Box Puppy's Basket
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Welcome everyone to my website.  The picture to the right is of me and Karl, my boyfriend.  Currently he is undergoing treatment for Hodgekin�s Disease.  He has already gone through the treatment once and he it came back.  This time around they are trying something more aggressive.  He is currently in a hospital undergoing major chemotherapy and will then have some harvested stem cells put back after the treatments are done.  Recently his computer died to so I�m setting up a donation program through Pay Pal to buy him a new laptop.  I�m looking at a Dell XPS 170.  I�d like to get one of the best so I�m looking for a bit of money.  The Dell XPS M170 is the model I�m looking at is at $3,352 but that�s at the uber high end.  The lower of the same model is $1,999.  I�m hoping I�ll get enough donations to buy him what he wants.  He�s going to be in San Antonio for his treatments for about of month or so (beginning to the end of May).  So let�s Karl-A-Wish:
My Favorite Links:
G'Kar Chronicler System (My Live Journal)
World of Warcraft
My Info:
Name: Jeff Anderson
Email: [email protected]
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