Better Living Through Chemistry: Stoichiometry
by Sajinn & Chrysalis

18 Merry Christmas From the Family, Robert Earl Keen.

Part 11:

"Mail's here!" Cordelia shouted from the lobby. "And there's a ton of it, Deadboy!" Angel leaned over the banister, watching the former cheerleader.

"Bills?" Angel groaned as he descended the stairs.

"Not unless they come in big cardboard boxes." Cordelia shot back. "From Sunnydale." She added.

Wesley, Doyle and Gunn came in from the library, lured by their friends' discussion. "Sunnydale?" Wesley said curiously.

"Maybe from Giles. Or Buffy." Angel said, studying the package. "No, it's from.A. L. Harris and W. M. Sutton."

"Who's that?" Gunn said, sifting through the letters. "Cause they sent you a Christmas card too. Actually, they sent all of us cards." The vampire hunter held up a handful of cream-colored envelopes, all elegantly lettered and sealed.

Angel took the cards, studying the front. He recognized the handwriting rather well. "Harris.Sutton." He dropped his head to the counter.

"What?" Wesley asked.

"Alexander LaVelle Harris and William Matthew Sutton." Angel said, gesturing to the labels.

"Xander I recognize. Who's this Sutton guy?" Cordelia asked.

"He goes by the name 'Spike' these days." Angel said from his place at the counter.

"Spike?" Doyle and Wesley shouted simultaneously.

"What are Spike and Xander's names doing together on Christmas cards? And that package?" Cordelia asked frantically.

"I don't know." Angel said, wondering just what his childe was up to.

"Why don't we open them and find out?" Gunn said, handing each of them their cards.

"No!" Wesley said, stopping Cordelia. "Knowing Spike, there might be something.odd about them."

"Is there any way to find out?" Cordelia asked, holding hers up to the light. It was a really nice card-very heavy paper she couldn't see through.

Wesley studied the card. "It shouldn't be difficult. There's some of that potion left over from Halloween that detects magickal influences." The Watcher retrieved the liquid and returned to the lobby, where everyone lined up to have their card tested.

"Nothing." Doyle said, staring at the drop on the package. "Not even on the box. I'm thinking everything's clean."

"I still don't get it." Cordelia said. "I mean, Xander and Spike? Why?" Angel just shook his head.

"Angel, you told me once that Spike was the only vamp you knew that could outdo you in mind games." Doyle said, staring at the brunette vampire. "What if this is one of them? I mean, he sends plain old stuff down here and we treat it like it's gonna turn us into frogs or something."

"No, Spike's good at mind games, but this isn't his style." Angel said, shaking his head negatively. "He's more for the 'scare you half to death or seduce you' kind of person."

Cordelia joined in to support Doyle. "It is for Spike, maybe, but its right up Xander's alley. He used to tell me that the best way to confuse your enemies was to be nice to them."

"Do you think that Spike is working with Xander?" Wesley said, concerned for the Slayer and her friends.

"The last time I talked to Giles, Xander was fine, as was Spike." Angel said. "Xander's never really liked me, so he might have decided to play with Spike on this one. Or, Spike might have just used his name. Everything is in his handwriting."

"Well, I vote we open it all and see what's in there. Who knows, maybe they just got the Christmas spirit." They all shared a sarcastic glance at that statement.

"Me too. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" Gunn said.

"Knowing Spike?" Angel replied.

"Knowing that if anything happens to you, and any evidence is found, that the Slayer will hunt him to the ends of the earth?" Wesley stated.

"Fine. Open them." Angel snarled, stomping to his office for a letter opener.

"Look!" Cordelia held up her card, which pictured a Christmas tree covered with old-fashioned ornaments. "Cordelia, Merry Christmas to the loveliest starlet we've ever seen."

"We?" Wesley said, eyebrows raised.

"Don't look at me. I have no idea what's going on here." Angel said.

"Gunn," Gunn read, holding a card picturing doves and mistletoe. "'May the warmth of friends protect you when the moon fades from sight.' Damn, they must have held the Hallmark people hostage for this stuff."

Wesley was next. His card was embossed with a strange, curving symbols. "What's that?" Cordelia asked.

"I believe that it is the symbol for the nativity in Yularian." Wesley said, tracing his fingers over the intricate design. "The message is also in Yularian. It says, roughly, may your blood never pour in waste upon the barren ground."

"Ugh!" Cordelia grimaced.

"Actually, it is a blessing of the highest order in Yularian." Wesley replied, still tracing the design. How had they known that he so admired the demonic language?

"Which one of them knows Gaelic?" Doyle said, flipping open his card. Sure enough, it was written entirely in Doyle's native tongue.

"That would be Spike. I taught him when he was turned." Angel said, scowling. Spike had never used the language around him, certainly not for a Christmas card.

"Angel?" Gunn said, pointing at his card.

"Later. Who's going to open the package?" Cordelia took him up on the offer, ripping off the protective tape with the aid of his letter opener.

"Ok, we've got a box labeled 'Gunn,'" the brunette handed that one off, then reached for another two. "And one for Wesley and one for Doyle." She dug deeper into the box. "And here's mine! Oh, and there's another one in the bottom."

Angel looked warily into the box, and then retrieved the last package.

"Someone really went all out on the wrapping." Gunn said, fingering the satin bows.

"Spike." Angel said, looking at the beautifully wrapped packages. "He does have taste, when he chooses to show it."

"Mm hmm.there!" Cordelia managed to get the bow off her package. "What?" She looked up, seeing everyone watching her in great amusement. "Fine! Wesley, go ahead, open yours."

Wesley had finally gotten his smaller but heavier box unwrapped. His present turned out to be a thick history text covering the rise and fall of several demonic empires. "I've been looking for this volume for nearly a decade." He whispered, running his hands reverently across the cover.

Gunn shook his head, and then opened his own present. Inside he found a set of stakes and knives. "You got weapons?" Cordelia said. "We've got lots of those."

"Not like these." Gunn said. Wesley and Angel drew closer, eyes widening. There were blades of every metal imaginable, each with a protective sheath. The stakes, too, were of a wide variety of woods, including at least a dozen they didn't already have. "Mine." Gunn said, swatting away Angels' sticky fingers.

"But that's azalea!" Angel said petulantly. He'd been looking for one of those. It was difficult to find a piece of the small shrubbery large enough to make a stake out of, and they were handy on a small number of very nasty demons.

Doyle crowed in delight at the bottle of fine Irish whiskey he'd received. Angel was once again jealous of the half-demon; the vampire loved the stuff, and Spike knew it. "I see you eyeing my pressie, Angel, and no, you can't have any." Doyle hid the bottle from sight, snarling at his friend.

Finally Cordelia opened her box. The group watched as she peered inside, and then let out a screech of delight. "Silk!" She cried, flinging open the box. Wesley, Gunn and Angel stared in a mixture of surprise and horror as Cordelia pulled out piece after piece of fine silk lingerie, commenting wildly on each one.

Angel shook his head. "Cordelia, only you would be pleased by receiving lingerie from an ex-boyfriend and a vampire."

Cordelia glared at Angel. "Xander knows my size, and you said yourself that Spike had taste. It's not like I can afford this stuff myself. You take it when it comes to you." Apparently Gunn agreed. He admired each piece as Cordelia held it out for his approval.

"What about yours?" Wesley asked, pointing at the card and package he had clasped to his chest.

Angel looked at them.

"He'll open his later." Cordelia said, seeing that Angel wanted to do so in private. "Well, I'm not giving you all a fashion show, so how about that dinner somebody promised me?" Gunn rolled his eyes, and then took his girlfriend, Doyle and the ex-Watcher out to the promised dinner, muttering all the way out the door.

A few minutes later, the hotel was empty. Angel sat down on the couch, placing the package next to him. He stared at the card in his hands.

Carefully pulling it open, he studied the front. It was a pen-and-ink drawing of London, from the late nineteenth century. He opened the card. "Sire," It began. Angel dropped the card. Spike didn't ever use that title for him. He picked up the card, ignoring shaking fingers. "Merry Christmas. Love, William & Alexander."

Angel stared in confusion at the card. Why had Spike sent it? The inclusion of Xander only served to further confound the vampire. Setting the card aside, Angel reached for the package. He carefully extracted the box from its paper wrapping. Opening it gingerly, he found an elegant book, covered in leather carved with Celtic knotwork. It was a journal. On the inside cover was inscribed 'Christmas 2001, to L.I.O., from A.L.H. & W.M.S..' Angel ran his finger over his real initials, ones he hadn't used himself in more than 250 years.

Angel set the book aside, leaning back on the couch. He considered driving to Sunnydale, to talk to his childe-to ask him why Xander had been involved in all this. No, better not to do that. It was probably exactly what Spike wanted.


"Is everything ready?" Xander asked, pacing nervously around the living room. Ever since he'd volunteered up the apartment for the Scooby gang's Christmas-Hannukah-Solstice party, the human had been a nervous wreck, fiddling with everything.

Spike grabbed his lover on his next pass by. "Yes, love, everything is fine. The punch is fine. The eggnog is fine. The food is fine, the candles are fine, the tree is fine, the presents are fine. The music is fine too." He wrapped his arms around the lad, keeping him from moving.

Xander relaxed against Spike. "I know, I'm just nervous. I haven't talked to Buffy much since she stopped by to apologize."

Spike snarled. Buffy had dropped by a week or so ago to apologize for what she'd said at the magic shop. Xander and the Slayer had talked in the living room while Spike stayed in the bedroom, although he could hear every word and couldn't have been more proud of his Xander.

The Slayer had worded her apology carefully, and Xander had ripped it apart. Buffy wasn't regretting what she'd said; hells, she'd meant every word. She was mostly apologizing to herself for not having more self-control and keeping her trap shut. Xander finally got her to admit that she hadn't really meant to hurt him; she just didn't understand what was going on.

They'd spent more than an hour after that talking, and when the Slayer left, it seemed as though she'd come to grips with the idea that Xander and Spike were an actual couple, and that it had nothing to do with Buffy. Of course, the fact that Xander had said that point blank a half-dozen times probably helped a lot.

"Come on." Spike pulled Xander into the bedroom. The human squeaked as Spike shut the door with one booted foot, and then began quickly stripping the boy's clothes off.

"Spike! We don't have time for this!" Xander cried, even as he helped pull off Spike's shirt. The vampire smirked at the brunette, pushing him on the bed.

"Don't worry, pet. They're all going to be late anyway. They always are." The vampire draped himself along Xander's long body, his head resting on Xander's hip. The human caught on immediately, wrapping his arms around Spike's hip. The vampire bent his lower leg and Xander rested his head on it, breathing warm air on the blonde's sensitive testicles.

Spike shuddered when Xander gently rolled his balls between strong fingers. Focusing his attention elsewhere, the vampire bent his head slightly, engulfing the human's semi-erect cock. Xander jerked forward, a choked cry falling from his lips. Spike laved the sweet flesh with his tongue, sucking lightly as he ran a finger over Xander's puckered hole.

The human quivered under Spike's assault, as always undone by that cool mouth. He returned the favor, taking in as much of Spike's long, hard flesh as he could. He scraped his teeth lightly along the shaft, laughing as Spike thrust forward for more of the tantalizing pleasure/pain.

Spike wrapped his arms tightly around Xander's waist and shifted them suddenly, so that Xander was on his hands and knees above the vampire. He kept a tight suction on the human's straining erection, loosing his arms from around Xander's midriff to reach up and grasp his testicles. Xander groaned and thrust down, fucking Spike's mouth with abandon.

The vampire howled when Xander swallowed around his cock, taking him all the way to the root. The human teased a finger into Spike's hole, searching for his prostate. The stimulation made Spike buck up into Xander's mouth, his flesh spasming.

Xander continued to thrust into Spike's mouth; the vampire relaxed his jaw to let him do so. At the same time, he insinuated a finger into Xander's ass, giving the same stimulation that he was receiving. It had the desired effect; Xander moaned around his cock, sending exquisite vibrations through is aching flesh. Xander shuddered, thrusting down twice more before coming deep in Spike's throat. The vampire milked him, still thrusting a finger against his prostate. Xander recovered his wits and resumed nursing on Spike's pale cock, adding a second finger to join the first. It was just enough and the vampire thrust up, shooting long spurts of come into the human's mouth as he screamed his pleasure.

The brunette lapped up a few stray drops of come before rolling to the side, freeing his lover. Spike sat up, smirking at the boy. "Better?" Xander nodded lazily, smiling. "And no clean up, either."

Xander shoved off the bed, laughing at the vampire. "Oh no, you're brushing your teeth. I am not going to taste my own come all night when you kiss me."

"Why not? I thought you liked the way you taste in my mouth." Spike said, rubbing against the human as Xander brushed his teeth.

Xander spat out toothpaste, and then glared at where the vampire would have been in the mirror had he had a reflection. "I do. Too much, in fact. I won't be able to do anything about it all night, so brush your teeth." He globbed paste on Spike's black toothbrush, then pushed it into Spike's resistant mouth. "Or I'll do it for you. And don't growl at me, fangboy."

Xander pulled on his clothes and lay Spike's on the bed. While the vampire got dressed, a knock sounded on the door. "See? Bloody perfect timing."


"Willow!" Xander swung open the door, grabbing his friend in a hug. He picked her up, carrying her aside so that Tara could get in the apartment. "How are my witchy women?"

"Great! Where do you want this stuff?" Willow asked, holding up several containers.

"In the kitchen area, Wills. Grab some eggnog while you're in there." Xander gave Tara a quick hug, taking the presents they'd bought and positioning them under the tree.

Willow handed Tara a glass of the creamy beverage, then watched Xander bustle around the room. "I can't believe you let Spike talk you into blue tinsel, Xander."

"Whelp's the one who picked it out." Spike said, emerging from the bedroom. Tara smiled as the vampire picked her up, swinging her in a circle.

"Hands off the girlfriend, mister!" Willow said mock-seriously, punching Spike in the arm.

"Hey! Not going to run off with the little thing. 'Sides, I'm all taken and whatnot. Whelp wouldn't like me taking a hot little bit on the side." Spike leered at the blonde witch, who blushed attractively.

"Why are all the good men taken?" Willow sighed, draping herself back on the bar. A knock on the door precluded any answer and Spike opened it, revealing Giles.

"Ripper!" Spike pulled the Watcher in, slamming the door. The Watcher smirked at Spike, handing him a brown paper bag. "Scotch?" Spike said reverently, holding up a bottle. "You shouldn't have."

"Giles, why are all the good men taken?" Willow repeated, the strong eggnog already going to her head.

Giles grinned. "Because we all get together with each other. It's safer and more fun than getting chewed up by women."

Xander nodded in agreement. "Damn straight."

"Not exactly." Spike shot back, grabbing the human and devouring his mouth. Giles shook his head in mock sorrow, and then poured himself a glass of eggnog.

"Christ, Spike, what did you do put in this?" Giles swore, taking a sip of the eggnog.

Spike snarled. "Why is everyone blaming me today? Xander decorated the tree and Xander made the eggnog. I had nothing to do with it." He threw his hands in the air in exasperation, only to have Xander grab him, tickling his exposed ribs.

The five friends distributed plates and glassware and were soon ensconced around the living room, enjoying the fruits of Xander's labors in the kitchen.

"Where's Buffy?" Giles asked around a mouthful of sweet potatoes, a delicacy he was learning to appreciate.

Spike snarled. "Said she might stop by later. Has something to do with Austin, before he flies out."

"Oh." The meal was finished in companionable silence as more eggnog was passed around.

"I should probably stop drinking this stuff before I pass out." Willow said, giggling. Tara grinned, watching the redhead smile widely under the influence of the heavily fortified drink.

"Oh, not on our account. The couch is very comfy." Xander said from his spot on Spike's lap. The vampire picked up the stereo remote, starting up holiday music.

"I never took you for a Christmas carol fan, Spikey." Willow said, lying back against her girlfriend.

"'M not, Red." Spike snarled, changing discs around. Giles squinted as twangy guitar music filled the room. The first words cracked everyone up.

"Mom got drunk and dad got drunk
At our Christmas party.
They were drinking Champagne punch
And homemade eggnog."18

"It's us!" Willow snorted, rolling back on the couch in laughter.

"Actually, it reminds me of my parents." Xander said, cackling at the memory of his often-inebriated parents.

Willow sobered up quickly. "I'm sorry, Xander."

"Don't be! They don't bother me any more, not really." The boy snuggled more deeply into Spike's lap, singing along to the chorus. "Send somebody to the Stop-and-Go, we need some celery and a can of fake snow."

Pounding on the door caught everyone's attention. Xander got up reluctantly to greet Buffy. "Hey, Buff. Merry Christmas."

Buffy stepped inside, surveying her friends lounging around the apartment. Everyone seemed so happy and relaxed. "Hi. Sorry I'm late. Mom and Dawn say hi." She gave Xander a weak smile.

"Thanks. Eggnog?" Xander held out a glass of the stuff, which Buffy took gratefully.

"Come on over, Buff. We saved you a seat on the couch." Willow patted the space next to her on the leather sofa. Actually, there was extra room because Xander had been sitting on Spike's lap, but no one bothered to point that out.

"Pressie time." Spike announced, getting up from the chair to distribute presents. Xander snuck up behind the vampire, shoving the Santa hat on his head. "Oi!" Spike reached for the hat, only to have his hands batted away.

"Leave it." Xander leaned closer, so that only Spike could hear. "I'll wear it later.with nothing else on." Spike growled, but relented and left the hat on.

"Fine, pet." The vampire distributed presents around the room, commenting on the size, shape and weight of everyone's contributions.

"Where did you all have your gifts wrapped?" Willow asked, admiring the elegant trappings of Spike and Xander's presents.

"Did them ourselves, pet." Spike said, rattling his gift from Willow. "Go on then, open them. Giles first."

The Watcher grimaced but did as asked and opened his first present. In it he found a herbology text from Willow and Tara. "Where did you find this?"

"E-bay." The girls answered, giggling. "You really should learn to use the computer, Giles."

The pattern set by Giles' first gift had Buffy opening her present from Willow and Tara. It was a silver and garnet cross on a long, antique chain. "Wow, this is gorgeous. Thanks, guys!" The Slayer draped the chain around her neck. "Too bad most of the people I meet around here won't appreciate it." Everyone laughed, Spike snarling in jest.

Spike and Xander received from the witches a box of herbs, bowls, candles and incense. "Care to explain?" Spike asked the girls.

"It's a purification and protection spell." Willow said. "Vampire approved."

Giles picked up a second gift, this one from Buffy. He opened the flat package to find a spiral-bound notebook. "Your patrol journals." He said in surprise, flipping through the pages.

"I do keep them, you know. That one is from October-around Halloween." Buffy smiled at her Watcher, pleased at having surprised him.

The witches got a large supply of rare herbs from Buffy that she'd gotten via Angel-ones they had a hard time getting in Sunnydale. The boys opened a large box to find that they'd received an enormous number of the beeswax candles they favored.

Giles then presented each one of them with protective amulets. "They're for possession, and like Willow's spell, are vampire approved." They pocketed the small metal disks, which would come in handy, especially for possession-prone Xander.

Finally, Giles reached for Spike and Xander's present. He opened the box to find a cut-glass decanter, fine crystal if he wasn't mistaken. He looked up at the boys in surprise.

"To replace the one I broke." Spike said, staring at the tree. Giles had almost forgotten that the vampire had destroyed his favorite decanter while a guest/prisoner at his home.

"It is very nice, thank you."

Willow opened Xander's present to her, gasping over the half-dozen cat's-eye scrying balls. "They're beautiful. Thank you, Xander." She shared them with Tara, who passed them over to Buffy and Giles. "Open yours, Tara." Willow pushed Xander's gift to her over to the witch.

Tara's jaw dropped when she saw the stylized bear carving done in soapstone. "T-thank you, Xander." She whispered, cradling the figure.

Willow looked askance at the very heavy package to her and Tara from Spike. He smirked at her as she ripped off the paper. "Tara!" The blonde witch looked over at the light blue-and-white chess set she'd unearthed from a mountain of tissue paper. The figures were carved as birds of prey instead of people, with mice as the pawns. "Spike, where did you find this? It's precious!" The girls oohed and ahhed over the detailed carvings, admiring the stone figurines.

"Wow, you guys really outdid yourselves." Buffy said, tearing open the paper on her last present. Like the one that Willow had just opened, hers was rather weighty. < I just hope it's not a chess set. > Not that she wanted books any more. "Voltaire?" She asked, looking up at her friend and his vampire lover. "John Cleland, Alexis de Toqueville, St. Thomas Aquinas, Ovid, Solon?" She read off the authors' names. They'd given her classics for Christmas?

"Good reading there, Slayer." Spike said, nodding at the stack of books.

Giles indicated his agreement. "Indeed, there is much you can learn from those books, Buffy."

"Much to learn, grasshopper." Xander said, giggling as Spike poked him.

"Uh huh." She smiled brightly, not wanting to insult her friend.

"As lovely as the evening has been, I must be going." Giles said, gathering his belongings.

"Us too. Thanks, Xander." Willow and Tara helped Xander and Spike pick up the living room as Buffy and Giles retreated to the door.


Willow and Tara weren't long following. Spike pulled Xander to him, watching the lights twinkling on their first Christmas tree. "So, pet, happy?"

Xander smiled, resting his head on Spike's shoulder. "Very happy. You?"

Spike moved around the brunette, pressing their lips together. "You're here, you're happy. Therefore, I'm happy." He kissed Xander again. "Shag now."

Xander pulled away. "Uh-uh. You haven't opened your Christmas present." The human produced a box from under the kitchen counter, pushing it into Spike's hands. The blonde opened it, wondering what Xander had had hidden away. They'd already given each other pretty much everything they'd picked out.

Spike pulled out the manacles, staring in shock. They were the ones that he and Xander had admired in Sunnydale's only sex shop. "When, pet?" He asked, holding up the items.

"After you said you wanted to use them." Xander replied, watching Spike carefully. "But only if it's what you want."

Spike looked at the manacles, then at Xander. He knew what Xander was offering. They'd discussed it more than once. Spike was normally the dominant one in any relationship, and this one was no exception. That didn't mean he didn't like being submissive, but he had serious issues from his times with Angelus. Xander was offering to help heal him of those old wounds, if he could trust the boy.

"What do you need?" Spike asked, his way of agreeing.

"About ten minutes in the bedroom." Xander said, picking up the shackles. Spike nodded and Xander picked up Buffy's box of candles, retreating to the bedroom and closing the door. Spike busied himself with a few last-minute clean-up chores, snuffing candles and unplugging the Christmas tree.

Spike was honest with himself, if no one else. This was more than he'd dared ask for from Xander. The boy was just that; a boy, and these types of games might well be over his head. Hells, it had taken the vampire more years than Xander had been alive to learn them.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when Xander opened the bedroom door, beckoning him inside. Spike stopped in the doorway, his eyes on the brunette. Candles had been lit and scattered throughout the bedroom, casting a soft glow over the dark walls. The covers on the bed had been pulled off, folded, and set to the side of the bed, leaving only a single satin sheet and some pillows on the bed, along with the manacles.

The vampire spotted the shackles immediately. They were works of art, if such things could be called that; heavy iron with exotic designs deeply inscribed in the surface, their inherent barbarism tempered by the soft, padded silk linings. They were instruments of torture-sensual torture, made for the bedroom.

Xander stood next to their bed, watching Spike watch him. He waited patiently; his lover had to agree to this himself. Xander could not say a word to convince him. It was how he wanted it and Spike needed it; his lover giving himself freely, surrendering with complete trust.

Keeping his eyes on Xander, Spike walked up to him, stopping a few feet away. He let his arms drop to his sides, his palms turned forward. Finally, he dropped his head, eyes locked onto a spot on the floor at Xander's feet.

The brunette was instantly hard; the vampire had come to him, silently giving him control. Fire raced through his veins, followed immediately by an equally cool rush. Both sensations served only to enflame his lust. The mortal broke his motionless stance, circling Spike slowly, almost but not quite touching him.

"You may not speak, although I will not gag you. I like hearing you moan; but there is to be no begging, no demands. I do whatever I like. Remember Susan." Xander fell silent.

Spike suppressed a smirk at the name, remembering how the lovers had settled upon their safe word. Once it became apparent that they would be venturing away from pure vanilla sex, Xander had insisted that they have one:

"Spike, we have to have a word." Xander said, snuggling deeper into the vampire's lap.

"Word, love?" Spike asked, distracted by the head burrowing into his crotch.

"A safe word." Xander replied.

"Oh, that." The vampire thought for a minute. "Flatulence."

"What?" Xander shouted. "Flatulence? You want 'flatulence' to be our safe word? You want me to shout out embarrassing bodily functions during sex?" Xander sat up, moving to the other end of the couch. "No. No way."

"That's kind of the point, pet. Safe words aren't supposed to be something you would normally say during sex. Wouldn't do if the word for 'stop' was, say, 'more,' or 'please,' now would it?"

"I know that, but there has to be a better word, or at least one I can say five times fast." Xander joked.

"How about cities? Sacramento, San Diego, Dallas." Spike began.

"Austin?" Xander said, then grimaced. "Ugh. Well, it would work, you know. No better mood killer than yelling out the name of the guy your ex dumped you for in the middle of sex."

Spike shot Xander a dirty look. "Food, then. Broccoli, turnip, cabbage, macaroni, chocolate."

"You're kidding, right? You want me to associate my favorite food with uncomfortable moments during fucking?" Xander looked incredulous.

"Right. Back to the drawing board. How about names?"

"Names? I thought we agreed that Austin was definitely out." Xander said, pouting.

"Women's names. Be funny, actually. Couple of blokes screaming out lady's names during sex. Really mess with the neighbor's heads." Spike chuckled at the image of the young, straight couple next door listening to the pair going at it all day and night.

"Hmm.actually, that idea has merit. But it can't be a name either of us has a history with. No ex girlfriends, mothers, sisters, you know." Xander said.

"So Buffy's out?" Spike joked.

"Yup, as is Anya, Cordelia, Willow, Tara-" Xander began.

"Drusilla, Darla, Joyce, Dawn, Mary-" Spike continued.

"Mary?" Xander asked.

"Sister. Anna's me Mum, so that's out too."

"Faith, Candace, Theresa, Christine, Amy-"

"Faith I know. The others?" Spike asked.

"Two cousins and a pair of girls from high school." Xander replied.

"Right. Let's try this the other way around.what names work for you?"

"Elizabeth, Sara, Alice, Rebecca, Michelle, Kristen, Jane-" Xander tried.

"Nope." Spike said, shaking his head at the lot. "Hope, Patience, Rose, Vera, Susan, Sandra-"

"Susan." Xander said. It was the first, and only, name that had Spike had said that he couldn't think of a single objection to.

"Susan it is." Spike said firmly.

Still watching Spike closely, Xander halted in front of the vampire. "Get on the bed. Lay on your back. Spread your arms and legs." Spike quickly moved to obey.

Once the vampire was in position on the bed, Xander picked up the manacles and snapped them on the blonde's wrists and ankles, first removing his shoes and socks. He then clasped the chains attached to them into the loops cleverly worked into each of the bedposts, drawing them taut enough to keep the vampire from being able to turn over, but allowing enough leeway for some measure of comfort. Xander looked at Spike, who still had his eyes downcast. "Look at me, Spike." Spike looked at him. "Look at me, Spike. Do not look away from me. You will watch me." Spike nodded once in understanding. Xander wanted Spike to know that it was him, Xander, with him this night. Spike would not mistake his human lover for Angelus.

Xander walked around to the foot of the bed, opening the trunk. He pulled out an elegant dagger, its razor-sharp blade gleaming in the candlelight. He wrapped his fingers around the carved bone handle, running the fingers of the other hand down the metal. Moving to the side of the bed, he climbed on the mattress and straddled the blonde. Locking onto the vampire's blue eyes, he reached for his lover's shirt with his free hand, drawing it up off his cool chest. Slowly, he split the material with the knife, running the blade up to the vampire's neck. The fabric parted cleanly, exposing marble white skin.

Spike gasped softly. He could see the arousal in Xander's face, smell it rolling off his body. The vampire was no stranger to giving up control, but the sensation of actually trusting his partner was new. Xander broke the gaze between the two and quickly finished cutting off the blonde's shirt. Moving lower, the human unbuckled Spike's belt, pulling the leather strap out of the belt loops and tossing it aside. He then ran the dagger up the outside of one pants leg, then the other, deliberately nicking the vampire's skin high on one hip.

The vampire bucked up at the pricking sensation. Xander knew that the movement was in arousal, not pain, but he caught Spike's eyes again as he slowly leaned down and licked the wound in apology. Spike shuddered uncontrollably, the dual touch of pain and pleasure overwhelming him. Combined with his powerlessness, it pushed him quickly to the edge of desire.

Sensing this, Xander got up off the bed, pulling the ruined jeans off the vampire. The brunette retrieved a few items from the nightstand where he'd left them earlier. Returning to the bed, he kneeled between the blonde's widespread legs. Grasping his lover's painfully hard cock with one hand, he slid a cockring on it with the other. "You come at my pleasure." Xander watched as Spike's eyes dilated with desire and a small frisson of fear.

The ring and Xander's words brought a flood of memories of his Sire to Spike. It took a moment for the vampire to remember that his lovely boy was not Angelus, wasn't that selfish bastard, wasn't going to torture him. No, his beautiful pet would never be so cruel. Well, he would, but he would also be oh so nice.

Xander turned to the other items he'd brought to the bed. Picking up the bottle, he opened it, pouring a stream of oil onto the blonde's chest. Spike hissed as the very warm oil drizzled on him and the scent of amber and sandalwood filled the room. Xander set the bottle aside and reached down with both hands, massaging the oil into Spike's soft, perfect skin.

The vampire moaned. Xander knew just where to press, where to pinch to make a simple massage a sensual nightmare. Spike arched off the bed, trying to increase the pressure on his skin. The boy laughed, pushing him back down. Xander continued his assault, smoothing the oil over Spike's arms and legs, avoiding his cock. As ordered, Spike followed his every move. It just added to the pleasurable torture, watching those strong tanned hands molding his body.

Xander straightened and turned, straddling the vampire's body again. He placed a hand on either side of Spike's chest and leaned down very close to the blonde's face. Catching those sapphire eyes again, he blew softly on the vampire's face, teasing his mouth. Spike arched up, trying to catch Xander's lips. Xander rocked back in response, slapping lightly at Spike's face. Spike snarled, beating his head back against the mattress. Instead of overwhelming the vampire with sensory overload, the mortal was teasing him by holding down the level of stimulation. It was enough to keep him aroused but not enough to send him into mindlessness.

Xander watched Spike struggle. It was time to change pace. Returning his eyes to the blonde's body, Xander began to run his fingers over that white skin, the tips just barely brushing. It was a touch so light it bordered on pain, as if the nerves in Spike's skin couldn't decide if the contact hurt or pleasured. Spike growled, and then moaned. He thrashed his head and arched his body, twisting toward those damned hands. < Just a little harder. > He had to get the touch just a little harder, just a little more.

The brunette did not indulge the vampire's wishes. He could feel those eyes following him, blue now tinged with yellow. Abruptly, Xander ceased his hands' motion and he slid down the blonde's body and swallowed his cock. Spike howled in response. < Oh fuck! > If the vampire's heart had been beating just then, it would have stopped. He thrust up, only to have Xander move right with him, preventing Spike from going any deeper in his mouth than he wanted. The mortal brought his hands to Spike's hips, holding him where he wanted him. Spike was reduced to watching helplessly as Xander took pleasure from pleasuring him.

The suction on his cock was driving Spike mad. Xander looked up, seeing those now completely saffron eyes captivated by his mouth. He stilled, waiting until Spike caught his gaze. He then began to move again, running his tongue on the sensitive underside, sucking the tip, nipping the foreskin lightly. The vampire began panting in short, sharp breaths.

Had Xander not restrained him, Spike would have come at that point. As it was, he mewled and thrashed on the bed, unable to look away from the boy. Pleasure and pain twined so tightly he couldn't separate the two, didn't want to. His muscles tightened and bulged and he strained against the restraints. Xander finally released his erection, lapping one last time at the drooling head.

Xander rolled off the bed, standing back from the edge. He was unbearably aroused; he hadn't expected control to be quite so erotic. He'd nearly come just watching Spike as he'd sucked him. Trying to calm himself, the mortal took several deep breaths. After a moment, he stripped off his clothes, and then returned to his lover.

It was gratifying to Spike to see that Xander was as affected by this as he was. Angelus had always been cold when dominating him, never losing himself in the act. The boy, however, was in as deep as he was, as evidenced by his straining erection. < Wonder what my pet's up to? > Spike smirked at his mental double entendre.

Xander settled between his lover's legs, watching Spike watch him. He reached over, grabbing the lube he'd retrieved from the nightstand. Squeezing a liberal amount onto his fingers, he reached behind Spike's balls to massage his perineum and circle his tight opening. Spike pushed back, trying to deepen the touch. Again, Xander resisted his efforts, deliberately keeping his motions far softer than the roughness the vampire demanded.

After a few minutes of teasing, Xander pushed one finger deep into Spike's body. The blonde arched up, then settled back. After he had calmed, Xander began pumping the finger in and out in a steady rhythm. Spike moaned, moving his hips to take Xander deeper. The brunette added another finger, twisting to find the blonde's prostate. < Fuck! > Spike howled as Xander hit that spot, sending lightening up his spine. Xander stilled until the vampire returned his gaze to him. He then began again, this time with yet another finger.

Spike wanted more. < He's trying to kill me. > He banged his head on the mattress, twisted his hips, begged with every fiber of his being. < Gods, just shag me already! > Spike growled, his face just starting to shift.

< There we are! > Xander had been waiting for just that moment, when Spike just began to lose control. He pulled his fingers out and covered his erection with a generous coating of lube. Positioning himself at the vampire's quivering hole, he waited until Spike's eyes rested on his own. Grasping the vampire's hips, he pushed just the head of his cock inside.

Spike pushed down, managing to get just a little more of Xander inside him. The heat of the mortal, the fullness of him, relieved some of the ungodly tension that was wracking his body. < Closer, just a little closer. > He stared at the boy, willing him to push in deeper.

Xander watched Spike beg with his eyes. The vampire had resumed his panting and his face had fully morphed. Xander could just see his fangs between slightly parted lips. Just when Spike was dropping his head to the bed and snarling in frustration, Xander lunged forward.

< Damned whelp. > Spike gave up, snarling. Just then, the boy thrust all the way in, splitting him wide open. The vampire screamed, pushing high off the bed. Low moans poured from his throat as his body throbbed, demanding release.

Xander stilled again, buried to the hilt within Spike's cool body. He watched the vampire sobbing, wordlessly begging. "Look at me."

Spike opened his eyes and gasped. Xander's eyes were so dilated with desire they looked solid black. Sweat shined on his skin, trickled down to pool on the sheet. < Bloody perfect. > Then Xander began to move.

Once he was sure the vampire could tell who he was, Xander began to thrust into him. He set a maddeningly even, slow pace, pulling almost completely out and then seating himself to the hilt. Each thrust rubbed against Spike's prostate, making the vampire quiver and push back against him. Soon the blonde was growling and snarling at the boy, thrashing his head. Xander continued the pace as the vampire began to shake uncontrollably.

Xander's cock was killing him. Each thrust pushed against his prostate, sending daggers of sensation to his erection. His body screamed for release, begged for it. Spike heard the guttural growling around him, vaguely aware that he was the source. He couldn't take it; he had to come. He was about to start shouting at the lad when he remembered the order not to speak. The vampire bit his lip, drawing blood in a vain attempt to control himself.

The brunette saw Spike rip into his lower lip. He knew what the vampire was trying to do; the pace the mortal had set had to be driving him crazy. "Spike." Xander waited until the blonde's eyes cleared a bit. "You may speak. Tell me what you want. Exactly what you want."

Spike gaped at the human. He hadn't expected the concession. Recovering, words began spilling out of his mouth. Later, he would not be able to recall most of what he said.

"Gods, Xan, fuck me. Hard. Harder. Fucking shag me into the floor already. Move your arse, you goddamned wanker! Get yer cock up my arse and ream me til I bleed. Bugger all, just make me come you sick fuck!"

Xander watched Spike's eyes glaze over as the caustic flood poured from his mouth. He honestly doubted the vampire knew what he was saying. He didn't actually catch all of it himself, but he'd known what the blonde was going to say anyway. < If that's what he wants. > Xander decided to give the vampire what he asked for.

Spike howled as Xander suddenly thrust viciously into him. The brunette slammed into him again and again, angling for his prostate. He sank deeply into the mattress, pushed there by the force of Xander's thrusting. It wasn't the hardest he'd ever been fucked, but it was far more than he'd ever gotten from a human lover, who couldn't possibly compete with vampires in sheer force.

Xander watched as Spike gave in to his onslaught. Watching the vampire lose himself, the mortal rested his weight on one hand while bringing the other up to the vampire's cock. He fisted the purpling erection, pulling the cockring off, and then starting a strong pull in counterpoint to his frantic thrusting.

Spike screamed continuously as he came, unable to move his eyes away from those of his lover. Long, strong spurts of come arced over his body, drenching his chest. He began to shake, his muscles finally relaxing slightly. Xander watched Spike moan in relief as the mortal continued his ministrations, milking the last drops of come from his cock. He released the softening flesh, simultaneously slowing his thrusting back to its previous steady motion.

The vampire, having recovered slightly from the stunning orgasm, watched as the boy continued thrusting. Xander carefully catalogued the vampire's condition. His lover's face had slipped out of its demonic visage, although his eyes remained a glowing yellow. The brunette continued his leisurely fucking until Spike's eyes returned to their unreal blue color.

Spike was enthralled by the look of tender concentration on Xander's face. The boy was still thrusting in and out of him, but the action which had once served to madden him was now calming, that hot cock soothing him like a lover's hand running over his face. He felt himself relax completely.

Once he was sure the vampire was recovered, Xander leaned down, draping his body over Spike's, his mouth just brushing the vampire's ear. He began softly whispering to the blonde,

"So beautiful, Spike. So perfect." Xander continued the gentle thrusts. "Your body arching under mine, so giving, so perfect." The brunette brushed a soft caress across the vampire's cheek. "Your cock weeping for me, your eyes glowing." Spike closed his eyes, shuddering. This tenderness, the softly spoken words, after such animalistic force, was devastating.

"Do you have any idea how you looked?" Xander asked. "What you looked like, writhing around my cock, screaming your pleasure?" The brunette whispered to his lover. "Do you know what your come looked like, spilling over your body, out into my hand? Do you know what it felt like, your seed flowing through my fingers?" He continued his thrusting, never changing speed, continuously stimulating Spike's prostate with the head of his cock.

By now, the vampire was shaking continuously. He was again painfully erect, but instead of the cruel need of before, he was almost weeping from some deeper, but far sweeter, emotion. He had asked, begged, no, demanded that Xander fuck him, and so the boy had. Now, Xander was making love to him, and it was breaking his unbeating heart.

Xander felt his body beginning to contract. He would come soon; he had been hard so long he had forgotten what any other state felt like. Still, he wanted more from his lover. "Do you know how this feels, Spike? Do you have any idea of how you feel inside?" He could feel the vampire shuddering against him, silently trembling in renewed need. Still, he kept up the gentle rocking.

"Gods, Spike. Do you know how I feel right now?" Xander asked, balanced right on the edge. Gritting his teeth, he whispered to Spike as he came, "Do you know how much I love you?" Xander fell over the edge, tumbling into ecstatic oblivion.

Spike strained to hear the words pouring from his lover's mouth. Xander's voice was wrenching tears from his eyes even as his body strained for completion. Then he caught the last, gasping query from the brunette as the boy came. His eyes shot open as orgasm rushed up to meet the exquisite love flowing through his mind. His body clenched around Xander, milking him. Tears flowed freely down Spike's face as he lay suddenly quiescent under the mortal, unable to move for the emotions that still filled his head and heart.

Xander roused some time later, pushing up and taking his weight off Spike's body. He reached over and down, freeing Spike from his restraints. Finally, Xander lifted his face to meet Spike's. He inhaled sharply at the sight of pink-tinged tears running down pale cheeks.

Spike watched Xander release the manacles and sit up, then saw the despair wash over that flushed face as the mortal misread the tears on his own cold visage. Raising his arms to his lover, he pulled Xander back down to him. He was shaken by the tremors he felt running through the mortal.

"Love you, Xan. Shh. Love you, pet. Gods, love you so much." Spike caught Xander's mouth in a gentle kiss, expressing as no words could how he felt. Xander lifted his head slightly, looking into those beloved blue eyes.

"You're.I didn't." Xander stuttered slightly, still fixated on those coppery tears. Spike smiled, a soft, wry curve. He reached up with one hand, wiping pure saline tears from Xander's own cheek.

"Not always bad ones, love." He said quietly, pulling Xander back down to meet his mouth. The lovers kissed softly, tasting each other. Eventually, they parted when the human needed air. Xander ran one tentative finger down Spike's cheek, catching those rosy drops. He studied them for a moment, and then reached over the far side of the bed, retrieving the comforter he'd folded there. Draping the cover over them, he curled up on Spike's chest, wrapping his warm body around the vampire's cooler one.

"We're gonna need a shower, pet, or we'll wake up stuck together." Spike said, not even trying to move.

"Later." Xander mumbled from beneath the covers he'd pulled up over his head. Spike nuzzled Xander's dark head contentedly. After a few minutes, Xander spoke again. "So, is this what you had in mind when you got the bed?"

Spike laughed, the vibrations tickling Xander's ear. After a moment, the laugh settled into a low, contented purr, and the lovers drifted off.

Some time later, Spike awoke and realized that the bathing he'd mentioned earlier had not occurred. He ran a hand down Xander's back and sent the other one to the boy's ear, teasing the earring there. Xander wiggled at the sensation, then opened a bleary eye.

"Wha'd you do that for?" He asked, burrowing deeper into Spike's arms.

"Bath, pet." Xander groaned at the statement. Spike, unconcerned by Xander's apparent disinterest in bathing, gathered the human in his arms and scooted to the edge of the bed. He stood up and carried the brunette into the bathroom, setting him on the commode while he turned on the shower.

"Gah! Cold!" Xander shouted as his bare ass met the commode seat cover. Spike smirked at the indignant yelp. Satisfied that the water was warm enough, he tugged Xander into the shower, pushing him under the spray.

The steamy water did little to rouse the still half-asleep human, who stood passively while Spike lathered up first his hair and then his body, washing away sweat and dried come. He allowed the blonde to prop him in a corner while he cleaned himself and then turned off the water and dried them both. Xander remained quiescent as Spike led him back to the bed and set him on it, tugging and pushing until he was lying in the center. The vampire then climbed in after him, wrapping tightly around the human.

Xander closed his eyes, feeling himself giving in to the call of sleep and lovely dreams. Before he was too far gone to talk, he said, "Love you."

"I know," Spike murmured, he himself nearly gone. "Love you."

"I know," Xander replied, tumbling into unconsciousness.


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