part denial--as his body obeyed Xander's command. Thick spurts of semen poured out over his hand as his body clenched and twisted, bucking sharply. His orgasm was shattering, yet oddly painful for its lack of Xander.

"Eighty-One," Xander whispered softly.


Parts 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 & 88

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