Bridge 4 Boobs
   8 women have been meeting once a    month to play bridge for over 21 years and they've found a way to help make a difference in helping in the fight against Breast Cancer.
    Over 12 years ago one of their neighbors died of breast cancer and instead of feeling helpless to a disease that has touched too many of their lives - they decided to do something about it. 
    Once a year,  during Breast Cancer Awareness Month,  they invite all the friends they know who play bridge to join them - they charge their guests $10 and $1 a down trick and with that they started to move closer to a cure.
    They started in 1995 inviting 27 women and raising $603.00; This past year their guest list has grown to 215 and they raised over $4,000; And over the past 11 years they have raised over $20,000... Not too bad for an afternoon of bridge.
    These 8 women want to
invite bridge groups and book groups all over the country and the world to do the same thing...take the month of October - when they are playing bridge and meeting in their book groups anyway - and invite an extra table or two - put out a donations dish and make a donation to the Breast Cancer Research Group at the University of Washington or a hospital near you.
   Make a difference - help put an end to us losing our friends, mothers, sisters, daughters and loved ones to this aweful disease.

Our September 2003 Bridge Day
Please Join Our Bridge Group In Fighting Breast Cancer
Invitation to Play Bridge for Breast Cancer Research
How to Host Your Own Bridge 4 Boobs Event
Important Links:
UW Breast Cancer Immunotherapy Research - Breast Cancer Treatment Information and Pictures
Somerset Bridge Ladies
Email: [email protected]
God bless you and keep doubling! And reading!
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