From: borg_aw's Wellbutrin/Zyban Victims Forum (MSN) Posted: Wed Jan 9, 2008

was on Wellbutrin for two years. It actually at first seemed like the wonder drug to me. I had tried a few other antidepressants and nothing worked, the wellbutin made me feel like i was alive again. I was put on 150 mg and it seemed to work well so I just stayed at that dose and I had no symptoms. A few months later my dose was increased to 300 mg and I swelled up in my hands feet, ankles and legs. I went to mediclinic and was told to just go back to my regular dose. I did and my symptoms went away. I feel so dumb I should have known enough to stop then.

A few months later I tried to take 300 mg I got such bad pain in my hand muscles and in my knee I went to the doc. He said not from Wellbutrin it would not cause this. I reduced my dose to 150 again the pain went away. A few months later tried to up dose again 3 same pain in hands and knee that went away as soon I cut my dose down. I stayed at 150mg and then I started getting this pressure in my head, I thought it was sinus was sent for ct and it was not sinus so I was sent for mri which showed nothing. I still have this pressure to date. It's chronic does not go away. When the pressure is really bad i get this popping noise my husband can hear when he's laying beside me.

Back to my story so after this headache I stopped the WB. I continued to get this pain in my legs when I went off the wellbutrin it would just come and go. The headaches were unbearable. Having a normal life was tough because of this mysterious head pressure. One year after quiting the WB I started getting pain in my hands and knees, my hands swelled up. I started having sensory problems burning numbness, tingling. I noticed the hair on the lower half of my legs was not growing. I started having muscle spasms. Now 18 months later I have severe muscle atrophy of als and all the sensory problems of MS as well as dementia and I am only 31 years old. I have been to several neuro's none can figure out what I have. I have been tested for all heavy metals and as of now I am pretty much a medical mystery, my current doctor thinks I have some type of motor neuron disease and I am waiting to see a specialist in this field.

I was a very active, healthy 29 year old woman when I started taking WB. It was great for me at first but then the muscle pain, and pressure headaches took my healthy life away and then now the muscle wasting and dementia I am like a 31 year old in a ninety year olds body. Now my Doctor tells me to prepare myself that there is nothing that can be done for me. I have no family history of illness and I can't help but wonder if wb is the cause, I know it started symptoms when I had never had any health issues only depression, this really scares me, especially to read mnd is thought that one cause is neuro toxins, and from what I've read WB has chemicals in it that are most likely neuro toxins. Sorry to make this so long. Has anyone had any of the symptoms, the headaches or muscle problems, please let me know.

Thanks Mya

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