Scarlett's Page


About Me

Hoi guys~! I'm Scarlett or you can call me Yuki (Which is my other role-play character -~-).  Well, I like some things such as watching anime, reading manga, creepypasta, homestuck, music, youtube, video games, MDE(My Digital Escape), and my cuddle bear \(^0^)/. I do some things such as drawing or painting, making stories, poems, sometimes animations, singing, and listening to music. My favorite bands are Follow My Lead, Farewell, My love, Black Veil Brides, Live Like Glass, Get Scared, and Ghost Town. My favorite anime is Tokyo Ghoul and Attack On Titan. My favorite youtubers are leafyishere, kubzscouts, pewdiepie, markiplier, jacksepticeye, and cryoatic. My favorite creepypasta is Bloody Painter~!! Theres nothing much to say about me but well  i'm mostly metally awkward than being socially awkward and I have other personality sides which some you would probably want to me and some that you won't.  I'm also very clingy to some people and I care about the people who I love and want to protect, but I have a side that would hurt the people who hurt the people I care about. Anyways, what i'll put on this site is mostly drawings, stories, roleplays and poems. I'll rarely put animations, which takes a lot of time for me to do. Well thats enough about me I guess.

      tokyo ghoul       creepypasta       ghost town                    

About My Characters

-Stories will come out soon for them later-

I have a few OCs and RolePlay characters:


Name: Scarlett Raine

Real Name: Still her real name .-.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hair Color: Black

Hair length: Hair up to the middle of the back

Eye color: Crystal blue

Height: 5'7"

Personality: Acts like she's cheerful and happy, but actually is sad and hurt on the inside. She tries to make herself happy so people who care for her and the people she cares about wouldn't worry about her. 

Weapons: ?

How I came up with her: Well She was my second OC character so she wasn't my first OC (My first OC was Yuki, which is mostly my roleplay character so she shouldn't be counted as my OC, but Scarlett will still be my second OC) but this OC is like me, which i'll talk about. So well she's like me except her appearance. For years... I've been seriously hurt on the inside. My heart broken, which cannot be repaired... like a broken glass dropped to the floor, shattering into many pieces. My feelings were left on the floor by many people as they walked and stepped on my feelings, making this overcoming pain worse as they walked out and went out of my life. I picked up these pieces of my feelings from the floor and tried fixing them as they repeatedly fell and fell after many people hurted me and brought me this agonizing pain. I tried... I tried making my fragile, broken self happy... but whenever I try, I start feeling worse and worse. My heart slowly tearing apart by piece by piece. My feelings, the pain spilling and displaying all over me, a feeling that was degraded by people, humilation and hurt, but why dont they notice these feelings inside me? One day i'll be gone... everyone who hated me and caused me pain would be happy that my exsistents is now gone.*Sighs* anyways... lets get back to why I made her 030 So well the depression and pain that I kept inside... I was in my room laying on my bed contemplating of the pain and sadness within me.. so after a while I got an idea making a character about me. I started making her, but she doesn't have my appearance but the feelings I have and how I'm hurt, but want everyone happy. 


Name: Dismembered Scarlett

Real Name: Scarlett Alexandre

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Hair color: Black

Hair length: Shoulder length hair

Eye color: Black. Her eyes changes color depending on her mood. Her eyes change color but there is reddish black around the color(I know I sound unoriginal, but well this is my OC and I wanted her to be like that)

Height: 5'8"

Personality: She can be nice to some people, but she can be insane or crazy when she's in her psycho stage and is ready to kill. 

Weapon: Scissors and tools used for dismembering

How I came up with her: Well she's kind of like my creepypasta OC so well I really love creepypasta and well I knew that people made creepypasta OCs so I just sat and contemplate for a while about making one. I will sound like a mary sue or unoriginal but looking at Ben Drowned and Jeff the Killer made me came up with her. So well I left out the red pupils and made her eyes black but they can change color depending on what mood she's in and because she's a bit like a you know a yandere. The whisker-like cuts on both the sides of her mouth making her kind of look like the girl version of Jeff but since she was dismembered, I made her have stitched cuts. There are stitches all over her body and well so a person (I won't say who he is yet though.) found her on the floor cutted up so she got all her pieces and stitched her up and did some kind of.. well guys lets say magic -~- cause I don't know how to describe how she was brought back to life or lets just say she was stitched up stabbed in the heart until it starts beating.


Name: Lucy Doll

Real name: lucy Auclair Bellrose

Gender: Female

Age: ?

Hair color: Grayish black

Hair Length: hair up to her lower back

Eye Color: Greenish blue

height: 5'7"

Personality: caring and sweet, but after the incident that happened to her, well she can be psychotic and dangerous because she had to mind torture people and also turning them into dolls in order to be fully repaired again

Weapons: Actually doesn't have a weapon but uses her telapathic powers to go into someones mind and mind torturing the person or animal while turning these humans/objects/animals into a porcelain doll(lol how can objects turn into porcelain dolls XD I guess they can be a toy that comes along with the doll and animals can be like a porcelain doll, sort of), she also uses these dolls as play thing or a collection, but if she doesn't like them, she breaks them.

How I came up with her: Kind of like the same reason as my other OC, Dismembered Scarlett, but dolls don't really get mentioned in creepypasta and people don't really do them as a creepypasta.



-Here are some drawings I made -~- -




-I'll post them soon-



Some poems that I do.. (only did one though  XD)

Note: If you knew the song called paper forts by Farewell, My love, I used a few of the lyrics to make the poem.    

The rest of the poem I did made up besides the first line and line nineteen. 

This was literally complicating 

The smile painted on my face starts fading              

All my feelings for you were escaping

Tears were threatened to be let out if they were cascading

I sit here and start contemplating

My broken but tendered heart really needed saving

All my feelings for you were degrading

My feelings were let out and displaying

As you let I wanted you back so I kept praying

My loneliness and pain kept staying

I looked back and start contemplating

Faces of you were portraying

I smiled and layed there saying,

"Why was our love decaying?"

I sit here and started waiting

Finding out you loved someone else was dismaying

I was left here alone slowly fading

Memories of us kept playing

It's still a little complicating

This fragile heart no longer needed saving

I looked down and knew you were betraying

I'm picking up my feelings that were laying






If you're bored... go look at these websites :/ they aren't mine, but I like them.







My Friends Websites :D




orangepaper(don't click on this one yet)