My name is dan and I took zyban(wellbutrin) same active ingredient and also took them for 17 days. after day 3 i conplainrd to my doctor about not feeling well and told her that it felt like I had a pea like felling in my throat. she told me it could be due to withdrawl symptoms ha ha.

I went back to her 4 times and she just kept telling me to take the stupid pill

17 days later I was in royal perth hospital in intensive care in the immunology ward. I had blown up like a balloon and my liver was failing. They had to cut off my wedding rings and my own children ran out of the ward because they could not recognise their own dad.

I am still on a pension 4 years later from the damage that the pill did to me mate.

I have had a standard thyroid test done and it came back normal -my doctor insists this test was sufficient.

Something rather unusual though on one of my latest tests- One of my problems is terrible pain in my legs and hair loss from the knees down (bonus if I was a girl). My doctor sent me for arterial scans he insisted that blocked arteries are the cause not zyban. After 10 minutes on a treadmill the first set of results came back as moderate arterial blockage. Second test- actual visual scan of my arteries - no blockage whatsoever! The doctors cannot explain these results and admit that something very weird is happening in my body, they even went as far as suggesting I might be willing this on myself(??????), I just wish they would admit it and say "This is caused by zyban!"

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