Our Class Discipline System

In order for all children in our class to learn, they need rules and guidelines to follow. Without this structure, the behavior of some children may distract others, prohibiting them from learning. I'm sure you desire your child to become all he/she can be. With your support of our classroom discipline system, I will be better able to teach and help your child reach his/her potential. Please become familiar with the guidelines below, so that you can give the support at home. Thanks!!

Each child will begin the first day of school with 5 pennies in a container that can be worn as a necklace.

Students can earn pennies each day for following the rules, helping others, being a good listener, doing his/her work, or being recognized by other teachers for good behavior.
On Fridays, those students with ten cents or more may cash in their pennies for a treat. The person who has earned the most pennies will take the class mascot, Popsicle Pete, home  and report on the events of the weekend.
As there are rewards for good behavior, there are also consequences for inappropriate behavior. We discuss what happens to adults who do not follow rules, example - speeding tickets, tickets for not wearing seat belts, paying fines, etc..., and that there are also consequences for their own inappropriate behavior.
Those students who break a rule after receiving a warning will be issued a ticket stating the rule that was broken and will be required to pay a fine of 1 cent.
These tickets will be placed inside a ziploc bag stapled to your child's agenda book. Please discuss with your child the rule(s) that were broken then sign and return the tickets to school daily.
Those who follow the rules each day will receive a penny to add to their collection and will get an "I followed all the rules" slip in their agenda. These do not need to be signed.
Students who break the same rule more than once a day (example: talking during a lesson) will be asked to write their name in the "I Remember" book. If a child's name appears in the book more than twice a week, he/she will not participate in the "Fun Friday" activity for that week, such as a movie with popcorn, a cooking activity, or extra recess or center time.
The containers filled with pennies will make lots of noise if they are being shaken, especially by a room full of children, so I will stress to the children that if they are disturbing the class or a lesson by shaking their pennies, they will have to give up all their money and start over.
We are going to discuss as a class on the first day of school what we would like our classroom to be like and how we would like to be treated. I will basically let the children establish their own rules. When we've decided on the classroom rules, I will post them on this page. Please discuss rules that are broken and praise your child when all rules are followed. 

Here is an example of the ticket and the "I Followed All the Rules Today" papers that you will be seeing. Please remember to sign the tickets and send back to school each day, but keep the "I Followed All the Rules Today " tickets for the refrigerator.

I look forward to working with each and every one of you. With your help and support of this discipline system, there is no limit to what our students can accomplish.

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