The One Stop Shop for Pomade

Admiral Pomade

Admiral Supply Co provides Quality Men’s Grooming products built to the highest standard and sold at a fair price. All Products are manufactured in Los Angeles, California.

O'Douds Pomade

O’Douds started with a vision of quality, natural, and well-sourced goods. We initially had no tools, no space, and no money; our only assets were hard work and clear goals.

Prospectors Pomade

What began as an obsession to find the perfect water-soluble pomade eventually turned into a prospecting quest that has yielded a precious discovery -hemp oil, the benchmarking ingredient in Prospectors Gold Rush Pomade.

Matte Clay

Light hold. $13.50

Traditional Pomade

Medium-heavy hold. $16.95

Gold Rush Pomade

Medium-heavy hold. $14.95