Mariya's Page

Hi everyone! To be completely honest, I have not worked on this page for a long long time (3 years min). So, some of this information might be slightly inaccurate. If you want to see my new page, go to it. :) If you want to leave a message, sign the guestbook on either page, and I'll get back to ya! Anyways, enjoy, and don't be afraid, i've probably grown out of this stage ;).


- I made my own homepage, I'm now an official computer addict! Thank you for visiting the one and only place where you will earn about me and my friends or maybe nothing at all. I was born in Russia but nobody can ever guess that so I guess I don't look like it too much. I moved to the US when I was eight years old. Now you know the whole story of my life.

I am now entering my senior year in high school and have a part time job during the summer( so I do not spend all of my time on the net.) I like to meet people and talk to them to their face so the net doesn't please me totally.

I love sports and playing on teams, but I hate to run so I don't try out for any sports in school. I like soccer and all the hockeys. I play some tennis(badly) and that's about it for that too. I love to walk around the neiborhood or the forest or a park and think during the night. All of these cool thoughts come at that time. It just gives you inspiration. I love the dark and the night. My favorite thing in the world to do is spin in the middle of some field (hopefully with someone else but alone is ok too) and look at the stars and the rest of the world go 'round. My earliest memory is spinning in my crib and then lying on my back and seeing the room spin around me. I can be gifted at drawing, if I try. I don't draw cartoons or caricatures, but I can draw what I see. I take pictures from magazines and draw the models in them. I did that for so long that I started making my own clothes for the pictures and making up their faces that people tell me that I should be a fashion designer. I'm not really into that. I don't have any plans for the future except, as one of my friends says, to survive. I want to be happy and hopefully you'll be there with me.

Here's a poem by one of MY FRIENDS that was composed last night at 12:30 am( I helped a little ):

I always seem to get the feeling,
that something in me must be stirring.
while putting books back on the shelf,
I feel I have to relieve myself.
I walk to the bathroom, and there unzip,
'cause my brother's girlfriend might get sick,
she likes them small, and not too long,
She likes a short, soft little shlong.
So pee, and pee, and pee I will,
Until the John has had its fill.
I'll hold the rest in, and give it a flush,
then let it go again, Oh Man! What a rush!
I close the door, what a stink!
But the nasty smell makes me think.
What if we all smelled like that?
a man could never get no twat!
Women would either choose to stand it,
or get in bed and hand over hand it.
But me, I smell good, and I'm very glad,
'cause staying a virgin is pretty damn sad.
As I return, I look to the kitchen.
to have a sofa right now, would be pretty bitchen'
So I pull out a Sprite, 'cause Image is nothing,
I took out some weed and started a puffin'.
After a while I went and passed out.
A couple hours later, I woke up with doubt.
I doubted I'd ever smaked all that weed,
But I guess I forgot, 'cause of all the speed.
I stumbled downstairs, falling all the way,
Definately, this was a good day!
I plopped on the couch, and I turned on the TV,
Batman was on and I shouted with glee!
I looked at the chair and saw it was empty,
Where'd my date go?

(By God of the Atheists )

( I also like all kinds of poetry and stories )

I don't know what else to write yet. If interested contact my e-mail or talk to me. k, bye now.

Me on left, Sary on the right

this pic-(in back) Armand on the right and Raymond on the left, (in the front) me on the right and Vicki on the left

Armand on the left, and me on the right

A whole bunch of my friends

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