Namaste, Welcome to my page , right now its a pot pouri of things important to me and incidents , soon maybe I will organise it more :) or if you can send me your look and feel page(s) for all this. Check out my other pages .

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A must do the cancer cure research project that u can help with - :

A landmark research project has begun that allows people to make a real difference in the fight against cancer.

The Intel-United Devices Cancer Research Project is asking you to volunteer your PC to help process molecular research being conducted by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oxford in England and the National Foundation for Cancer Research. To participate, you simply download a very small, no cost, non-invasive software program that works like a screensaver: it runs when your computer isn't being used, and processes research until you need your machine. Your computer never leaves your desk, and the project never interrupts your usual PC use.

Lip stick at the eden park picnic Oct 11 2001.       The latest look and feel after the Nov 17 2001 urghh !    
    My mom's yummy methi-roti Healthy and yummy - hardly any oil and full of whole wheat , greens and other goodies . English names of ingredients in the bottom. recipe . More recipies on the way.
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My Old Resume 2005

MS Word format : TusharCurriculamVitae.doc
html  : msTusharCurriculamVitae.htm
Plain text  : msTusharCurriculamVitae.txt

Neat site that converts any format lke a word doc or a text file to any other like a gif image or acrobat doccument

Creative nick names :


me, Tushar in Oct 2002
I got a great job with GE in software . helping an NGO teach html . swimming and started golf. lifes good.   Me in May 1998. Click to enlarge.

Nelly Fuclado , I'm sorry Furtado :) is great - lovely music and cause I could not remember her name only her song lyrics ... I met some one who has beacame a real special friend....

Support for women who have suffered Violence esp Domestic [ The email has nice tips like tgkprogus/help/wadvEml1.htm ] WADV proud gif

  Stephens site : help him with (your CPU idle time ) : This program helps design a channel of magnets to produce a particle beam of muons as efficiently as possible from a source of pions spreading in almost all directions.
The pions decay into muons and change direction as they move through the apparatus, making this a particularly challenging problem. The design that was current before I started this project had an efficiency of approximately 2.9% and with the help of voluntiers running the program, this has already been increased substantially. More info...

Forwards :-
0459hrs hrs IST Tuesday, January 22, 2002, version 4.1.1 -Tushar G Kapila ®
 yahoo: tushar.kapila msn: tgkprog3&U064; 
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html generator helper: HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 1st January 2002), see
I dig java I have been developing a few . java mobile applications for your cell phones (mobile phone devices). They include games, utilities (like an exericse timer and a file hider for mobile phones)

2007 aug 2
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