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Added Natural Born Victim by Marguerite to the Other Pairings page and put up the award she got for her story Trading Places.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Things have just been a bit crazy for me the last while. I updated Out of Mind, Out of Sight by Phoebe today up to chapter 3 and will be updating a story a day from now on until I am completely caught up. Once again I apologize to all the authors for the delay in posting.


Added 4th chapter to my story Under Her Shade.


Added chapters Act 8 part 3 to Act 8 part 5B to Normal Again, and a new fic called Out of Mind, Out of Sight by Phoebe, which is the sequel to A Will, A Way, And A Woman today.


Added third chapter to my story Under Her Shade.


Added the last chapters to A Will, A Way, And A Woman by Phoebe today. 


Added the first and second chapter to my story Under Her Shade!!! :)


Sorry it's been a while. I've been a bit busy. :P Added Modus Vivendi by wiseacress, A Strange Turn Of Events by Juliatheyounger and the last chapters to the story Trading Places by Marguerite. As well as the link to the page (Mildly) Pointless Crap Stories by Juliatheyounger as well.


Added two new chapters to Crawling in the Dark today.


Added a new chapter to Normal Again today, and apparently forgot to mention adding that story on this page earlier. Oops! :P


Added the WIP A Will, A Way, And A Woman by Phoebe today. :)


Finally got to it and added Weathered, Murphy's Law, and Crawling in the Dark by Winter, Second Chance and Choices by Whitewolf, and Normal Again by Richard Bachman. Hopefully more stories to come as soon as possible. 



Added Daemons Luminati and A Couple of Ex-demons Just Sitting Around Talking by Kalima and What she Deserves and "Bittersweets" by Herself early this morning. I should be adding a bunch more stories in the next couple of days.



Just added the WIP Trading Places by Marguerite.



Added The Deluge, Scorched, and The Devil You Know by Evenstar  today.



Just added Manly Girly-Giggles By Kiara to the Other Pairings page. It took me forever to finally get a story up on that page. There are a bunch of stories I want for that page but most are either WIP that I'm waiting to be finished or I haven't heard back from the author yet. So thank you Kiara for the go ahead. :)



Added link to Ten Thousand  By Wisteria to the Buffy/Spike page as well as a link to her site on the Links page. I had also added links to Carnal Sins and Kiara's Written Insanity earlier, but I had forgot to mention it on this page.



Just put up A Promise To A Lady By Terri Botta this afternoon.



Got To Live Or Die By Thinny up this morning. Waiting to hear from some more authors, so hopefully more stories should be coming soon.



Added  Out Of My Head by AJ Hofacre  today. Took me forever to get it up! Damn you computer!



Just added After Dust by emg to the Buffy and Spike Fic's page today. I had also added the stories The Unknown Citizen by Isabelle as well as The Last Summer and The Waiting Season by Annie Sewell-Jennings late last night.



Hi! I'm currently in the process of building this site and I am adding new fanfiction to the it as quickly as I can. I am only filling this site with stories that are hand picked by myself. If you want to send me a story to post, you can if you really want to, but I can't guarantee that I will post it. I only have so much room to work with so I have to be pretty picky. I am working on a story of my own right now but I am not sure how soon it will be until I am able to post it. 

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