Day of Days
by Sajinn

Title: Day of Days
Author: Sajinn
E-Mail: [email protected]
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sometimes the least likely people do the least likely things, and you love it.
Warnings: Slash.
Disclaimer: No, they aren't mine. I just put them in pretty dresses and make them fight each other.
Feedback: Makes a body good! Send lots!
Archive: Lemme know if ya wanna. Can be found at my wee little homepage,
A/N: Charmin won this short fic for her birthday, which is today, by the only seemed appropriate. No spoilers for anything, really. Set sometime after high school. AUish, I suppose.


"Hi!" Xander said cheerfully as he bounced into the Magic Box. "What's going on tonight?"

"Research," Buffy said dully. "Lots of musty old book reading."

"Cool," Xander said, grinning. Spike looked warily at the boy. Since when did Xander like to research?

"Here," Giles murmured, thrusting a book at the youth. Xander accepted it and took a seat at the table.

"So, anyone know what day it is?" Xander asked hopefully.

"Wednesday," Willow said distractedly.

"Uh," Xander started. "Specifically?"

Giles glared at Xander, who was most definitely not researching. He reached over onto the counter and picked up a calendar, dropping it on top of Xander's closed book. One long Watcher's finger pointed to a day on it. "Now that we have determined the precise day, month, year and moon phase, could you please open that book and glean what you can, if that is anything at all, about Ghash demons?"

Xander nodded slowly and set the calendar on the table. He opened the book and started flipping pages slowly, looking for the requested demon.

Spike watched the boy. Something was up; Xander didn't normally react to the group this way. Hmm.

Two hours later Xander was sent on a coffee mission. "If you would, bring back an extra box of doughnuts," Giles said, giving the boy more money. Spike stood up and went outside to smoke a cigarette while Xander walked to the coffees shop. The brunette spared a glare for the blonde as he left.

Once Xander was out of sight, Spike opened the boy's wallet, which he'd just lifted, and confirmed his suspicions. "Bloody bastards didn't remember?" He murmured to himself. Shaking his head, he put Xander's wallet to rights and went back inside. He planted the wallet next to Xander's seat and took his own place in the corner. He had the only book in the shop that adequately covered Ghash demons, but he wasn't about to tell the others that. At least not until they were significantly more frustrated than they currently were.

"Coffee!" Xander chirped, obviously happier than he'd been when he left. "Lattes, mochas, and a frappe. Ugh. Frappe just sounds bad."

"Research," Giles said sourly. "This is not a comedy club."

Xander sighed and went back to his seat, reluctantly giving up the doughnuts. "Hey, my wallet! I wondered where I left it."


"Er, well, I need to go home," Xander said tiredly. "Work and all that, you know." Giles barely spared a glance for the young man as he waved him off. Willow and Buffy didn't even bother, just grunting a bit as he stood. "See ya 'round," He muttered as he fetched an extra stake and headed for the door. Spike had rather thoughtfully left it open when he'd taken off a few minutes earlier.

"Home sweet hell," Xander whined as he let himself into his apartment. The walk home had been blessedly quick and nasty-free. Unfortunately that meant that he was still hyper and wound up, although that would soon change. It was 11:45 pm and he was alone. "This sucks so bad," He said to himself.

The young man was about halfway though his evening rituals of comfort clothes, hygiene procedures and a beer when someone knocked on the door. He grinned and ran excitedly to it, knowing that Willow and Buffy were on the other side. He opened the door, about to grab them into a hug.


Spike cocked his head to one side, smelling the sudden shift from alright to not-alright in the boy's scent. Well, he wasn't Red or the Slayer, but he was all the boy was gonna get tonight. While Xander was stuck there in the doorway, Spike let himself in, having been previously invited, and shut the door, locking it as he did so. He stepped forward, pushing Xander back.

"Er, why are you here, Spike?" Xander asked. This was not what he meant when he'd wished for a bit more company on this particular day.

Spike just walked Xander back towards the wall separating his bedroom and living room. Xander was a bit to dazed and weary to notice what was going on until Spike had him flush against he wall. The vampire pressed their bodies together and reached up slightly, ghosting a soft kiss across Xander's mouth.

"Ahh." Xander hissed, jolted at the contact. His reality shifted a bit, turned this way and that, and developed a slight warp. Spike had just kissed him. The bleached menace, big bad, slayer of slayers, had just kissed him. On the mou. Well, he did it again. This time it wasn't so light, more of a firm peck, gone as soon as he felt it.

Spike trailed his lips over Xander's cheek, pausing briefly to smile as he kissed the boy again. This had been such a good idea. Besides, who'd have thought that Spike, of all people, would think of the perfect thing for Xander? Hmm? Oh, yeah, and he wanted the boy anyway. But that was beside the point.

"Spike?" Xander managed to force out. Spike made a questioning noise as he kissed Xander's ear, letting his tongue just brush the cartilage. Xander jumped noticeably at that. "What's, uh, going on here?"

Spike didn't bother to answer. He just returned to Xander's mouth and jumped in, twisting their tongues together in a slippery mass of sensation that Xander couldn't identify if he tried. The brunette relaxed against the door, hands unknowingly coming up to hold Spike in place. The blonde reached between their bodies, touching Xander here and there, rubbing and pinching. Still his mouth ravaged Xander's, teasing him with decades of expertise.

Xander tried to wonder about what Spike was doing. Really, he did. But Spike was really, really good at kissing.

The blonde tugged on Xander's sleep pants, edging the elastic down. He pulled the boy away from the wall slightly, easing the way of the garment as it fell to the floor. Xander yelped when his bare ass hit the wall and he tried to pull away. Spike just fell to his knees and swallowed the boy's already-hard cock.

"Christ!" Xander screamed as Spike took most of his erection into his mouth. It was cold and wet and cold and tight and ah, people couldn't really do *that*, could they? He stared down in awe as Spike took him all the way in, swallowing repeatedly. That cold(hot) tongue pressed against the underside of his cock, massaging the vein there. Spike pulled back, sucking hard on the glans. One slender hand wrapped around Xander's balls, squeezing and stroking, while the other latched onto a hip, slowly drawing Xander into the act. The brunette began thrusting at the pace Spike set, trying hard not to ram himself into the blonde's mouth. He gave up trying to figure out what was going on. Hells, he knew exactly what was happening. He was getting the best blowjob he'd ever had.

Spike grinned around Xander's cock and let the boy move a bit faster. He swallowed again, using the one hand to tickle Xander's perineum. The boy yelped appreciatively, so Spike did it again, even as he began to move his mouth with increasing speed.

Xander held on for dear life, although there wasn't anything to hold onto, while Spike blew his mind via his dick. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of his own blood-darkened cock disappearing into that pale mouth, then sliding back out. Spike's ivory skin and nearly white hair contrasted starkly with the boy's own black pubic hair, meeting and separating as they moved against each other. He felt it begin, that tight coil at the base of his spine. No, this wasn't going to end, it was going to end now, too quickly, he wanted it to go on forever but his cock was throbbing and his balls wanted to just secede and live in Spike's hands and that wouldn't be so bad, would it?

Spike knew the boy was close, so close to coming he was scared of it. The vampire drew back and sucked on the head of Xander's cock one last time, bringing the hand on Xander's hip around to jack off the rest of the boy's erection. Xander froze, a low moan floating out of his throat, as he climaxed, filling Spike's mouth with warm, living fluid as lightening ripples of ecstasy raced through his veins.

Once Spike was sure the boy wouldn't fall over, he released Xander's flesh and stood up. Xander was collapsed against the wall again, panting. "Ah," Xander began, trying to get his eyes open. Spike shook his head and laughed, still tasting the boy in his mouth. He reached for Xander, pulling the boy into a hug. Xander returned it automatically, jumping when Spike's hand fell firmly on his asshard enough to make a nice, loud smacking sound, but not enough to hurt. "Gah!" Xander shouted in surprise.

Spike pulled away, figuring the kid was awake enough now to find a stake and run him off. "Ta pet, lovely party. Happy birthday and all that," He threw over his shoulder as he made for the door. Maybe he shouldn't have locked it.

Xander stared at the vampire, not caring that he was standing half naked in his living room. Birthday? Spike had remembered, or found out, that it was his birthday? And *that* was his present? The blonde made clear into the hallway before Xander broke free of his sex-and-shock induced paralysis. Xander ran to the door, feeling enough of a draft to tell him not to actually leave his apartment.

"Spike?" Xander called down the hall. Spike stopped. After a few seconds, he slowly turned around.

"Yeah?" Spike murmured, really wanting to be somewhere else when a stake came flying through the door. Well, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Maybe he should've considered Xander's utter straightness.

"I'm 22 today," Xander reminded the vampire.

"I know," Spike replied, not really understanding. Xander grinned evilly.

"You only spanked me once." Spike stared at the boy.

"Right." The vampire was through the door and had Xander against it in less than a second. Maybe the boy wasn't so straight after all.

"So how'd you figure out it was my birthday?" Xander asked curiously as Spike divested him of the rest of his clothing.

"Wallet," Spike murmured, rather obviously appreciating the boy's newly bared chest.

"You picked my wallet?" Xander said incredulously. He slapped at Spike's hands.

"You were acting off today. Figured it had something to do with your birthday. Seem to recall it being around this time of year," Spike murmured, distracted by the boy's lovely skin. "Do you really want to argue about how it is I figured out it was your birthday, or do you want to earn your next spanking?" He asked when Xander tried to stop him again.

Xander eyed the vampire. Oh my, what a difficult decision. "I've got this great, big bed in there." Xander told Spike, who simply picked him up and carried him into the next room.

"Better, pet?" Spike asked as Xander fell back onto the bed.

"Getting there. Get naked, Spike. You've got 21 more sex acts to perform before morning."

Spike grinned. The boy wasn't gonna walk for a week.

Part 2:

"So. what does the birthday boy want, hmm?" Spike asked, humming. He tugged on Xander's shirt, slowly removing the only garment the boy still had on.

"Hmm. Dunno. You're the one giving out presents," Xander replied. How was he supposed to think when he had Spike in his bed, running those cold, hard hands all over him?

"Let's see," Spike murmured. He was pretty damned sure he was the first guy Xander'd ever been with, which meant that some of his favorite sex acts would have to be pushed toward the end of the twenty-one he had left to do. Despite his occasionally impulsive nature, Spike really was a fan of delayed gratification. Besides, just because the boy wasn't ready to get fucked through the mattress didn't mean they couldn't both have fun. lots of fun. "Frottage?"

"Huh?" Xander grunted, distracted by Spike, who was teasing his nipples. "What's that?"

Spike pulled himself over Xander's body, rubbing his still-clothed groin against the boy's. Xander gasped and ached up, increasing the pressure on his cock. His appreciation for denim reached new heights; who'd have thought such a rough fabric could be so damned arousing? Of course, it was wrapped around Spike. "Frottage," Spike murmured.

"Dry humping?" Xander guessed. "Like what you do in high school when your girlfriend won't put out?"

Spike growled and thrust harder. "Guess I'm gonna have to give you a remedial lesson, then." Suddenly the vampire was gone, standing on the side of the bed. Xander looked dismayed until he saw that Spike was just getting undressed. The boy's jaw dropped as more and more of that perfect ivory skin was revealed, stretched tight over whipcord limbs and carved muscles.

"Sure," Xander murmured. "Teach away." If his high school teachers had looked like *that*, he'd have been valedictorian.

Spike crawled back on the bed, working from the foot as he dragged himself over Xander, all the way up. The human fell flat on his back, writhing under Spike as that cold flesh tantalized him, catching and sliding on his cock, contrasting nicely with his own overheated skin. When Spike finally reached the top, he stopped moving. Xander shifted a bit, feeling the completely new but not unwelcome sensation of someone else's erection pressed into his hip, lined up right next to his. "So, teach."

The vampire lowered himself a bit more, letting his weight rest on Xander's body. Before Xander could fully adjust, Spike shifted himself, pushing with his legs and arms. His cock slid next to Xander's, dragging along that hard, silky organ. The look of shocked arousal and lust on Xander's face was a sight to behold as the boy's head flew back, eyes wide. The human thrust up instinctively, trying to prolong the contact. A low moan reverberated in the boy's chest as Spike repeated the motion over and over, stroking Xander's cock with his own.

"Harder," Xander gasped, winding his arms around Spike. He pulled the vampire to him, increasing the contact between their two bodies. Spike groaned and thrust faster and harder, almost drilling into Xander's body as he stroked them off. The vampire dropped his head to Xander's shoulder, sucking lightly on the skin there. Xander tipped his head to one side, giving Spike better access. He loved the feeling of someone's mouth on his body, licking and sucking. It was almost as good as sex.

Spike worked his way up Xander's neck to play with the boy's ear. "So. this what you and the cheerleader did in high school?" He asked, hissing softly as Xander's fingernails dug into his back.

Xander quivered. " Definitely not. Would've remembered. Oh yeah, I'd have remembered this," Xander babbled. Holy fuck, if he'd done this with Cordelia. well, he wasn't sure it would've been this good. No, it couldn't have possibly compared. Yeah, Cordy was beautiful, stacked and generally gorgeous, but she didn't hold a candle to Spike. There was something unbearably erotic about the cold skin brushing his. It wasn't like his own skin when he was cold, where he could always feel the heat buried deep within. No, this body was cold through and through, hard but still smooth and soft. If marble was a living substance, Spike was its embodiment.

Besides that, Cordelia didn't have a cock to slide against his, didn't have balls that nudged his once in a while as they thrust together. He used to think he was a breast man, liking the way they pressed against him when he kissed girls, the weight of them in his hands. Now, though, he wasn't so sure. Spike's chest was hard, masculine but more exciting when the vampire lay down on top of him. He was heavier than any of Xander's past lovers, but more than that he was just more *there*, more solid. Xander felt surges of an almost animalistic lust rush through him; this partner was no compliment, no softness to contrast with Xander's hardness. No, Spike was more of the same, only better for his subtle differences. He'd never really considered the erotic potential of feeling another guy getting off, listening to the growls and gasps that accompanied the right kind of pressure on a straining erection. Yeah, maybe this was the kind of thing that horny teenagers did before they worked up to sex, but that didn't really touch on the potential of the act. Xander could easily see it becoming a favorite of his. All that skin contact, glorious friction, and *Spike* growling in his ear. Oh man, this was good.

The one thing that kept running through his head was that he had another twenty times to get his fill of Spike, and wasn't that wonderful?

Spike moved faster, at a pace that pushed the limits of Xander's body. He hadn't expected to actually get to participate in anything that night; no, he'd fully expected to play a bit with Xander and then beat a hasty retreat before he got dusted. The unthinkable alternative, the possibility so improbable he'd laughed at himself for even considering, was happening. He was lying on top of Xander, who was as naked as he was. Moreover, Xander was very willingly participating in some very nice, hot sexand enjoying it immensely, if the noises he was making were any indication. The vampire gritted his teeth against yet another tug of almost-orgasm that pulled at his spine. His body wanted to come, wanted to climax right now. It had been a year since Harmony had left, two years since Dru had abandoned him, and longer than that since he'd had a hot, willing and *male* body underneath him. Yeah, women were wonderful, all soft and wet sucking. But between the draw of force and violence and pure lust that was most guys, and the irresistible heat and hormones and blood rushing that was humans.

Xander tried to focus, to concentrate, to catch the rhythm that Spike was pounding into his body, but he just couldn't. The intensity and the focus the vampire was directing towards him were incredible; The expression on Spike's face was that of a man possessed. Xander wanted this to last, wanted to keep feeling Spike driving him on, keep watching the vampire's face contort in pleasure, wince as he held back again, growl and hiss and pant and purr and do things that humans never did during sex but apparently vampires did and that was way more than ok. But watching Spike struggle for control wasn't helping Xander maintain his and he felt it, curling around him, stretching and spreading out like something about to explode inside him. He was coming, was coating his stomach and Spike's too in hot, liquid stuff that he hoped would be joined soon by Spike's, which would be cold, true, but still the same if he didn't think too hard. His nerves sang, reaching out for more of that wonderful marble skin, grasping at it as it slid and bucked and caught against his. More, he wanted more, this couldn't end, it just started.

Spike felt Xander freeze, felt the boy's cock swell and burst as he climaxed. The vampire kept moving, knowing that the more he touched the boy the longer the pleasure would last, the more he would want this later and then he looked down at Xander, whose eyes were wide and blind as he lay still amidst the lightening rush of orgasm and Spike was lost in it, in knowing that he'd done that, that Xander had let him and would let him again. He buried his face in Xander's shoulder and let that sweet almost-oblivion overtake him, bucking and shuddering into that warm, no, hot body.

"Awk," Xander croaked, shifting around a bit. Spike was heavy, not unpleasantly so, but he needed moving around a bit so he wasn't pressing down on Xander's weak knee. The vampire let Xander reposition him, but made no real effort to move away.

"Ermfff," Spike murmured into the skin under his lips, still trying to find the rest of his brain, although he was pretty sure it was spattered between their bodies.

Xander grinned. Spike was incapable of coherent speech. The fact that Xander couldn't have formed a real word if he'd tried didn't matter, since he was driven to speechlessness on a regular basis. But the blonde was never short of words. Ever. It just made the afterglow sweeter.

After a couple of minutes, Spike managed to free one arm. He snaked it down Xander's body, curving the hand around the boy's hip. The vampire abruptly rolled to the side, bringing Xander with him. While the boy was still clinging to him, trying to steady himself after the sudden move, Spike lifted his hand and brought it back down, smacking the boy lightly.

"Two," Spike murmured.

"Only twenty more," Xander replied sleepily.

"Right you are."

Part 3:

Xander was dreaming. He knew he was, because in real life he wouldn't have spent the night in bed with Spike. His birthday night. No, in the *real* world, Willow and Buffy would've remembered his birthday and not Spike. His birthday presents would have been more lovely flowery shirts and chocolate and not mind-blowing sex with the evil undead. Evil undead. *Male* evil undead. That was more evidence pointing towards the whole dream hypothesis, and yes, he knew what the word hypothesis meant. Just because he flunked all his science classes didn't mean he never listened. Back to the male thing. He knew he was dreaming because in *real* life, while Xander knew and accepted that he found guys attractive, in that 'he's got a nice ass' kind of way, he'd never actually go for a guy. No, when Xander did get it on with a warm body, it was always female. Then again, Spike didn't count as a warm body. The body itself made up for any lack of warmth, though, and not even Xander could deny that what Spike lacked in core body temperature he more than made up for in *heat*. Oh, did he ever.

But that didn't really matter because Xander was dreaming. In about thirty seconds, when the alarm went off to shove his lazy ass out of bed and into the shower, he'd wake up alone, having spent his birthday alone with a bottle of beer or four, cable television, and his right hand.

/.and that was 'Oh, Lonesome Me,' by Don Gibson. Next up we've got Hank Williams and a bit of beauty in the form of Kitty Wells. Stay tuned; we'll be back right after a word from our sponsors. Do you ever suffer from. personal itch and discomfort? Irritating rashes interrupting your day to day routine? Do your coworkers whisper behind their hands about your 'intimate problems'? Well, friends, I have the solution for your woes! Gold Bond Triple Medicated Powder is the only scientifically proven treatment for personal itch that also, at the very same time, moisturizes and protects your delicate skin from diaper rash, crustacean infestations, and fungus!/

"Bloody hell, Xander, couldn't you at least have set the machine to NPR?" Spike grumbled. The vampire had been blissfully sleeping when all of a sudden the most god-awful noise had shattered his rest. Xander had the alarm clock tuned to some classic country station.

Xander poked his head out of the covers and glanced over at Spike. *Spike.* The vampire was in his bed, sprawled out over the half that used to be Anya's but wasn't anymore. He was under the covers, partially at least, and Xander could see stretches of incredibly pale skin through the tangle of sheets and blankets that cocooned him. The light in the room was dim enough that Xander could only differentiate Spike's skin from the white sheets by the inhuman glow of the blonde's flesh.

"If you don't turn the fucking thing off, I'll throw it through the window," Spike threatened. Xander managed somehow to break free of his shock-induced paralysis and hit the reset button on his alarm. Then he rolled out of bed and padded to the bathroom. Naked.

Hot water went a long way towards waking Xander up. He was a bit sore and achy, like he'd spent the evening working or something. As his mind cleared, he corrected himself. He *had* spent the evening working. on, under and with Spike. Wow. Had he ever. Dream, hell.

Spike gave up on getting back to sleep. It probably wasn't a good idea anyway; the boy would be off for work soon and he needed to get back to the crypt before sunrise. Xander might have liked rolling in the sheets with him, but Spike doubted he wanted the vampire to hang around his apartment all day. That might imply that Xander actually liked him. He got out of bed reluctantly and peeked in the bathroom. Xander was just sort of standing under the water, a washcloth in one hand and a bar of soap in the other.

Xander started when an unnaturally cool body pressed itself to his back. "Gah," He muttered, shivering.

"Hmm?" Spike hummed, reaching for the soap. "Need to bathe, pet." To prove his point, Spike lathered the washcloth and began to soap up the boy, moving in a no-nonsense matter over that lovely body.

Xander stood there, idly wondering why Spike was bathing him. Maybe he was still dreaming. The boy shrugged; if he was, it was a nice dream, and if he wasn't. well, he wasn't going to mention this to the girls. For one, they'd never believe him. For another, he was afraid that if Spike really *was* in the shower with him, telling everyone about it would ensure that the blonde never did it again. Thing was, Xander wanted him to. Often.

Spike grinned when he saw the glazed look on Xander's face. He dropped the washcloth and wrapped one hand around Xander's semi-hard cock. The other hand went around the boy's waist, holding him upright. Spike watched Xander, grinning like a madman, as he began to jerk him off, sliding his soapy hand all along that hard flesh, squeezing now and then, teasing him unmercifully.

"Spike," Xander moaned leaning forward a bit. He let his head rest on Spike's shoulder. In that position, he could easily look down and see ivory fingers wrapped around his darker cock, could see each twist and pinch as he thrust into Spike's hand and Spike milked him with an ease only *lots* of practice could develop. The reaction he was having to Spike's ministrations wasn't possible, in Xander's mind. He'd come hard and thoroughly twice the night before, so he shouldn't be getting this hard, this excited and this *close* to orgasm so fast.

A series of low moans told Spike that Xander was nearing climax. He was rather impressed with the boy's stamina; perhaps all that mess with Anya was worth something after all. Either that or Xander was still in the throes of adolescent hormones. Regardless, the outcome was excellent, for both of them. Spike didn't have to worry about hurting the boy, although he could tell by the way Xander had been moving that he *was* sore, although not as sore as Spike would've liked to have made him. Xander, well.

Xander was having a hell of a good time. This was the first time in his life that someone had put his pleasure before theirs. Last night Spike focused on bringing Xander off, not himself. This morning was also all about Xander, what he wanted, his body. The knowledge that Spike wasn't doing this just to get his own rocks off was incredibly arousing for the young man and he bucked hard against Spike, whining softly as his balls drew up and he came all over both of them, his orgasm making his legs turn to jelly.

Spike caught Xander with the arm wrapped around his waist, working the boy's cock to extend his climax. He loved the scents surrounding him; heavy arousal and completion, sweat and soap. Once he was sure Xander wouldn't fall down, Spike drew him under the water and washed them both clean. He needed to get going if he didn't want to be stuck in the apartment all day. With a long sigh of regret, Spike turned off the water and stepped out of the tub, reaching for a towel. Xander followed him a minute later, drying off with shaking hands.

"Uh, Spike?" Xander began, noticing that Spike was still hard, painfully so.

"Hmm?" Spike murmured, walking into the bedroom to retrieve his clothes. Buttoning jeans was difficult when one had an erection, but Spike managed.

"You're not. you don't want to do anything about that?" Xander asked, blushing. Spike cocked his head and grinned.

"Yeah, but unless you want me in your apartment all day, it'll have to wait. Sun's coming up," Spike replied.

"Oh," Xander said slowly. "I gotta get to work."

"That you do," Spike agreed. He finished tying his boots and pulled on his duster. Xander, still naked, managed to catch up with him before the vampire opened the front door.

"So, um." Xander began. Spike looked at him curiously. "See you tonight?"

"Tonight," Spike echoed. 'Right. After patrol, then?" Xander nodded, ducking his head to try to hide his excessive blushing. Spike smiled and opened the door. "Wait a minute," The vampire said, remembering something very important.

"What?" Xander asked worriedly.

Spike spun on his heel, uncaring of the wide open door. He stepped right up into Xander's face, pulling the boy against him. Xander stared as Spike pressed a quick kiss to his mouth. At the same time, the vampire brought one hand down firmly on his rear. "Three," Spike murmured as he let the boy go. Xander watched Spike waltz out the door and down the stairs. Only the creak and groan of another door opening jarred Xander from his stupor and the young man quickly shut his own door before he scandalized the neighbors. He knew he was going to get razzed at work since he wasn't going to be able to keep from grinning like a loon all day. Somehow he couldn't bring himself to care.

Mostly, though, Xander couldn't wait for nightfall.

Part 4:

Xander somehow managed to pay attention on patrol. Spike hadn't shown up, which worried the young man. Buffy brushed off the vampire's absence, saying that he was probably out rolling other demons for cash. Xander bit his lip and didn't say a word. After all, until the night before, he'd had a similar opinion of Spike. Funny how mind-blowing sex changed one's opinion of a person. Or demon, as the case may be.

Still, as Xander drove home he began to worry. What if Spike had decided he'd had enough of Xander's very limited charms? He didn't want to ponder the hell that would be his life if Spike started crowing about how he'd tupped the only male Scooby. By the time Xander got to his front door, he'd convinced himself he should pack up and leave town for any other pasture before morning.

"Bad day, pet?"

Xander spun around in surprise. Spike was lounging against the wall across from his door, smoking a cigarette. He looked almost bored and certainly not as worked-up as Xander was. "Nah. Not even many vamps out."

"Sorry to hear that. Then again, means you're not all worn out, right?" Spike murmured, leering. He pushed himself off the wall and opened Xander's door, handing the boy his keys. "Or were you planning to stay out here all night?"

"Inside is good," Xander commented absently. He let Spike usher him inside. The blonde locked the door behind them, sliding the chain into place. "Er, I'd offer you something to drink, but..."

Spike grinned. "I've already fed," He replied, advancing on the young man. Xander was soon face-to-face with the vampire, transfixed by those icy eyes. "Change your mind?"

"No," Xander whispered.

"Good," Spike stated. "'Cause I'm a bit behind in this birthday thing." With that, Spike picked Xander up and carried him into the bedroom. Xander laughed as Spike tossed him on the bed.

The laughter quickly died as Spike made short work of their clothes. He let Xander help, particularly with the boot removal. Once they were adequately naked, Spike crawled on top of the boy, letting cold and hot skin slide roughly together. "One question," He murmured as he worked his way toward Xander's mouth.

"Hmm?" Xander hummed, distracted by the presence of Spike's cock next to his own.

"Got any lube?"

Xander's eyes flew open. "Lube?"

Spike cursed himself. Well, at least he had the answer to one question--he wouldn't be doing *that* tonight. "Never mind."

Xander thought frantically. Damn it, he should've thought of that. Couldn't fuck without lube, not if it was two guys. He knew that much, even if he'd never actually *done* a guy before. Too bad Anya had taken *all* the stuff with her... toys, lube, restraints... He shook his head to clear it, hoping to at least temporarily banish the vision of being at Spike's mercy. "Oil in the medicine cabinet," He choked out. "Should work." He didn't think they needed rubbers; vampires probably didn't carry anything he needed to worry about... well, except soullessness, and that wasn't an STD.

Spike stared in shock for a minute before pushing off the boy and striding into the bathroom. Right. Oil. Well, well. The boy was certainly full of surprises. In the medicine cabinet he found a full bottle of cocoa butter body oil, the faint chocolaty aroma permeating the small cabinet. It figured that the boy would have chocolate-scented emollients. He fairly ran back to the bedroom, oil in hand. He wasn't about to screw this up... fuck this... He really had to find a better way to describe disaster.

Xander sighed happily as Spike rejoined him on the bed, crawling over the boy's body once again. A very small part of his mind wondered why he wasn't freaking out; he knew with an odd certainty that he was the one the oil was for and not Spike. Why didn't the idea of losing the last bit of virginity he had to Spike bothering him? Maybe it was because the vampire had so far shown himself to be the most considerate lover Xander had ever had. Besides, it was Spike and Xander was no fool. Who was he to turn down super concentrated, irresistible sex on a stick?

"Shift up, Xander," Spike murmured as he took some of his weight off the boy, reaching down to push Xander's legs out of the way. Xander followed Spike's urging, exposing himself to the vampire.

Spike opened the oil and poured it all over Xander's stomach, into his navel and onto his groin. Xander wriggled as the cool liquid dripped onto him. Once the boy was well-coated, Spike set the bottle on the nightstand and ran his hands through the liquid, smearing it over lovely, tanned skin. It slid easily, warmed and thinned by the heat of Xander's body. By the time Spike took his cock in hand, the brunette was writhing mindlessly, long since having given up on coherent thought.

Xander's mind drifted happily in a sea of hands and fingernails and the occasional slick glide of tongue. Spike's hands were cold, but the oil was not and Xander couldn't really concentrate on anything so he just sort of laid there, trying to express his pleasure by moving in an encouraging manner. It must have been enough, because Spike kept going, hands drifting ever lower. Xander's cock was happy to meet Spike's hands and oh, do that again, please.

Spike grinned when he heard Xander's breathy order. He obeyed, continuing to stroke the boy with one hand as the other fell even lower, teasing the boy's virgin hole. Xander didn't even twitch when Spike started massaging him, loosening his guardian muscle with patience and care. Spike had the chip to think about and he really didn't want to fry his brain while getting his end away.

Spike was good, better than Anya in every way Xander had to compare the two, but not even the vampire's expert ministrations could keep Xander from noticing when he was breached. Drunken, whiskey colored eyes shot open when Spike slid one finger inside the boy. The blonde waited for Xander to tense up; a moment later incredibly strong muscles clamped down on his finger. He could feel the cartilage in his knuckle grinding and he shuddered, anticipating the feel of that tight grasp on his cock. Spike eyed Xander speculatively, waiting to see if the boy chickened out. He didn't, however. "Breathe," The vampire ordered, seeing that Xander was holding his breath.

Xander grinned and inhaled deeply. As he exhaled, Spike pushed his finger in deeper, twisting it around. Xander was about to tell Spike to hold on, to wait because that was about to start hurting, when *bang* damn, Spike, please gods do that again, please...

"Wasn't planning on stopping, pet," Spike replied. He was amused by the way Xander babbled in a uniquely semi coherent way when he was aroused. The boy didn't make a lot of sense, but Spike managed to make out the gist of what he was saying. He prodded the boy's prostate a few more times before starting to ease in a second finger. It was almost painfully difficult for the vampire; Xander was so tight, so clingy and hot.

"Spike," Xander moaned, thrashing his head against the pillow. He felt those two fingers stretching him, rolling over that lovely gland he knew was his prostate. When this was done he was throwing that little bit of his body a party, because it was his new best friend. "Come on, Spike," Xander pleaded brokenly. He was going to come soon, even though Spike had long since stopped jacking him off. Orgasms were good however they came about, but Xander wanted *more.*

Spike leaned up over Xander as he carefully pushed a third finger inside the boy. His eyes crossed as Xander arched his back and sank himself down on Spike's hand, taking all three fingers deep inside. Yeah, the boy wanted this. "Lay back," Spike ordered as he withdrew his fingers. He had to do this slowly, take control of the situation, or the boy would hurt himself.

Xander forced himself to relax and sink down into the mattress. Spike pulled his legs up and around the vampire's body, lining his cock up against the boy's entrance. Xander paused for a moment to study the feel of a cold, hard and wet thing pressed against him. It was...

Spike pushed forward, forcing his way inside Xander. Even with the stretching and the oil, Xander was painfully tight. Spike bit back a groan and eased further in, rocking back and forth to further loosen Xander's hole. Finally, finally the leaking head of his cock was inside, resting just beyond that first ring. Spike looked down at Xander. The boy was obviously in no pain; the chip hadn't gone off--not even a twinge.

"More," Xander demanded. He didn't have words to describe how it felt, having Spike inside him, but he wanted more. The stretch and pressure was sublime and he knew that if Spike would just get on with it he'd feel more of that, all the way up inside himself. Maybe, just maybe, Spike would hit that spot again. Oh, that would be so perfect.

Spike swore silently and worked his way further inside. When he reached Xander's prostate he held on tightly as the boy jerked up and back, completely impaling himself on the vampire's erection. Xander's eyes flew open and he screamed as come spurted onto his stomach. Spike rode out the boy's orgasm, stroking his prostate over and over again as Xander convulsed and moaned and whined his pleasure.

Xander slowly returned to earth, body a useless mass of happy nerves. "Wow," He whispered, trying to pry his eyes open. "That was..."

"Four," Spike said through clenched teeth, popping Xander on the ass.

Part 5:

Xander giggled when Spike smacked him. Then he noticed that the vampire's jaw was clenched. It took him a second to realize that while he'd come, Spike hadn't. Yeah, the blonde was still hard inside him, expending some serious energy in an effort to not just keep on thrusting. /Wow. He's waiting./

"So now what?" Xander asked lightly. "Wanna watch a movie?"

Spike growled. No, he didn't want to watch a movie. If Xander didn't want him to finish, he at least wanted to pull out and go into the bathroom for a quick and private wank. Provided, of course, that the boy didn't toss him out. He was about to say something when Xander tightened around him. The sensation made his eyes cross. "Xander," He warned, shivering slightly.

"Distracting, hmm?" Xander murmured as he tried the move again. It was gratifying to watch Spike struggle for control and not quite make it.

"Now, is that any way," Spike began, pausing to take in a wholly unneeded breath, "To treat the only person who got you anything for your birthday?"

Xander clenched hard around Spike and paused. The vampire was right; it wasn't nice to tease the only person who cared enough to remember his birthday. "Sorry. I'll stop."

"Don't you dare," Spike ordered.

"Thought you said it wasn't nice," Xander said, resuming his torture.

"I'm evil; not nice isn't always bad," Spike reminded the boy.

"But you've been nice to me," Xander retorted. "Really, *really* nice. Multiple times."

Spike grinned, even though it cost him dearly. The boy was driving him insane. The fact that Xander was doing *that* right after his first go at it on the bottom almost scared Spike. What would he be capable of with a little practice? However, if Xander wanted to play games. Spike drew on his last reserves of control and shifted his hands up from the bed to Xander's ribs.

The screech was gratifying.

"Spi-ike!" Xander gasped, writhing. "Nooo.." The vampire was *tickling* him, slender fingers unerring in their search for every sensitive spot. He bucked against Spike, trying to dislodge the blonde's hands. That only succeeded in driving Spike further into him, scraping him against Xander's prostate. "Gah," Xander groaned helplessly. He was getting hard again from Spike's relentless thrusting, despite the distraction of the tickling.

Spike found that focusing on tickling Xander made it easier to move inside the boy without coming on the spot. Of course, having the warm, slippery lad twisting under him made it much worse; he felt Xander's reawakened erection against his stomach, leaving moist trails on his skin. Spike abruptly pulled out of the boy, though he was careful not to hurt him when he did so. He swung away to the other side of the bed, taking up a predatory crouch. Xander stared in confusion for a moment, until he saw Spike's clenching and unclenching fingers, flittering like spider's legs.

"You do *not* want to." Xander began. Spike crept forward. This was such a wonderful idea; chase the boy around a bit, pin him down, make him scream and howl without the chip going off, and shag him blind *again*. What a lovely night's work.

Xander leapt off the bed and ran straight into the living room, Spike right behind him. He felt cold fingers brush his back as he leapt over the sofa and barreled towards the kitchen. The linoleum was slippery and he narrowly avoided pounding his cock into the stove. The only option he had to avoid Spike now was to climb *over* the bar, so he clambered up the counter. As he did so he grabbed his oil cruet and tipped it over, letting the stuff cover the bar behind him. As he ran back into the bedroom, he savored Spike's muffled shout of surprise as he slid in the oil. That left Spike trapped in the kitchen, covered in olive oil. Mmmm. slippery Spike.

Spike dried his hands and feet on a dishcloth and went after Xander. He had to admit the boy was resourceful. Still, when he got into the bedroom, he knew he had the boy pinned. Once he shut the door, there was no exit. Trapped. He peered around, letting his enhanced senses do the work. Xander was hiding just on the other side of the bed. No reason to end the fun so soon, though.

The vampire laid down on the bed, right at the edge next to Xander. Instead of reaching down and hauling the boy up, he waited. In just a few short minutes, Xander's head peeked up. "Spike?"

Spike moved like lightening, grabbing Xander and flipping him onto the bed. Even before the boy landed, Spike's fingers were at work, teasing and tickling him into a gasping puddle. The vampire eased those lovely legs up and slowly slid back inside him, still running his fingers along Xander's ribcage. Xander squirmed and pushed back against Spike, trying to catch the vampire's hands even as he took him deeper inside. "Easy," Spike murmured, not wanting Xander to hurt himself. He might be enjoying it now, but in the morning he'd be sore. No reason to add to that lovely, achy misery any real pain.

Xander grinned and clamped down on Spike's cock. As he'd predicted, the blonde's hands faltered and Xander managed to get them off his ribs and onto the bed. Spike wrestled them away and went back to tickling him, even as he began to thrust harder.

"You." Xander began, writhing helplessly. He wasn't used to this, to laughing and fucking at the same time, to trying to climb inside Spike even as he avoided those devilish hands. The odd combination of mind-blowing ecstasy and torturous tickling was driving him insane. He knew he wouldn't hold on, not for long. "Please," He begged, not knowing what he was asking for. "Just."

Spike closed his eyes, listening to Xander gasp and moan and laugh and beg. He thrust once, twice more, feeling it start at the soles of his feet, racing up his skin until all he could feel was Xander sucking him in and then nothing at all.

Xander watched Spike lose control, the vampire's hands *finally* ceasing their torture. His gut was inundated by the blonde's cold release. It was enough, knowing that He'd just fucked a vampire and let Spike, *Spike* come inside him. He let his climax float through him, slower this time than the last, sweeter and more memorable.

Spike let himself collapse on the be next to Xander, waiting for his mind and his body to come down from this lovely, all too rare high.

"So, five was good," Xander said once he'd caught his breath. A cold hand reached over, caressing his flank before patting him once.

"That it was," Spike murmured.

Part 6:

Xander hummed gaily as he strode down the dimly lit sidewalks of Sunnydale, a spring in his step and a sparkle in his eye. Life was good, better than good it was great and wow, he knew he looked like a fool but he didn't care. He was in such a damned good mood he didn't mind that he had Duran Duran songs stuck in his head.

"Life's a bitch, but I'm fine--making love to the ultimate mind," He sang to himself as he drew near the Magic Box. Tonight was research and patrol night, just like the night before, and the night before that... Yeah, they were in a rut. Oh well, it wasn't enough to spoil his sex-induced good mood. Nothing like a constant flood of testosterone, endorphins and other lovely neurochemicals to make one a happy camper.

He saw Willow walking towards the shop and started to shout out a greeting, only to find a cold hand clamped over his mouth as he was dragged into a dark alleyway. No... he was *not* being attacked. This was so not happening. Xander struggled against his captor, trying to reach one of his stakes. He'd just gotten a hand on one when something caught his attention. Cigarettes. Whiskey. Leather. His soap--the soap that Willow made just for him, so that he wouldn't smell like anyone else. Anya never, *never* touched that soap. In fact, the only person who had ever borrowed it was--

"Evening, pet," Spike murmured, taking his hand off Xander's mouth. The vampire shifted to one side, careful to place Xander's body between himself and the stake the boy was clasping.

"Spike," Xander gasped, eyes wide. "You came maybe two seconds from getting dusted. What the hell were you thinking?"

The blonde snorted. "You think you could've dusted me?"

Xander grinned wryly. "Probably not, but I'd have put up a good fight. I thought you were gonna spend the evening cheating Clem out of his kittens," He continued, remembering the meat of their early morning conversation.

Spike shrugged. "I am, after a bit."

"So what's with the dragging me into an alley thing?" Xander inquired. "We are still meeting up after?" Maybe Spike had changed his mind...

"Oh, we are," Spike said silkily. "Wouldn't want to leave you wanting, though."

"Wanting? I'm fine at the moment," Xander said.

Spike closed the distance between them, pressing his chest against Xander's back. He edged them closer to the main street, so that Xander could see Willow walking towards the shop. She was still some distance off, but getting closer with every step. "Hmmm..." Spike murmured, rubbing his cheek against Xander's neck. "That's too bad."

Xander shuddered as that dark voice wrapped around his head, drawing him in. Spike was *not* going to try anything here, just half a block from the shop. He was evil, yeah, but not that evil... was he?

Spike ran one slender hand down the front of Xander's shirt, letting his fingers catch on the boy's jeans. He was immensely gratified to find Xander hard already, brought to arousal by a few words and a single caress. The vampire decided that he should space out the lad's introduction to kink, so he went ahead and unzipped those now-tight trousers and freed the boy's erection, wrapping his fingers around the thick length. Xander groaned and arched back, letting his head fall on Spike's shoulder even as he pushed his cock into the vampire's cold hand.

"Spike," Xander warned breathlessly. "Willow's gonna pass by here in like two minutes."

Spike began to jack the boy off, pinching the leaking head of his cock closed, teasing his balls, and generally driving the kid insane. "Yeah, that's right. Red's gonna amble on by here. She's gonna be going on her merry way, right up until she hears somebody gasping for air. Then the stake'll come out and she'll run right up to you. Gonna save your neck, right?" Spike hissed into Xander's ear.

Xander rolled his head to one side, exposing a long column of flesh to Spike's gaze. The blonde suckled gently, not wanting to leave the boy with an attention-grabbing mark. That would have to wait, until they had time for a proper shagging. "And she's gonna see you like this, your cock in my hand, my mouth on your neck. And she'll know you want it, you love it, that she can't do this to you and Buffy can't either, because you've never been this hard, have you?"

"Spike!" Xander wailed, bucking helplessly as he came, control lost in a seething frenzy of sibilant hisses and unnaturally cold touches. He felt himself, hot and liquid, covering Spike's hand, felt the vampire wringing him dry, catching that last little bit. He came forever, long after he stopped coming. Xander yelped when Spike slapped his ass, a hissed 'six' whistling past his ear.

Spike supported Xander's dead weight with one arm while the boy recovered. All too soon Xander was reaching for his zipper, frantically putting himself to rights before Willow reached them. The blonde watched in amusement as Xander glanced around, looking for any lingering...evidence. He also enjoyed the way Xander's jaw dropped when he realized what Spike was doing.

"Ah..." Xander murmured absently, watching as a cool, wet tongue wrapped around one of Spike's fingers, laving at a few remaining drops of Xander's release. Spike slowly cleaned himself, licking with feline thoroughness. "Willow..."

"Evening, Red," Spike said as Willow came into view. Xander jumped and turned around, trying to block the girl's view of Spike.

"Spike!" Willow said, surprised. "And Xander. Why are you in a dark alley with Spike?"

"On my way to the shop," Xander said quickly. "Saw Spike, stopped to threaten."

Willow nodded. "Good. Threatening Spike is good. Bad vampire. Go away. Nothing for you to fight tonight."

Spike nodded briefly. "Right, then. I'll just be off. Tell the Slayer I'm around if she needs me."

Xander suppressed a smirk. "She doesn't need you, Spike."

"None of us need you," Willow added. "And stop intimidating the drunks near campus!"

Spike and Xander shared a very brief but positive glance before the blonde retreated into the alley and disappeared. "So, what's on the research agenda tonight?" Xander asked Willow as they made their way to the Magic Box.

"Fungus demons," Willow said firmly.

"Oh, how nice." Xander *hated* reading about fungus demons.

Part 7:

Xander lurched into his apartment, letting the door slam loudly behind him. He leaned against the wall, hoping that he could make it to the bed before he collapsed into an unconscious heap. It wasn't dignified to pass out, not if you weren't either dead drunk or sporting serious wounds. Spending a few hours being the Slayer's workout partner didn't count. He was a guy, a big tough guy. Holding the heavy bag for a five foot tall blonde was child's play.

After taking several deep breaths, Xander felt he'd mustered enough strength to make it to the bar, so he pushed off the wall and headed that way. He'd overestimated himself, though, and felt the floor reaching up for him, the carpet getting very detailed as he took a header towards it.

Then he stopped.

Xander cocked his head to one side. He wasn't supposed to be like this, mostly horizontal, all his weight hanging around his stomach. He was sort of floating, suspended by a couple of arms. Arms that felt a lot like arms that had held him the night before... and just a few hours earlier.

"Feeling a bit woozy?" Spike murmured.

"Buffy," Xander mumbled. "Had to practice."

Spike swore softly. It was just like the Slayer to use the boy like that, as a punching bag. She probably thought he enjoyed it, that it was some sort of friendly bonding activity that he'd be grateful for. Right. No self-respecting man wanted to get pounded by a flimsy bit of girl, otherworldly duty or not. "Off to bed with you," He said firmly, hefting the boy up. Xander didn't even protest--further evidence he was almost done for.

Xander wasn't used to being carried around. It was nice, hot having to worry about falling over. He would've been ashamed of his weakness, but he'd already spent the evening being humiliated by Buffy. What more was being toted around by a vampire? "Thanks," Xander said weakly, letting his head loll back.

Spike laid the boy down on his bed and worked on removing his clothes. He cursed silently at the fresh bruises he saw rising on the boy's chest. The lad would be sore in the morning, no two ways about it.

"Don't have to do that," Xander murmured as Spike finished pulling off his clothes. "Can take care of m'self."

"I know that, you stupid git," Spike muttered. Once the boy was naked, Spike buried him in blankets and tucked him in, something he'd deny knowing how to do.

"How'd you get in?" Xander asked, confused as much by his physical state as by the fact that Spike had just put him to bed... alone.

"Picked the lock," Spike said lightly. He'd let himself in, hoping for another round with the boy. That wasn't going to happen, though. Xander was just too tired.

Xander decided he didn't mind Spike's alternative to asking for a key and snaked a hand out from under the bedclothes. He extended it towards Spike in an obvious invitation. "Mmm?" He hummed, unable to actually form words.

Spike considered the offer briefly before beginning to pull off his own clothes. He insinuated himself between the sheets, pulling Xander to him gently. Much to his surprise, Xander melted against him, snuggling in as though for a long evening's sleep. "Better?"

Xander grinned against Spike's neck. "Yup, all good. Comfy bed, comfy vampire. Just need a good-night kiss."

Spike rolled his eyes at the absurd statement. He was not *comfy.* Still, he bent his head and pressed a soft kiss to Xander's mouth. If the boy wanted a good-night kiss, he'd have one.

Xander opened his mouth as soon as he felt cool lips on his. It was the first time had Spike kissed himat least that Xander could remember. He groaned when Spike nibbled on his lower lip, letting sharp teeth graze his skin. Sleep could wait; this was much better. He returned the kiss with enthusiasm, sucking on Spike's tongue as the vampire's arms tightened around him. He could feel both their arousals pressed against his belly, just touching. It was almost as good as the kiss itself.

Honey. The boy tasted like pure, fresh honey; sweet but not cloying, thick but not sticky. Spike delved deeper, tracing the ridges on the roof of Xander's mouth, counting his teeth, mapping each bump and hollow of the boy's molars. He wanted to be inside that warm cavern, wanted to feel the low vibration of Xander's moans and whimpers all over his body. The slide of Xander's tongue against his was tantalizing, almost too sharp even for the vampire.

Gods, Spike knew how to kiss. Xander had never been *consumed* before, but he was already addicted. He shuddered under the intensity of Spike's ministrations, knowing that he was being drawn in and breathed out and taken in again. He knew he was mewling and thrusting against the vampire's thigh, but he didn't care. Spike was owning him, stealing him with every lick, every taste. Xander was sure people had been imprisoned for being able to kiss this well. Spike's mouth was a deadly weapon. This couldn't end; it just couldn't.

Spike let the boy grind himself against the vampire's thigh, angling them both so that Spike was brought off at the same time. His lovely boy was so damned *sweet*, his mouth so hot and wet and perfect. Oh, he was never giving this up, not now that he'd gotten a taste of it. Maybe this was why he'd not yet kissed the boy; some lingering self-preservation instinct had warned him that if he did he'd be done for. No matter, it was too late now. He was better served just enjoying it.

Xander wailed into Spike's mouth when he felt a cold hand wrap around his cock. He thrust once, twice, and then came, shuddering uncontrollably against the blonde. He tried to stay awake, tried to reach for Spike, but the best he could do was brush his knuckles against the vampire's raging erection and let his mouth slide against his lover's.

Spike watched Xander come, watched all the energy drain out of the boy through his cock. He smiled softly, liking to see the boy in the throes of orgasm, his face soft and hard and blind. The vampire wasn't expecting Xander to reciprocate so he was unprepared for the touch of a warm hand against his erection. Combined with the boy's sleepy, faltering kiss it was enough to send Spike toppling over the edge and into ecstasy. He climaxed all over both of them, cold seed mingling with Xander's.

When Spike opened his eyes, he found Xander already asleep. He let himself grin widely as he cleaned them both off, licking and wiping away the last traces of their pleasure. He pulled Xander back into his arms, freely allowing the boy to use him as an unliving pillow. Xander was so tired he didn't even stir when Spike let his hand fall on the boy's buttocks, whispering 'seven' into the still night air.


Parts 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15

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