Night of Nights
by Sajinn

Title: Night of Nights
Author: Sajinn
E-Mail: [email protected]
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A gift given freely...
Warnings: Slash.
Disclaimer: No, they aren't mine. I just put them in pretty dresses and make them fight each other.
Feedback: Makes a body good! Send lots!
Archive: Lemme know if ya wanna. Can be found at my wee little homepage,
A/N: Happy Birthday, Pablo Picasso. Guernica rocked.


"Ah, you're here," Giles said dryly as Spike stomped into the shop. "Very considerate of you to earn your keep."

"Where's the bloody prophecy?" Spike growled as he threw himself into a chair at the research table. Giles had called to invite Spike to help them translate a prophecy that contained parts written in Fyarl. When Spike declined, he was informed rather curtly that he had no choice; Buffy was always looking for something to stake, after all. The vampire glanced over at Xander, who was sitting next to him. It was obvious the boy didn't know anything about the situation. He looked shocked to see Spike in the store at all.

Giles slapped a pad of paper down in front of Spike and produced a pencil. The vampire took it with a scowl. "Translate, Spike, and you may leave," Giles stated archly. "I will be in the training room with Buffy. Xander will monitor your work."

Xander snorted as Giles walked off. "Monitor my ass."

"On occasion," Spike said under his breath. "Wanker. Come in and help us, Spike. Oh, you don't want to? Fine, Spike. If you don't help us, Buffy will stake you."

Xander scooted over, pressing himself against Spike. "He said that?" The boy asked angrily. Xander had been hoping that when he started easing up on Spike, the others would to. After all, he'd been one of the more vocal opponents of the vampire. Unfortunately it hadn't worked yet; in the months he and Spike had been together, Giles, Buffy and Willow had been less than kind to the blonde. Dawn was still friendly, but that only made Buffy more antagonistic.

Spike shrugged. "Yeah, but it got me here, didn't it?" He tried to act like being treated like shit didn't bother him. However, when Xander's arm wrapped around his neck and a pair of very warm lips brushed his cheek, the vampire didn't protest. Xander held onto him for several minutes, pressing kisses here and there. Soon Spike was purring softly, eyes closed. The prophecy lay forgotten on the table, along with the hated pencil.

Eventually, though, Xander pulled away. "Prophecy. Much as I hate to say it, you gotta work on the thing. Otherwise we'll never get out of here."

Spike nodded and glared at his pencil. Xander grinned and pushed his own ball-point pen towards the vampire. "Thanks," Spike murmured, letting Xander have the pencil. Giles must have just loved handing spike a wooden writing implement. Xander took the hated pencil and returned to his own task of alphabetizing Giles' list of books. He knew it was nothing work--Willow had the same list in the computer. But he'd shown up for 'research night' and Giles felt compelled to give him something to do. Willow was at school, working, and Buffy had chosen to do some training. If Spike hadn't shown up when he did, Xander would've left soon enough.

When Xander was sure the vampire was thoroughly engrossed in his translation, the young man quietly slipped out of his chair and crept under the table. As usual, Spike had his legs splayed out, ankles caught around table and chair legs. It was a perfect set up.


Xander grinned as Spike reacted to the warm hand that he'd just pressed onto the vampire's groin. The boy heard a pen hit the table top as he began to knead the blonde's quickly growing erection. Cool hands reached down to stop him, but Xander ignored them. "Translation, Spike," Xander warned as he reached for the vampire's waistband.

"Xander," Spike hissed. They boy was mad, he had to be. The Watcher and Buffy were in the training room, not fifteen feet away. Spike didn't mind public sex; no, that could be quite... exhilarating. But he had a feeling that Xander didn't really want to be caught doing whatever he was planning to do--

Xander relished the low grown that drifted down to him as he freed Spike's cock and licked the head with broad strokes of his tongue. Crooking his neck down farther, Xander took in more of Spike's erection, suckling gently. He ran one hand up the blonde's shirt, pinching a nipple with painful force. Spike swore and thrust into Xander's mouth, forcing himself deeper. Xander backed up a little, and then moved forward again, dragging his teeth along the underside of Spike's cock.

"Spike?" Giles called out, glancing into the shop's main room. "How is the translation?" Xander's hand immediately fell to Spike's lap.

Spike nodded slowly, eyes wide and wavering. He had both hands flat on the table's surface, pressing down almost hard enough to leave permanent impressions. There was no way he was going to say even one word to the Watcher. Xander had paused when Giles first spoke, but after a moment, he started moving again, humming subvocally around Spike's erection. The vampire bit his tongue and strained to keep himself from shifting into gameface.

Apparently Giles took Spike's gesture for an affirmative. "Xander is gone. Where?"

Spike tilted his head toward the door, willing Giles to think that the boy had gone out for coffee. If the British man looked down, though, he'd find Xander... and that would be very bad indeed. Now the boy had a hand wrapped a hand around his balls and was kneading, fingernails digging in now and then. "Ah, coffee again?" Giles murmured, dismayed. "Did he say when he would be back?"

Spike shook his head vigorously, hiding the fact that his eyes were glowing yellow. Then he bent his head to the papers in front of him and managed to pick up his pen. Giles sighed and returned to the training room, where Buffy was calling for him.

Xander heard the soft thud of Giles shoes and knew they were alone again. He grinned around Spike's cock and relaxed his throat, sliding the vampire deeper. Then he swallowed, squeezing Spike's testicles at the same time.

Spike's jaw fell open and his eyes rolled back in his head. Every nerve in his unliving body sang, pain-pleasure ripping control from him. He flung his head back and howled silently as he came, nails scratching the tabletop. Xander continued to suck and lick him, drawing out everything he had.

When Xander finally crawled out from under the table, he found quite the site waiting for him. A gamefaced Spike was arched back over the chair, eyes wide and unseeing. Long, curly ribbons of wood shavings decorated the table where Spike had clawed at it in his ecstasy. The boy bent over slightly and pressed his lips to Spike's, nipping at pale flesh.

Spike's eyes flashed and the vampire sat up quickly. Xander made himself keep a serious face as he straightened. "Think I'll go get that coffee now. Want some?"

"Ah..." Spike began, head still a bit muzzy. Coffee? The whelp wanted coffee?

Xander smiled and shook his head. He grabbed a stake and a cross for his trip out, stopping by Spike's chair again before he left. The vampire didn't move as the young man bent to his ear, warm breath tickling his scalp. An equally hot hand ran down the blonde's side to rest on his hip. "Hey, Spike?"

"Hmm?" Spike hummed, leaning towards that luxurious, living body.


Part 2:

It was well after midnight before Spike finished the translation to Giles' satisfaction. "You may go now, Spike," Giles muttered, waving off the vampire. Spike glared at the man briefly before storming out of the shop. Damned bugger hadn't even paid him. The blonde was in a very bad mood; he'd been working so long that Xander had made his apologies and left for the night. Now Spike was walking back to the boy's apartment, alone. When he got there, Xander would be asleep, since he had to work the next morning. That meant no late night shagging.

"Hey there, stranger. Wanna lift?"

Spike turned to stare at the car that had pulled up next to him. Xander was grinning like a loon, leaning out the driver's side window. "Happens that I do," Spike said silkily, jutting out one hip. Xander laughed and Spike walked around the car to get in.

"Where can I take ya?" Xander asked as he drove away.

Spike smirked. "Wherever you want."

That was exactly what Xander wanted to hear. He pulled the car into the next darkened parking lot he could find and cut the engine. Spike started to ask him what he thought he was doing, but ended up with a mouthful of Xander instead. The boy pulled Spike's head closer, fucking his mouth with a hot, wet tongue. Spike groaned and joined in, devouring Xander in kind.

All too soon, Xander pulled away. "Drop your jeans, Spike," He ordered harshly. Spike raised one scarred eyebrow. So *that's* what Xander wanted to do. In his car. Never let it be said the boy lacked imagination. When Spike paused too long, Xander growled and reached for the vampire's clothes himself. Spike was jerked into action, sliding his jeans down around mid-thigh. It was awkward, yes, but he didn't have a chance to do anything else. Xander grabbed him hard and dragged the blonde into his lap, splaying Spike's legs over his shoulders. The vampire sat down hard on Xander's lap, immediately feeling why the boy was in such a hurry. He was incredibly hard. Spike thought back to the night's earlier events. Xander had probably been in this state for hours.

Xander opened the lube he'd brought with him and wormed one slick hand underneath Spike's ass. The vampire braced his hands on the door and the emergency brake, lifting up to give Xander room. The blonde was damned tight, like always, clinging to Xander's finger, refusing to let him go. Spike growled when Xander withdrew, only to whimper when he returned with two fingers. The young man leaned forward enough to catch Spike's lips again and the vampire immediately responded, kissing Xander with almost desperate passion. His frustrations at being treated like a servant melted away under the boy's expert ministrations, leaving a lovely, boneless pleasure in its place.

Finally, though, Xander couldn't wait any longer. He'd wanted this for hours, denied by his friends' demands on Spike's time. "Ready?" Xander hissed, watching Spike try not to lie back on the steering wheel and hit the horn.

"Yeah," Spike grated out, pushing himself farther up. Xander positioned himself and drew Spike down, pushing slowly inside the blonde's incredibly tight hole. Spike moaned as he was filled, stretched and heated by Xander's cock. Once he was fully seated on Xander they both paused, relishing the tight interlocking of their bodies. The liquid push of pleasure in Spike's body was a heady counterpoint to the tension in his muscles caused by his precarious position. Xander reached behind the blonde, holding him up slightly. The boy then thrust upwards, using his legs on the floorboard as leverage.

Spike tightened his legs against the seat back and pushed down, meeting Xander's first thrust with one of his own. The vampire wriggled forward a bit, adjusting the angle of his and Xander's thrusts until the young man was striking a spot deep inside him that sent lightning flashing behind his eyelids. The car filled with the sounds of flesh slapping together, accented by Xander's breathy grunts and Spike's hisses and growls.

Xander released Spike's back with one hand to reach between them. He fisted Spike roughly, watching as the vampire slid into gameface and growled, thrusting up into Xander' hand. The blonde tightened, quivering, as Xander thrust into him, hard and fast. Spike stilled momentarily, and then pushed down hard, coming all over Xander's hand and his own shirt. Xander thrust a few more times before letting go and climaxing himself, spilling inside Spike's cold body.

Spike eased back, resting his weight on the edge of the steering wheel. "Inspired, pet," He said slowly, trying to catch an unneeded breath. "Didn't think you had it in you."

Xander rolled his hips teasingly. "I don't. You do," He replied. The brunette dropped his hand from Spike's back to his ass and gave the vampire a swift, firm pop. "Two."

Spike's eyes flew open. "How did you know?" He didn't remember telling the boy that this was his birthday, and he was sure it wasn't in the Watchers' books.

Xander grinned. "Remember the soccer playoffs?" Spike nodded. "You were begging for the remote, said I could have anything."

"I told you then?" Spike said, surprised. He didn't recall admitting any such thing to Xander. Nevertheless, the brunette nodded.

"Yup, gave me just enough time to plan. Then *Giles* had to pull a snarky British Watcher thing and make you stay out all night," Xander groused.

Spike smiled. "Yeah, but this was good," He assured Xander. "Haven't done it in a car in ages."

"Kinda tight fit in here," Xander admitted. "The De Soto would be more comfortable."

"True," Spike agreed. Then something occurred to him. "Do you have any idea how old I am?" It was one thing to celebrate the young man's twenty-second birthday in such a debauched manner. But Spike was... well, he was somewhere around one hundred forty-five this year.

"Yeap, I do," Xander said brightly. "Got my work cut out for me."

"Speaking of work," Spike said, trying not to think about the one hundred forty-three sex acts coming his way in the near future, "You've got that tomorrow. Need to go home, get some sleep."

Xander nodded and helped Spike over into the passenger seat. Spike was very conscientious about Xander's work schedule and tried to make sure the boy got enough sleep and ate well. It was fun for Xander to watch the blonde try to hide his concern behind snide comments and insults, as though Spike was embarrassed to care. The young man wiped his hand on the vampire's already filthy shirt and started the car. "I guess that means three has to wait until tomorrow night," He said mournfully, steering the car back out onto the street.

"I didn't say that," Spike replied quickly. "No, I never did."

"I thought not."

Part 3:

Spike woke up listening to Xander putter around the kitchen, preparing his breakfast. The vampire rolled over, searching for the warm spot Xander always left in the bed. He'd not been gone long enough for it to fade, so Spike stretched out, carefully placing his body inside the heated outline Xander had left. He'd be content to stay there all day, long after the warmth dissipated. There was the faintest scent of Xander's skin drifting slowly about, rising from the sheets. It was twined with his own scent, which made Spike smile. They spent so much time together, naked and...sweaty, that the young man always smelled faintly of Spike, just as the vampire always carried the aromas of leather, cigarettes and Xander with him.

Xander peeked into the bedroom, grinning at Spike's behavior. He'd seen the vampire do that once or twice before--seek out where Xander had slept and conform to whatever twisted shape the young man had stayed in. This time Spike was splayed out on his stomach, head buried in Xander's pillow. His legs were bent out at the knees, but crossed at the ankles. He looked good enough to eat. Xander stared at the bottle of honey in his hand, which he'd been using on his toast. Pale golden honey. Spike in the peachy-orange haze of predawn light, filtered through the curtains. Ivory skin. Honey. Sue Bee had never looked so good.

Spike heard Xander come over to the bed, shuffling his feet. The boy's heartbeat was strong and even, though a bit he was planning something. There was an insanely long pause between Xander's arrival at the bedside and the first touch on Spike's back. And the moment he felt it, the blonde knew it wasn't Xander's hand. "Xan?" Spike murmured questioningly.

Xander ignored Spike in favor of drizzling more honey on the blonde's back. He let the golden stuff cover that perfect spine, drape over sculpted cheeks and flow over well-muscled thighs. So he'd have to rush through his shower and speed all the way to work. Who cared? By the time Xander was finished, the honey bear was half empty and Spike was quite literally glowing.

Spike was about to ask just what Xander had done to him, when he saw what the boy had put on the nightstand. Honey. Xander had covered him in ho--

Xander applied his tongue to the hollow between Spike's shoulder blades, lapping up the sticky-sweet honey he'd let pool there. "Honey," He murmured happily. "Sweet. Like you," The boy continued, meticulously cleaning Spike's back one lick at a time. The vampire squirmed as Xander traced patterns in the honey with his fingers, rubbing the stuff into the vampire's skin. "Hmm," Xander murmured, tasting a particularly sensitive patch over and over again. "Maybe not sweet, exactly. Sharp, tangy. Good with honey," He continued. Then Xander leaned forward and pressed a wet kiss to a dry spot on Spike's shoulder. "Or without."

Those naughty fingers went back to work, scratching honey-slicked trails down Spike's ass. Xander let his fingers slide between pale buttocks as he swiped at the honey along Spike's spine with his tongue, humming happily. Spike was squirming and making those little sounds the vampire would deny were whimpers. The blonde's spine was amazingly sensitive--something Xander had loved finding out about. Torturing Spike by sucking the skin along those bony bumps was a good evening's entertainment, in Xander's opinion.

"X-Xander," Spike moaned brokenly, pushing back on the boy's fingers. Xander was teasing his hole, slicking him with the sugary syrup. But the brunette seemed preoccupied with consuming the treat covering Spike, instead of actually doing something with the nervous wreck he was creating.

"What?" Xander asked as he finished the last of the honey on Spike's back. "Did I miss a spot?" Spike thrust back again, spreading his legs wide open. Xander grinned evilly and bypassed what Spike wanted in favor of the honey on the vampire's thighs. Spike pounded his head on the pillow, growling as Xander nipped and sucked at his skin, even as those devilish fingers kept taunting him, never quite sliding inside.

"Still sweet, Spike," Xander murmured as he climbed onto the bed, straddling the blonde's feet. "And so perfect. All white and smooth. Cool, too. Like vanilla ice cream." A hot tongue branded Spike's left buttock. "Edible," He said just before spreading Spike with his hands and giving the vampire what he'd been begging for.

"Xander!" Spike wailed, thrusting back against the boy's mouth. Xander delved in deeply, fucking him with his tongue. Light, teasing flicks blended with fierce jabs. Sometimes Xander would abandon the torturous act altogether, in favor of laving Spike's tightly drawn balls, removing any traces of honey that might have dripped there. But then he returned to Spike's ass, rimming him until the vampire was a sobbing puddle of flesh, working himself helplessly against the boy's tongue.

"Love the way you taste, Spike," Xander whispered against that white skin. He reached one honey-covered hand underneath the blonde, giving Spike a warm tunnel to thrust into. "How all of you tastes. Come for me, Spike. I wanna taste that too."

Spike's back arched and his mouth fell open as Xander slid two fingers inside him and hit his prostate, the other hand fisting him hard. The vampire came with a roar, spilling over Xander's fingers as the brunette worked him over.

Finally Xander released Spike's exhausted flesh and stood up from the bed. The blonde watched with shaky eyes as Xander cleaned his hand off, tongue wrapping around each finger as come and honey mixed together. "Mmm... Spike and honey, first thing in the morning. Well balanced breakfast." He was about to trot off to the shower when he remembered something.

Spike jumped slightly as a sticky hand hit his ass with an odd squish. "Three," Xander said as he turned to leave. "And you might wanna change the sheets. They're really nasty now."

Part 4:

Spike tested the door, not really surprised to find it unlocked. He'd had to go out before Xander got home in order to replenish his blood supply. Since he'd been pretty well living in the boy's apartment for several months now, it followed that the lad would just leave the place open for him. As soon as he opened the door, his senses were assaulted by a parade of scents. Tomato, onion, wine and chocolate. The boy was cooking.

"You're back!" Xander said happily from his spot at the stove. "Blood run?"

"Yeah," Spike replied, stashing the blood in Xander's fridge. "What's that?" He asked, looking over Xander's shoulder.

"I'm making fudge," Xander stated. "The spaghetti sauce is for dinner."

"Fudge?" Spike murmured, grinning. "You're making fudge?"

"Yeah," Xander said warily. "What's so funny about that?"

"Nothing," Spike said, still smiling broadly. Xander held up the wooden spoon he'd been stirring the fudge with and lifted the pot off the stove. Spike backed up, holding his hands out in a placating manner. "Really, nothing. Love fudge, I do. All smooth and chocolate. Food of the gods."

The boy grinned and began to pour the fudge into a pan. "You smell like sewer," Xander told Spike. "Uck."

Spike sniffed and realized that he did indeed smell like the underground tunnels. "Right. Bath, then. Back in a mo."

Xander listened for the shower, waiting until Spike was finished. This morning had been...tasty, but Xander hadn't quite gotten his fill of the vampire. With that in mind, he crept into the bedroom, where Spike was rummaging through a drawer for some clean clothes. "Hey," Xander murmured, catching the vampire's attention. He stalked over to the blonde, leaning in for a kiss.

Spike grinned. Xander was putting off waves of pheromones and chocolate, and his heartbeat was racing. The vampire knew what that meant--and he didn't mind in the least. Then again, when did he ever turn down sex from his lovely boy? He met Xander halfway, gladly parting his lips for the boy's warm ones. The tongue that swept into his mouth tasted of chocolate, rich and dark. As always, Xander was open, willing, welcoming. Spike never failed to marvel that he had this, whenever he liked; this hot, ready lover who wanted him in his bed every night.

Once Spike was thoroughly engrossed in the kiss, Xander reached between them, wrapping both of his hands around the blonde's half-hard cock. Spike jumped at the sudden contact. Warm, sticky hands worked his flesh, bringing him to full hardness. He thrust into Xander's hands, devouring the boy's mouth as he was jacked off. The scent of chocolate surrounded them, dark sweetness tickling the vampire's senses.

Xander pulled away slightly, grinning at the vampire's dazed expression. "Remember what I said this morning?" He asked the vampire.

Spike frowned. He was supposed to think during sex? Wasn't that something he tortured Xander with? "Change the sheets?" He replied uncertainly. He had been told to change the sheets, after all.

Xander laughed. "Edible," He told Spike as he fell to his knees. Spike looked down in time to see Xander swallow his cock. His chocolate covered cock. The boy's hands had been covered in melted fudge, not lube. Those same hands now lay just centimeters from Spike's ass as Xander pressed his wrists into the vampire's hips, keeping the sticky substance off the blonde's clean skin. Spike thrust forward slightly, trying to climb all the way into that infernal mouth.

Xander chuckled as Spike twitched and groaned. He'd liked to have thought he'd gotten pretty good at this lately. Spike certainly responded as though he had. Still, there were some things he hadn't mastered. Xander wrapped his tongue around the head of Spike's cock and sucked off the last of the chocolate there before taking a deep breath. He then relaxed his throat and fell forward.

"Xan..." Spike cried out as Xander inhaled him, warm nose brushing the vampire's abdomen. Strong throat muscles tightened rhythmically around his cock as Xander swallowed... again and again, milking him in a mimicry of how Xander's body took him in when they fucked. Spike felt his balls draw up, tendrils of oblivion crawling down his spine. No, this couldn't end so fast, not now. He reached for one of Xander's hands, bringing the confection-covered limb to his own mouth. Cleaning the boy's palm and fingers provided some distraction as he focused single-mindedly on the salty-bitter-sweet combination of Xander's skin and chocolate, accented with the faintest trace of the vampire's own flavor.

Spike began swaying, thrusting slightly as Xander pulled back and sank back down. The boy finished cleaning off Spike's erection and went back to suckling hard, pulling at the vampire's cock as hard as he could. Spike screamed, dropping Xander's hand as his hips jerked forward and he came with a long, low howl, spilling cold seed across Xander's tongue. The young man caught his ejaculate, savoring it before swallowing.

Spike reached down and dragged Xander upright, pressing him to the vampire's still-quivering body. He sought out his lover's mouth blindly, needing to express himself somehow. His lad, his sweet boy, so perfect. Xander wrapped his arms around Spike's waist to steady himself, letting his chocolate-covered hand fall onto Spike's ass. "Oops," He murmured as he pulled away from Spike's intoxicating mouth. "Four," He said as Spike captured his lips again.

The blonde could've stayed like that all night, settled down in Xander's mouth and mated with that lovely tongue until dawn, but the boy's rampant erection was jutting into his hip, reminding the vampire that while he'd found release twice today, Xander hadn't. With a laugh and a wicked smirk, he led Xander over to the bed.

Part 5:

Spike pushed Xander back, toppling the young man onto the bed behind him. Such a lovely sight, his boy was. Golden skin sheened with sweat, slight flush on that adored face. He climbed on top of Xander, licking his way up the brunette's stomach and chest until he reached already-bruised lips. Tongues met, greeted each other like old lovers reunited and danced slow and sweet between mouths warm and cool. Spike tasted himself on Xander's tongue, underneath the heady flavor of chocolate and the boy's own taste. He chased that rapidly disappearing trace of his essence. He knew that all too soon Xander would taste like himself and not Spike, but for now the boy was marked. His.

Xander stroked Spike's back, one hand gliding smoothly, the other catching due to the sticky chocolate still left on his palm. He loved it when Spike kissed him like this, as though there was nothing in existence other than their tongues and teeth and lips, as if words could be transformed into sucking and nipping, and Spike was reading him sonnets. Still, while his tongue and most of the rest of his body were quite willing to let Spike whisper sweet nothings into his lips for hours on end, Xander's cock was making it known that he'd been somewhere between semi-hard and aching for most of the day. Now Spike was positioned just so, cold cheeks pressing down on Xander's weeping erection. Xander wanted nothing more than to sink into that tight body and watch Spike's eyes roll back. Hearing the vampire wail and moan wouldn't be bad either.

Spike reluctantly left Xander's mouth so that the boy could draw a decent breath. Besides, Spike wanted something else. He reached for one of the bottles of lube on the nightstand, reaching back to press it into Xander's hands. It didn't take long for the young man to grasp the bottle, but his face held confusion. Spike leaned back down, pressing his and Xander's faces together. He whispered in the boy's ear, letting his cold breath stir dark hair. "Prepare me?"

Xander's cock twitched. Oh yeah, he could do that, no problem. He slicked up his cleaner hand and brushed the tips of his fingers across Spike's hole. The vampire shifted back, trying to increase the contact. "Just do it," Spike growled into Xander's ear, inhumanly strong hands clutching at the boy's shoulders. Xander obeyed, slowly pushing one finger inside the blonde's body, just resting there. After a moment, he pushed in another alongside the first. Spike gasped, and then thrust back hard, impaling himself. Xander groaned as the vampire's body pressed down on his trapped cock, squeezing him cruelly, teasing him with promises of perfect ecstasy. This is yours, Spike's body said, and you are mine. You and I want the same thing: grinding, opaque oblivion.

Spike sat up suddenly, reaching back to position Xander's cock. The boy started to protest, wanting to make sure Spike was stretched enough, slick enough for this. Spike ignored him, sinking himself down on Xander's erection. The blonde stared down at Xander, daring him to argue. Spike tightened himself around the boy, milking him with inhumanly strong muscles. Xander took in the sight above him; long, ropy body, iridescent blue-yellow eyes, jutting cock. Spike looked...powerful like that. It seemed odd to Xander, that the one on bottom would be so dominant. But like this, Spike was very definitely in control. Xander felt like the one being taken instead of Spike.

"Move," Spike hissed, rolling his hips. Xander thrust up helplessly, drawn by the slick movements of Spike's soft-hard body around him. He watched as Spike shifted back slightly, adjusting the angle of Xander's thrusts until, with an almost painful cry, got it just right. Blue disappeared in a flood of yellow, smooth planes roughening into demonic ridges. Xander reached up to catch Spike's hands as they reached for him, tangling their fingers together. Spike bore down on this new support, riding Xander with short, staccato thrusts.

Xander bent his knees slightly, managing to get his feet flat on the bed. Then he pushed up with more force, meeting the vampire's brutal pace with equal intensity. Spike's eyes never left his; the vampire seemed to be commanding him silently. Faster, harder, my lover. I can take whatever you give and give it back twice more. This between us is not roses and silk but iron and leather; we are musk, not flowers. Xander answered in kind, meeting Spike's every touch, obeying each directive.

"Xander, more," Spike ordered, moving faster and faster, demanding more of Xander's body with each downward thrust. He wanted the boy with him, coming inside him, filling his cold self with something living and hot and what was his by rights, because this man underneath him was his, *his* boy. Xander's pleasure was his, his to give and his to take. When he was like this, split open and crammed full of his darling lad, he knew with absolute certainty that the boy's pleasure came to him and him alone. There was no doubt in his mind that when they were like this, the boy thought of no other. No one had given to Xander what Spike had, or taken from him in the same manner. This was one thing over which Spike was lord and master.

Xander was caught by those hypnotizing eyes, powerless to disobey Spike's voice. He bucked up underneath the vampire, thrusting hard inside that grasping, cool hole. He was being used, worked over for Spike's pleasure. That didn't bother Xander at all, though. He'd been used before, by Anya and others, but this was different. When he looked at Spike like this, when the vampire was wringing him dry, he saw something beyond the relentless hunt for pleasure. There was a need there, a real, deep-seated need. Spike wanted Xander, needed him to belong, to be utterly *his*. This wasn't simply Spike fucking himself on Xander's cock; this was Spike *owning* Xander. And no one had ever wanted to own Xander before. The knowledge that Spike was branding him, even if the mark was invisible, drove Xander higher, bringing him that much closer to his own climax.

Spike moaned brokenly as Xander hit that perfect spot yet again. He was so close, muscles clenched to the point of cramping from holding back and not coming all over his lovely boy, marking him with his dead seed. He needed Xander, needed... Spike clenched himself around the young man, thrusting so quickly the friction between them made his own cold skin hot. Xander screamed hoarsely and arched, back leaving the flat comfort of the bed as strong shoulders bore their combined weights. Impossible heat filled Spike's body, rushing inside him. He had Xander, possessed the boy as no other could. That knowledge alone pushed Spike over the edge and a sharply fanged mouth fell open in a helpless groan as he came, falling forward to cover his perfect boy.

Xander came to sometime later, still weighted down by Spike's boneless body. The young man eased out of the vampire, feeling a trickle of still-warm fluid accompany his withdrawal. There went another set of sheets. At least he'd invested in more. He reached one now extremely sticky hand up to cover the chocolaty handprint he'd left earlier. "Five," He muttered into Spike's gel-stiffened hair. "And I'm thinking you need a shower."

Part 6:

Xander woke up in what was becoming his usual position. Spike was wrapped around him, cradling the young man in strong, cool arms. Xander never would have thought that he'd be able to sleep like that--with another person actually surrounding him like a blanket. For some reason, though, it didn't bother him at all. Spike often ended up partially on top of the boy, weighting him down into the mattress. Instead of making Xander feel claustrophobic, he felt grounded, as though Spike was anchoring him to the earth.

Of course, it didn't hurt that Spike managed to be intensely erotic, even in sleep. Xander knew he had to look completely ridiculous when he slept; after all, he drooled and snored when he was the slightest bit congested and had a tendency to splay out with his arms and legs all over the place. But where he sprawled, Spike draped. Even in repose, the vampire was a study in elegance. The curving line of his leg as it crossed Xander's was a perfect combination of angles and bows, of shadowed light and complete darkness. And Spike never snored, sniffled or drooled. He didn't mutter and grind his teeth, or smack his lips. The blonde slept the sleep of the dead; no breath, no movement. Xander was fairly sure that if left alone, Spike wouldn't move from the time he fell asleep until he woke up. The only reason he moved now was because Xander shifted in his sleep and forced Spike to accommodate.

Xander loved the fact that he woke up for work while Spike was asleep. It was close enough to sunrise for the vampire to be naturally groggy, as opposed to the unnatural rest he got with Xander during the night. This morning in particular Spike was lying with one arm underneath Xander's head and the other tucked at the small of the young man's back. His head was resting on Xander's chest, a solid weight pressing just above his heart. Xander fancied that his heartbeat had lulled Spike into his slumber, even though he also knew it was a foolish thought.

Unfortunately, Xander had to get ready for work. A shower at the minimum, and a shave would probably be a good idea as well. The brunette shifted onto his side, grinning when Spike melted around him, instantly conforming to his new position. Now the blonde's head was tucked into his shoulder, one arm reaching up to the headboard while the other draped over Xander's waist. Xander moved again, trying to sit up. Spike curled in around him, pressing his face into Xander's hip as he simultaneously sought out the warm spot the boy had vacated. The blonde's legs bent at the hip and knee, interlacing with Xander's. He might have gotten his upper body free, but Spike had him well pinned at the legs.

Xander glanced at his alarm clock, which he'd somehow failed to set. He had plenty of time to spare, so perhaps he could have a bit of fun with Spike before going off to work. He eased himself back down onto the bed, pushing Spike around until the vampire was out of his old spot. Then, before Spike could pin him down again, Xander shifted down the bed, pressing his face into Spike's chest. The vampire's arms wrapped around his shoulders, pressing him tight against cold skin. The young man managed to push himself farther down, until he reached Spike's groin. The vampire's cock was flaccid, sleep-soft and pale. With a smile, Xander opened his mouth.

Spike felt warmth leave him, so he chased it. The lovely, humany scents returned as he curled around his bedmate, dreaming of tanned skin and dark eyes. In his dreams there was a beautiful young man, all blood and sweat, who was always willing, always there. A frown marred Spike's face as that delicious heat abandoned him again. He traced it to its source, using his legs to keep that pretty boy with him. When his lover moved again, he held on, refusing to let such a perfect thing go.

Then, movement... and searing heat. Electricity danced through him as his body was jolted into wakefulness. Almost burning warmth was pulling at his cock, teasing him to hardness. Warm and wet and tight, Spike held onto his dream lover, not wanting to open his eyes and run the sensations away. He thrust slowly, languidly, following the rhythm set by that naughty mouth, those silky lips.

Xander glanced up when he heard Spike moan softly. The blonde still looked asleep, although he was struggling with it. Xander relaxed his jaw slightly, letting Spike move freely within him. He could never get enough of this, of the taste of Spike on his tongue. He knew it was obsessive and disturbed of him to think it, but the many flavors of his lover's body were quickly surpassing everything else in his life as his favorite foods. He'd rather lie in bed with Spike, licking, sucking and kissing, than do almost anything, including hunt down the perfect chocolate bar. Besides, no matter how well he licked it, chocolate bars didn't sound like that, didn't groan noises that might just be his name, or clench trembling fingers in his hair. They also didn't have heavy, come-swollen balls and impossibly smooth skin. They also didn't kiss like Spike did.

Spike stilled, not wanting to come just yet. This satiny heat was far too enjoyable to rush. But that mouth, it tightened on him, the wet tongue stroking him moved faster and he was helpless against it, cries falling like leaves as those liquid lips demanded his lust, ordered him to climax. And what could he do but obey, when his master was so generous?

Xander pulled back slightly as Spike came, narrowly avoiding the single, deep thrust that signaled the vampire's orgasm. Cold, coppery come filled his mouth and he swallowed slowly, letting the fluid linger on his tongue. Then he eased his way back up the bed, to face a now-awakened Spike.

Spike opened one heavy eyelid in time to see Xander lean forward for a kiss. They shared a come-slickened meeting of tongues as Xander very softly slapped the vampire's flank. "Six," Xander murmured as he rolled out of bed to take a shower.

Spike lay in bed, dazed and languid. He couldn't have moved if an army of Slayers marched in carrying stakes soaked in holy water. Perhaps if he fell asleep before Xander got out of the shower, the boy would wake him up again.

Part 7:

Xander tried to look interested while Willow, Tara, Buffy and Giles discussed the best way to defeat some weird snot demon. He really didn't care if it took the eyes of seven immature newts and a pinch of rosemary or the testicles of thirteen albino frogs mixed with a cup of goat piss, so long as the demon got dead and he could go home and screw Spike. Work had been boring and now, instead of being where he wanted to be--which was at home, in his bed, with the vampire--he was stuck listening to Her Slayerness try to figure out the difference between two amphibians.

"Look, Buffy, the frogs are essential to the spell! We know it's a Garrulanthus demon, so the newts won't work!" Willow snapped. "Leave the magic to us, ok?"

Buffy grimaced. "But goat urine?" She whined. "I have to carry around a big bottle of goat urine?"

Tara grinned behind her hand and moved to the counter. She knew that she'd get delegated the job of castrating the frogs; they needed to keep the little things alive for other uses. The blonde glanced around Giles' supplies, searching for the bottle of goat urine she knew should be there. It wasn't, however. No, a small, dark circle stood amongst the dust where the black jar should've been. "Willow?"

"Yeah?" Willow murmured, already making notes about the spell.

"Where's the goat..." Tara said, her voice trailing off. Giles' head swiveled around, looking suspiciously at the shelves behind the counter.

"It is missing," Giles muttered. "Willow, did you 'borrow' the goat urine?"

Willow scowled. "I thought I brought that back!" The little witch bit her lip. "I guess I'll have to go get it at the dorm."

"No," Giles countered. "Someone else will go. You need to work on the rest of the spell."

"I'll do it," Xander offered happily. "Grabbing bottles of cloven-hoofed animal pee is right up my alley."

Buffy looked askance at him, but Giles just nodded. "Indeed," The Watcher murmured, "Such a task requires no real skill. Do not get any on your skin or clothes, however. It is quite... pungent."

Xander bit back a reply to the barb and practically ran out the door, catching Willow's keys when she pitched them to him. He hated it when Giles, or anyone, pointed out how damned useless he was, but the urge to get away from the shop won out over the desire to defend his mediocrity. The young man made his way to campus, one eye always on the lookout for nasties. At least Giles hadn't made him take Buffy along for protection; the older man was beginning to ease up a bit about that particular issue. Of course, if Spike was around, Giles would've insisted that the vampire go. Xander's 'need' for protection was quite often an excuse to rid the shop of the blonde. Xander was offended by the purpose, but couldn't help but like the result: time alone with Spike--time that almost always meant sex. Lots of sex.

"Running errands for the witch?"

"Gah!" Xander squeaked, jumping, as Spike fell into step beside him. They were right in front of Willow's dorm. The vampire steadied Xander and held the side door open for him. "What are you--"

"Out for a stroll and saw you," Spike answered. It was partly true; he'd been out looking for a fight when he'd caught Xander's scent on a breeze. It hadn't been difficult to find the boy, who was plowing his way through a herd of students towards the redhead's dorm building.

"Fight anything?" Xander asked as they approached Willow's room. "I'm just here for goat pee."

"Not yet. Garrulanthus demon?" Spike inquired. "Heard there was one in town." He also knew that the foul liquid was as necessary as frog testicles to kill said demon.

"Yeap," Xander murmured. He opened Willow's dorm room and slipped inside, Spike following right behind. Apparently the witch hadn't bothered to ever cast a de-invite spell on her room to keep Spike out.

Spike flipped on the light and looked around. The room reeked of Tara and Willow together, along with all sorts of magickal herbs and... things. He spotted a video camera on a tripod and went to investigate, punching buttons randomly. "Black bottle next to the blue and white lace bra," The vampire told Xander, who was searching through Willow's magickal supplies. Xander gingerly lifted the undergarment off a row of bottles and picked up the black one, trying hard not to uncork it.

"You know, you probably shouldn't be messing with that," Xander said as he saw what Spike was doing. "I'll bet that's for some class project of Willow's, and you know what she can do when she gets mad. If you break it..."

Spike straightened up from behind the camera and smirked. "Right." He walked over to Xander, eyeing the bottle. "You don't want to break that. Foul stuff."

"I know," Xander murmured, holding the bottle tightly. Spike reached out for it and set the thing aside, safely away on Willow's desk. "Something wrong?" Xander asked as Spike frowned.

"Yeah," Spike replied, reaching for Xander's coat. The brunette struggled a bit as Spike began to undress him.

"Er, this isn't a good place," Xander began, glancing around. "Hello? Spike? Girls' dorm room. Willow's dorm room. Lesbian dorm room. We'll be so very dead. Can't we go into the hall, at least?"

Spike ignored Xander completely. He was horny, Xander was here, and that was that. "I wanna fuck you," The vampire hissed as he unzipped Xander's jeans. The boy shivered violently before attempting to re-clothe himself.

"Spike," Xander began, thoroughly distracted by the blonde's cool hands twisting him around. He found himself bent over, hands on the bed and legs spread. His jeans bound him at the ankles and those deadly fingers were already slick and slippery at his entrance before he found his voice again. "I--"

"An' I'm gonna fuck you," The vampire continued, as though Xander hadn't even tried to protest. "Hard, too, 'til you're screaming for it," He said, thrusting two fingers deep inside Xander's body.

"Aahhh..." Xander moaned, pushing back. He tried very hard to make his mouth form certain words, ones that would make Spike stop. His body wasn't paying one damned bit of attention, however. No, it was focused on Spike, on how aroused the vampire made him--and on how much better he'd be feeling as soon as that hard, cold cock was pounding into his prostate, splitting him open.

"Yeah, you want it," Spike growled, opening his jeans. He slicked his cock and pressed the drooling head against Xander's hole. "Don't you, Xander? You want it so bad. Want me to shove it in you, shoot you full." Xander groaned and tried to impale himself, but Spike just laughed and shifted back, keeping a firm grip on the boy's hips. "Say it, Xander. Tell me how bad you need me to bugger you. I wanna hear you beg for it, beg for my cock."

Xander's eyes crossed. Spike's voice, sibilant and cruel, was as always turning him on so much he was nearly ready to come. The only thing he needed was for Spike to just fuck him already. "You're the one who should be begging," The boy said in a truly surprising display of coherence. "'Cause you want my ass so bad you can't keep your hands off it. Five minutes together and you've got half your hand inside me. Come on, Spike. You think I'm the one that's gonna beg?"

Spike growled, shifting into gameface. He rubbed the head of his cock along Xander's hole, teasing the boy. "'M not begging for your bloody arse, pet," He snarled. "I don't beg."

Xander snorted. "Riiight. You *never* beg. 'What was it you said that one time? Xander, please. Xander'--" The brunette was cut off as Spike lunged forward, not stopping until he was seated to the hilt inside the boy's body. A long, low wail was torn out of Xander's throat as the swollen head of Spike's erection pushed against his prostate again and again. Spike rocked back and forth, working Xander roughly.

"You like that, don't you?" Spike muttered as one hand drifted down to fist Xander's aching cock. "You like my cock inside you, filling you with my cum. Sweet arse it is, too. Almost as sweet as your mouth." The vampire punctuated his crude language with deep, fast thrusts, also working the boy's erection with unforgiving force.

Xander screamed as he came, jerking into Spike's hand and clamping down on the vampire's cock. Spike froze as ecstasy caught him off-guard. He'd been so focused on bringing Xander off that he'd not realized how close he was. It didn't matter, though, not when he was buried so deep in his boy's hot, tight body.

Xander slumped to the floor as Spike eased out of him and stood up. The brunette watched from below as Spike cleaned off his hand, slurping the boy's leavings with gusto. "Might wanna get dressed, pet," Spike told Xander. "Witch is waiting for her piss."

"Gods," Xander swore, standing up. He zipped his jeans and shoved his arms through first his shirt and then his jacket. "Come on; you can't stay here." Spike zipped up and followed Xander back outside, still hazy and happy from their recent fucking. Xander stopped him just as they got to the main doors. The blonde yipped when Xander hit him none too gently on the ass. "Seven," Xander said firmly. "And you're so going to pay for that."

Spike melted into the shadows as Xander headed for the shop. He sure hoped he was going to pay. And pay, and pay, and pay...

Part 8:

"What took you so long?" Buffy asked as Xander walked into the shop. He ignored her while he crossed the floor, holding a black bottle as far away from him as possible.

"Your pee, Madame," He said, giving the thing to Willow.

"Thanks!" Willow giggled, setting it aside. "Er... the room wasn't in too bad a shape, was it?"

"Nah. Some underwear, dirty dishes, that videocamera you were using to make tapes of Tara and you doing the nasty," Xander said cheerfully.

Willow choked. "It's for a media studies project!" Meanwhile, Tara was crawling under the counter, knowing that Xander had seen her underwear. If she'd known that Willow hadn't cleaned up that morning, she'd have insisted that she be the one to go get the needed ingredient.

"Riiight," Xander drawled. "Anyway, I didn't touch anything, not the lingerie, not the chocolate bars, and not the videocamera, even though that red, blinking light was awfully tempting."

Willow frowned. "The light was on? Huh. That means it's recording. Sheesh, I really am stupid. What am I going to do with hours of footage of the room, empty?"

Xander nodded absently...for about two seconds. Then he stopped.

The camera had been recording.


Making a semi-permanent record of Spike and him in Willow's dorm room.

Having sex.

Xander jumped out of his chair as though he'd just realized he was sitting on a porcupine. "Er, I'm gonna go get some coffee! Back in a jiff!" Before anyone could ask him to grab a cup for them, he was gone, grateful that Willow had never asked for her keys. The young man raced up the street, dodging a few idiotic pedestrians and at least four drunk drivers.

"In a hurry?" Spike asked as he joined Xander. He'd just finished beating the bloody hell out of a fledge when he'd spotted Xander running hell bent for leather across campus. Figuring that *something* was going on, he decided to check things out. The fact that his lovely boy was running around like a chicken with its head cut off had *nothing* do to with it. Nope. Nothing.

"Camera... Recording..." Xander panted as he reached the dorm. Spike followed him upstairs, trying to decipher the panting mess that was Xander's speech.

"The camera was on?" Spike figured out just as Xander reached the dorm room. The blonde gently closed the door behind Xander and watched as the boy frantically checked out the videocamera.

"Willow...The thing is on..." Xander tried to figure out how to turn it off and remove the tape. Spike smirked and pushed off the door, stalking over to the boy.

"So you ran all the way over here to keep Red from getting a good show?" Spike murmured, catching Xander's hands. "You don't think she'd like it, that she wouldn't get all hot and bothered, seeing you bent over, taking it from behind, begging like a slut?"

Xander shuddered. "It's for a class project," He gasped, as always undone by that damned voice.

"She'd ace it, you know," Spike whispered, tracing the shell of Xander's ear with his tongue. "Very... intense."

Xander gritted his teeth and forced Spike away from him. "I just came out here to get the damned tape, Spike. They're waiting for me at the shop." Xander hated being played, hated it when Spike wound him up like he was some kind of toy. Damn it, it wasn't fair that Spike was always so fucking calm...

Spike, trying to rein in his own desire, watched with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as an odd procession of emotions flickered across Xander's face. Frustration, anger, indignation and irritation warred with curiosity and lust. Perhaps it was time to take a break, leave the dorm, and give Xander a few days to himself... if Spike was even welcome to return.

The vampire didn't breathe except to talk and pant during sex, so Xander had to work harder to read him. The signs were there, however; eyes dilated and tinged gold, jaw clenched, hip canted out just so, accentuating the blonde's half-hard cock and brutally sculpted body. Spike might've been playing him, but he wasn't unaffected, wasn't making fun of him. Spike was turned on.

A great number of possible outcomes had filled Spike's mind while Xander stood there. Most of them involved him trying to protect his neck and heart while running the hell away. Others were less physically violent but more emotionally wrenching, wherein Xander told him to go away forever. None of them, however, detailed what Xander did next.

Xander took one last look at Spike and decided that maybe, just maybe, he wanted to surprise the vampire. Spike was probably thinking that the best thing that could come of the next minute or two was Xander grabbing the tape and leaving... But that wasn't going to happen quite yet. The young man fell to his knees in front of Spike and ripped at the vampire's jeans. Spike's hands came up to grip Xander's shoulders as the boy peeled back faded denim and inhaled the blonde's cock.

Spike wailed brokenly as Xander devoured him. That mouth, blood-hot and wet, sucked with almost painful force. The sharp tips of canines grazed his foreskin, catching as Xander bobbed up and down. He shook as pleasure so acute it was painful raced through his cock, shattering his spine as it bolted into his brain. Rough, blunt fingers teased his balls. One chewed-on nail scraped hard against his perineum just as Xander swallowed him whole, humming at just the right pitch...

Xander grinned around Spike's cock as the vampire howled his pleasure. The brunette pulled back so that he could savor his lover's fluids, a cold flood filling his mouth. Spike's hands finally fell from Xander's shoulders and the boy stood up, tucking Spike back into his jeans. "Hate to rush things, but I really need to get back." He returned to the camera and popped out the tape, handing it to Spike. "This had better be at home when I get there, hmm? And no watching, or selling, or copying."

Spike nodded dumbly, staring dazedly at the floor. He was still trying to piece together the little bits of his brain he hadn't shot down Xander's throat. He barely even jumped when Xander's hand popped him on the ass. "Eight," Xander said cheerfully. "And lock the door on your way out. I'm thinking that Willow and Tara would prefer a bit of security, no?"

Part 9:

Xander pulled himself out of his car and retrieved the bags of groceries he'd picked up on his way home from the Magic Box. He was out of food, Spike wanted cereal, and they'd both realized that morning that they were out of lubricant.

"Wheetabix?" Spike asked hopefully as he appeared next to Xander on the sidewalk.

"No," Xander replied, foisting a bag at the vampire. "Froot Loops."

Spike wrinkled his nose in disgust. "You've got to be kidding me! Do you know how bad blood tastes with Froot Loops?"

"Seeing as how I don't drink blood, Froot Loops or not, I don't really care," Xander replied honestly. "And why are you out here? Did you lose the tape?"

Spike swung his bag around a few times. "Didn't lose the tape, mate. I just got here, actually. Took a walk."

"Right," Xander muttered as they reached the door. "What did you kill?"

Spike crowded next to Xander on the stoop. "Vamps," He whispered into Xander's ear. "An' one of those slimy rat-demons that lives near the hospital."

"Hearing about the bloody deaths of slimy rat-demons is not on my list of turn-ons, Spike," Xander told his lover. "Get the door, would you?"

Spike obediently took up the door handle, moving to open it for the boy. When Xander began to move, however, Spike dropped the bag he was holding, grabbed Xander, spun him around and shook the boy until he'd dropped the other bags.

"Spike!" Xander hissed, struggling to get free. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The vampire in question had thrown Xander over his shoulder and was heading around the building, aiming for a soft patch of grass that lay just beyond the complex's floodlights.

"Ever done it outside?" Spike asked Xander as he tumbled them to the ground. Xander pushed against the blonde, trying to stand up. Well, he tried right up until the moment that Spike caught his head between his hands and planted those, soft cool lips on Xander's.

"Er, no..." Xander admitted when Spike drew back. The boy was no longer struggling, his long body relaxing into crushed grass and dirt. "Well... unless you count outside the Magic Box. Or in the car..."

Spike smirked. "Ah, yes. Now I remember. You liked?" Xander nodded reluctantly. Spike ground his hips into Xander's, noting with more than a little satisfaction that the boy was quickly growing hard.

Xander glanced around, trying to ignore this walking... well, writhing sex god who was doing his dead level best (and Spike's dead level best would probably induce a plaster bust of John Calvin to dance the Lambada) to convince Xander into letting him have his way. They were outside, in public, where someone might *see* them...

Spike knew the exact moment when Xander realized where they were, what they were doing, and who might see them. Hells, the vampire could almost see the words floating up from the boy's brain... 'Outside...Sex...Everyone'. The blonde leaned down, teasing Xander with an almost-kiss, rubbing their lips together. Xander bucked up involuntarily and Spike pushed back down, creating a delicious friction between them. The vampire knew that if he tried to strip Xander naked now, exposing that lovely body to the night sky, he'd be staked for his trouble--and not in the way he'd like. But a bit of rubbing, a bit of snogging, nothing more racy than the handjob he'd given the boy so many weeks ago... that, he could get away with. Would get away with...

Xander made one last attempt to protest what they were doing, but it was a halfhearted try. How was he supposed to think when Spike was doing *that* with his tongue? Xander felt like the universe's most delicious confection. Spike wasn't just kissing him, he was *consuming* Xander, taking the boy inside himself with every touch. Cold hardness scraped against equally hard heat as demon and human urged each other on.

Spike could taste the boy's excitement. It was a steely, almost tangy flavor that made Spike think of violence, of spattered blood and sex and the perfect harmony of thrill and terror that was everything he ever did with Xander. Ever since that first time, on his knees in front of the lad with that thick cock in his mouth, Spike had wondered what it was about Xander that made him so addictive. Perhaps it was this, this innocent-succubus quality the young man possessed, that made him to irresistible to the vampire. Whatever it was, it made Spike want to crawl inside the boy, wrap himself in that lovely, good-justified-violence aura the man possessed, and never, ever leave. The blonde wanted to be in that cocoon of condoned killing, of rationalized murder that passed as both the Slayer's and Xander's modus operendi.

"Spike!" Xander cried softly as his lover's blunt teeth scraped the boy's jawline. The hint of danger, the warning against pain, was just enough to topple Xander over the edge he'd been riding. Spike's inhumanly strong body forced Xander's down as the boy arched and froze, pleasure and nothingness sending the boy inside himself even as his body emptied out. Spike allowed himself one more slow thrust against that quickly softening body before dissolving into a growling puddle of sated vampire.

Xander opened his eyes when Spike moved off him to stand. The young man blinked once when a slim, pale hand reached down to help him up. "The groceries," Xander said stupidly as he emptied his palms of the grass he'd pulled up during their...interlude. It was obvious that sod didn't provide quite the resistance he needed to tangle with Spike.

Spike rolled his eyes. "The groceries are fine," He told Xander as they returned to the front door. "See? Nothing gone, not even those damnedable Froot Loop."

"Oh, shut up about the Froot Loops," Xander muttered. He picked up the bags and opened the door, heading up the stairs. Spike waited until he was a few steps up before knocking the boy's ass with his head. Xander slipped, but Spike caught him. "What's the big idea, Fang-boy?" Xander asked angrily. "Trying to kill me?"

"Nine," Spike said gently as he righted Xander. "Here, I'll help." The blonde took several bags and waited for Xander to continue his ascent. After a moment, Xander did so.


Parts 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15

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