My stepfather committed suicide this time last summer, July 19th, he had an adverse reaction to the antidepressant Wellbutrin. My eyes are wide open to what’s going on in the world....I remember reading Eliot’s [Spitzer’s] article and thinking There is a message here, at that moment I did not know it was antidepressants that killed my DAD. We thought he was murdered. He jumped from the window of his Manhattan high rise apt.... We thought someone pushed him off the roof garden.... the apt was a crime scene etc.

My stepfather began taking Wellbutrin in February of 2003. He had been on depakote for several years to treat his temper, he was never a depressed man. He actually had a social calendar that rivaled any socialites in NYC. He wined, dined and was always the life of the party. He committed suicide this time last summer [2004], July 19th. He lived a wonderful eccentric lifestyle, the best of everything, traveled the world....and had three children who admired him for his business ethics. When he started Wellbutrin he also stopped seeing his therapist and pharmacologist who prescribed the drug. He went into rapid akithisia and began telling loved ones within six months of taking Wellbutrin that he didn't think he was going to make it, and actually told his girlfriend several times that he was going to kill himself. He attempted suicide unsuccessfully one time before his death.

Apparently those close to him at this time ( I was not, geographically) equated this irrational behavior to alcohol and drugs, not the antidepressant he was taking. So unfortunately what was so obvious.... no one knew to identify as an adverse reaction to the antidepressant. The FDA issued the black box warning four months before he killed himself. I interviewed his pharmacologist and he denied calling in his prescriptions for over a year without monitoring him. My Dad’s girlfriend confirmed that he did indeed call them in and other pills for her as well. The whole situation is a classic mess.

I visited with my Dad two weeks before he died. I knew something was off... but I did not know at the time he was taking an antidepressant. It wasn't his mood, it was the way he went to the window he jumped from with my toddler / his grandson. I thought it was strange that an adult would take a small child to a window 26 stories up and open the window and look out.... I had a strange vibe on the window.... so when I received the call that he jumped out the window I then knew the message had been given to me, I wish I had known. I actually didn't make the connection until the following morning, I was going through NY local papers and Eliot Spitzer’s law suit against Glaxo was featured that day...the same day as my Dads suicide. I don't know why but I called his office and that was how the connection was made, oh and our housekeeper of 15 years came to me and said " No smiley happy pill, he stopped taking his pills two weeks ago". So we know withdrawal had to do with the impulsive decision of suicide. I never believed it for a minute... this man would never kill himself, he loved life. Kristina

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