Welcome to the George Family Webpage. This site started when I was pregnant with Aiden 3 years ago. The name has changed from Baby George's Webpage as our family is growing so the new name captures the entire clan. Keep checking back for updates!!

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April 6, 2006
Hey, just wanted to post a few pictures of the Easter Egg hunt Aiden and I went on this past weekend. Aiden went with his buddies Aiden P, Ethan and Ava. He had a wonderful time and found lots of eggs for the Easter Bunny. Stephen and I go again with him this week.....Stephen had to work last weekend so we're booked another egg hunt in so dad can come and join in on the fun. I'll post more pics from this weekend.
Aiden and his friend Aiden Plante
More of the boys on the hunt for eggs
Filling up his basket
Mommy and Aiden on the tractor ride

March 27, 2006
Hello, we just had a visit from Wendy and Devon. It was so awesome to have them here and Aiden got extreamly attached to both of them. It was really sad to see them leave especially because Aiden keeps asking for "Aunt Weny and Uncle Debo". Hopefully one more year in Bernuda and they'll be back home in Canada.
We also had an ultrasound last week. It was so awesome....no matter how many I've seen it amazing me the same each time. We're still keeping the sex a secret until the baby is born. It's very temping to find out in the ultrasound but if I can just hold off through the ultrasounds every 2 weeks we'll be ok.....
We'll be home in Cape Breton April 12 til 17 so please get in touch with us at Stephen's parents place so we can get to see everyone. I'm very excited to go home :-).
Here are a few pictures over the past month. We did some decorating in Aiden's bedroom and we're really happy with how it turned out. Another one is just of Aiden being a cutie last week and one of me last week to when I was at the half way mark. The pic isnt' very good though cause it's sort of close up and I'm wearing dark clothes. I got Stephen to take another one of me this past weekend and I'll put that up soon.
Ultrasound picture of little Baby George #2
Pam Preggo 20 weeks
Aiden March 2006.....I cannot believe how grown up he is!!
Here are the picture of his bedroom....

February 16, 2006
Hey, here are a few more pictures of my most recent belly pic, Aiden and Grace Murphy, and a few from when Brendon and Daniel were here for Winterlude also my new table for my breakfast nook.
Aiden and Grace roaring their heads off as Sarah was lifting
a blanket off and on their heads......Holy Static!!
Changed my hair color to a reddish brownish color......and check out the big ol' belly!!
The boys getting ready to go cheer for the Sens at the hockey game
All the boys skating on the canal
The family skating on the canal during winterlude!!

February 8, 2006
Hey guys, hope all is well with you and your families. Everything is wonderful here in Ottawa. This winter has been the warmest we've had in years. Great for me walking to work but it's bad for Winterlude activities. Brendon is here and we're enjoying every minute with him and praying the canal will reopen in the next day or 2

For those of you who haven't heard yet we are expecting Baby George #2. Yep, Aiden and Brendon are going to be welcoming another fella to the George Clan. Call it mothers intuition but I'm thinking it's another boy but EVERYONE else is thinking PINK!!!We'll find out forsure when Baby is born. Stephen and I are going to try to contain ourselves and wait to find out the sex. With Aiden we found out so I think we'll try to wait it out! Just to let you know I already look 6 months pregnant. Well maybe I'm exaggerating but holy moly I'm big. With Aiden I barely started to show by 5-6 months but this one I had a belly pretty early on. I have a picture we took at 10 weeks (5 weeks ago)and I posted it below and I have added the ultrasound that we had 2 weeks ago. I'll take belly pics every 3-4 weeks so keep checking back for updates.I tool one yesterday but I forget to downloaded it from the camara. The next dr appointment will be sometime in March so I'll definitley post the next ultrasounds pic then too......

January 5, 2006
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone. I hope you and your families had a wonderful Christmas. We had a nice Christmas and Aiden was alot of fun. He still wasn't super excited about all of the presents Santa left for him under the tree but after they were all open and put together he was loving all the new stuff.
Stephen and I took down all the decorations this week and boy does the house look boring. It's funny how quickly you get used to all the decorations then when they are down it's a bare look in the house.
In another month Brendon and Stephen's brother Daniel will be up for a week to visit for Winterlude. We cannot wait for Brendon to get here especially that this is his first trip up here in the winter. NHL games ( Crosby's playing here to while he's here ), Winterlude activities like sleding, skating the canal, the entire city is a winter wonderland. I can't wait!! I'll have lots more pics to post when they get here. For now, here are just a couple that are resized from the holidays....
Aiden playing with his new air hockey table that he got from Kim and Shawn
Christmas Day dinner at Pete and Cheryls
Me and Aiden on New Years Day
Papa B, Aiden and Grandma over the holidays
Aiden's new hair cut......he looks so grown up now
He's got such a cornball smile now when he says "Cheese". I LOVE IT!!
The happy family :-)

November 7, 2005
We enrolled Aiden in skating lessions this past weekend. He starts on Thursday. Needless to say, Stephen is super excited and could not contain himself and had to go out immediatley and get him some gear.....Skates, stick that still has to be cut, helmet with cage and a little mini hockey bag. We dressed Aiden up in his new gear on Saturday night and he LOVED it. We were shocked that he could actually stand and walk with the skates on. It's so cute......here are a few pics on him all geared up!!!
Aiden standing all by himself
Stephen couldn't take the smile off his face all night.
Aiden cried when we tried to take his gear off....he was very into the game as you can see!!
November 1, 2005
hello, well Halloween is here and gone. We had a good time with Aiden. I think we enjoyed it more than he did. He wasn't scared of the decorations or costumes but he wasn't really into going door to door but he did go to a few houses and he said "trick treats please". It was cute......here are a few pictures from Halloween 2005!
Aiden outside trick or treating...
Superman's Cape!
Superman chilling on the couch
Dad a.k.a Zorro
Zorro, Fat Elvis and Prom Queen
Another group shot including the local Sherrif in town...
The prom queen
I still laugh out loud everytime I look at Stephen in this costume!

October 21, 2005
Here are a few more pictures I've resized from the trip to Cape Breton.
Mr. and Mrs. McGillivray making it official
Ladies on the stairs before the wedding
Girls again......I like this pic cause I look skinny....well thin-ish :-)
Tracy, Basil and Alex outside their cottage in Mabou
Wouldn't be a wedding without a pic at the Red Shoe
More from the girls...
I love this picture......WE ARE NOT DRUNK I SWEAR!!
Aiden with Uncle Dickey

October 18, 2005
Hey all, back from the trip to Cape Breton for Tracy and Basil's wedding. I was home for a week and I had such a great vacation. I feel bad that I didn't get to see all of my family and friends but I did have a wonderful time helping out Tracy with her wedding plans and I spent alot of time just hanging out with her. The wedding was amazing. Tracy looked breathtaking as I knew she would. I have a few pictures of the reception but the other pics are at home on the laptop. As soon as I get a chance I'll resize them and add them to the site.
Aiden also had a great trip home visiting our families. Each time we go home it's so much harder to leave everyone......it's always hard for us to watch all the Capers cry when we come back to Ottawa especially with Aiden saying " Bye gwandma(Granny), bye poppie, bye Caffie (Aunt Cathy), bye Nannie "wuv you guys"(Love you guys) The hearts are broken in Cape Breton with that little fella gone forsure. I promise everyone that I'll add more updated pics of him every other week so you don't miss out on anything with him.....
Mr. and Mrs. McGillivray
Alex, Me and Norine at the supper
Me and Auntie Donna
The ladies looking f-i-n-e
Tracy, Kelly, Basil and Aaron
Basil and Danny

August 30, 2005
Hey, I'm back with updates. When I was home in Cape Breton I was harrassed by a ton of you to get some updates coming so here they are. I have lots of pictures to post so I'll get as many of them done as I can. The summer was pretty hectic. Aiden had a blast between swimming in the pool, playing at the playgroud and backyard, travelling to see family......he's been busy and loving it! He's growing so much in the past few months it's crazy. None stop talking and he is soooooooooooooo funny. Brendon and Sheila were up visiting last week and he followed his big brother all over the house. It was so cute! The new house will be ready in almost 3 weeks. We're are looking forward to see the finished product. I have a few pics of the house too in almost complete stages......enjoy ya'll!!
Aiden looking cute with Laura when she was in Ottawa to visit us
Pam and Laura.....miss ya Laura :-(
Aiden loving his monkey and soother.....obsessed might be the proper word for it!!
Having a swim in the pool!
The boys out rollerblading...
Brendon at hockey camp
Stephen and Sheila's 25th Anniversary party....August 6, 2005
Another pic from the party
The boys hanging out!
Kyra Cato.....Laurie's little princess on the of her Christening...
Latrell and Kyra all dressed up for their Christening
Us with the kiddies......I miss them soooooooo much too!!
Murf on his 30th b-day with little Grace!
Here is the new place almost finished.....pic taken August 22/05.
Family room off the kitchen
Here we are in the kitchen.....
Aiden sleeping in his big boy bed
Aiden and Daddy going for a rollerblade on Canada Day
Here is the Thomas the Train cake we made for him on his birthday!!
Here he is at his 2nd birthday party blowing out his candles!!

March 27, 2005
Happy Easter everyone...hope you had a nice holiday. I've been off work for 4 days in a row and it was awesome. We had a nice day on Sunday with Aiden. The Easter Bunny did a little egg hunt for him and he really enjoyed that. Then he also left Aiden a new table and chairs set along with a new wagon. He ate lunch at the new table today and went for a ride in his wagon yesterday. We had an easter BBQ at our place on Sunday. Steaks, Pork Chops, Hamburgers and Hotdogs......YUMMY!! It was so delicious. I am so glad it's BBQ season again!! Here are a few pics of Mr Aiden over the past couple of weeks....
Aiden reading his new Elmo book he got from Grandma and Papa Brunette
More reading!!
Outside getting ready to go in the car to swim class
Having a nap in his chair.....so cute!!
Another cute one of him waiting to go outside

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