Rolling Thunder - The Collection of a Dice Junkie
Bring It On Home
It's a Sickness, I Know
My Library of RPG Materials
My D&D Characters
Ye Olde D&D Stories Of Yore
House Rules, Character Sheets, Prestige Classes, Etc
Email Me

A d20 System Related Site

Version 1.0a

Greeting and salutations, traveller. Welcome to what is sure to become yet another stagnant site for me. But, since you're here, let me point you to what this site is all about: my RPG dice collection. I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons since 1981, at the ripe old age of 10, and have been completely taken by the game ever since. I've played other RPGs: Gamma World, Call of Cthulhu, Rifts, just to name a few but my heart always leads me back the game that got me started on what I'm sure will be a lifetime of role-play gaming and definitely a lifetime of dice collecting!

What's New for April 21st, 2008?

Nearly a year later and what's been happening? There's been some D&D gaming, with a couple of campaigns running: a homebrew world as well as an Iron Heroes campaign (which is a pretty cool rules variant, more gritty with almost no magic.) More dice have been bought including a couple of metal sets (yes, actually made of metal) though, as is to be expected, the perfect set has yet to be found (though my copper metal set rolls pretty nice for me.) I know I've said it for years now but I'm going to get around to updating the site with new pics sometime soon as it's annoying to have the ancient pics here (they were taken with a craptastic webcam, as if you couldn't guess.) My gaming group is looking at running Paizo's Pathfinder RPG rules next, not sure where we're standing on the 4th Edition, we were probably going to make the jump to 4E until Paizo's monumental announcement was made. Me? I'm all for Pathfinder if for no other reason than it'll means the current books will still be usable (and with TSR's vast library at my disposal that's a LOT of books.)
What's New for June 11th, 2007?

***Copied from TSR's blog page***
In Memoriam
On Sunday, June 10th, 2007, around 7:30am Hawaii time, CEO Chris Shadowens' grandmother Dona (Nonie) Kaiu passed away. In an effort to allow him time to grieve as well as well as attend services we'll be postponing the release of Volume 6 by a couple of weeks. Our collective well-wishings are for him in his time of sadness and mourning and should he need a hug or a shoulder, there's a whole office full of candidates here.
What's New for January 3rd, 2007?

In a word: NOTHING. No updates as of late (or really ever) and TSR's been sitting on their collective hands riding the Holiday Express to Slackerville since shipping Volume 5 of The Dungeons & Dragons Archives (which, for those that haven't yet seen it, is the first exclusively Forgotten Realms based collection.) I got WotC's Cityscape for Xmas as well as the AWESOME D&D Cartoon boxed DVD set. That's it, nothing else new, just trying to keep the site "active". ;) I've heard talk at TSR of a spinoff site, one actually for TSR but that's strictly on the dream whiteboard thusfar. Time will tell...maybe by this time next year.
What's New for July 14th, 2006?

With work at TSR on hiatus, they took a break to enjoy early summer festivities, I've nearly nothing with my time. Hell, I've nearly no time to speak of aside from a couple of hours (between Midnight and 2am) a night when I've been playing City of Villains. All that should be changing as TSR's back (and a little tanner, I think) in the office and ready to get back to work churning out D&D book compilations. I'm not sure where they'll need me but as I'm always available for whatever they'll need I'm sure they'll find something for me to do. Supposedly the next compilation is Forgotten Realms related, this was tops in the poll they put out. After that, who knows? I've seen some early production stuff for d20 Star Wars, d20 Modern as well as more D&D stuff than most even knew existed. There's also been talk, and it's a little hush-hush so keep it under your hat, a DVD release that should compile everything that's been already released on CDs as well as anything else they can cram onto a 4.7GB disc. But that's a ways out. For now, we're Realms-bound.
What's New for March 30th, 2006?

Got involved with a fledgling d20 publisher named TSR (Totally Sharing Rulebooks). They're working on ways to bring mulitple d20 tomes to the gaming community in an easy to carry and work with digital medium. So far there has been 1 release with at least 1 more slated for the near future. It's a fun gig and I like the guys I work with. I'll post some more info here as I get it.
What's New for May 16th, 2005?

Cripes! Has it been 5 months since an update? Well, I did warn there'd be infrequent updates. I've also been infrequently updating my blog, the link is on my contact page. I may, I say again: may have some updates soon. Nothing big. If nothing else, I'll try to upload some new characters and some new graphics courtesy of my Kodak DX4530 and Photoshop (or Paint Shop Pro, whichever). I just need to find the gumption, as is always my problem, to design some things. I do have a game coming up in a few weeks that I need to make a character for (I'll probably make up a few, time permitting, in the event of character deaths.) If I can get them into a PDF format I'll definitely upload them if for no other reason to have it handy though I don't think I've ever gone to a game without my character sheet...though I did once show up without my dice! Can you imagine?!
What's New for December 8th, 2004?

For those who have been here before you'll notice (hopefully) a new background image for the page. I'm much happier with it, a result of my purchasing a Kodak DX4530 (5.0 MegaPixels baby!!!) and finding a decent parchment-like background image (thanks to Brian Froud with a little editing on my part.) I've also added some info to my contact page (I've got a blog now...why, I still don't know) as well as removed (for now) the character sheet PDFs since they didn't seem to work right (might be a product of the GeoCities servers. I'll have to ZIP them up and upload them again sometime soon.)

I've also begun pre-alpha work on a new D&D campaign incorporating some hopefully interesting elements and ideas and it's currently taking place in Eberron since it saves me from creating a new world from scratch as well as the fact that I like the overall feel of Eberron and I've found more than a few useful ideas in the sourcebook to get my campaign started.

What's "pre-alpha", you ask? It pretty much means I've got a few loose ideas in my head, not a damed thing on paper other than a couple of sketches and bare-bones notes on some NPCs I want to write up. Yes, I know that means I don't have shit done yet but pre-alpha sounds a bit more professional.

What's New for October 14th, 2004?

Check out the "Characters" page for a stat block for my newest character, Friss'kl Alaj'nk, a desert goblin currently residing in the Blade Desert in Eberron. He's off to sell Hell's Blush, a smokable drug that makes you as strong as an ox (and about as bright as one, too), that his clan (Clan Shattered Pinion) harvests.

I also added 3 different character sheets in the popular PDF format everyone (including the asshole at the Queen Anne Kinkos...excuse me, FedExKinkos...but that's another story for another day) as well as archiving D'kaas to his own background page.

Additionally, on a small cosmetic note, I set the background on this page to stay static to see if I like it. It's nothing big overall, hell I don't even think anyone'll really notice. But if I like it I'm thinking it's time for a new background image as well as finally updating my dice page with greatly improved pictures since I have a Kodak 5.0 megapixel camera now (instead of the janky netcam that I used to take the pics there now.)

What's New for September 21st, 2004?

Check out the "Contact" page for links to my gamer listing with both Access Denied & RPG Registry.
What's New for August 7th, 2003?

Added some historical background for a new 20th level character: D'kaas TeufelM�rder. Check the CHARACTERS section for details.
What's New for May 23rd, 2003?

Put together the DICE page as well as placeholder pages for the others, though just for placeholding.
What's New for May 13th, 2003?

Uploaded the front page & initial graphics. Filler pages & other graphics to follow once I actually get to typing them up.
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