June 1st - So, I'm finally able to update the site again, geocities wasn't allowing me access before... so.. Lets see what I can get done today.

I'm putting the site on hiatus so i can get things in order and add a new layout. Shouldn't take long, so keep checking back to see what's done.

HUGE NEWS! AFI has been nominated for a Grammy!! They are nominated for Package Category 85 - Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package for Sing the Sorrow. Congratulations guys, we are very Proud of ya!

NOT SO HUGE NEWS:I've added an avatar section to the site, currently only holds AFI shots, but soon to be more. you'll still have to save them and upload them, but hey, isn't that more convienent? :)

Progress: I've had a request that I put my progress on the site on here.

I'm going to pretty much start the site over and work from scratch. I think it'll work out better that way so dont be surprized if there are links and images not working.

Buffy -
Angel -
Charmed -
A.F.I. - 15%
Forum (revamp) - 0% complete
F.A.Q. -

To contact me, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks! You can also sign the guestbook and the Forums are still online so keep visiting there!

For neopets people, the quick links are still online and can be found Here.

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