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I decided to create this site because of my fascination with men in suits and uniforms. I want to particularly aim it at Australian men, though of course I want everyone that comes here to enjoy what I have here.

A bit of background to the whole thing... ever since I can remeber from my early teens Ive been attracted to men in suits and suit trousers, and although wanking off from memory was fantastic, I wanted more stimulation. Anyway, I found that whenever I had a camera with me for legitimate reasons like at motorshows, airshows or other events, I started to "accidentally" take a photo of a suited butt I found hot looking! Anyway that started with normal film cameras and then digital.. so I found myself with hundreds of still images of butts. I started “The Gay Businessmens Page” in the early 1990's. Then I found this tiny hidden camera that takes up to 10 seconds of movies a few years ago..then got addicted to that!



Secret Suited Butt Movies!

44 minuites of amature suited butts of everday men all original shot by myself! This quality CD-ROM has taken many months to compile and prepare. Direct safe ordering online via Pay Pal.

Only $AU20.00!

Sample of some of the movies are below.
Movie Preview




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