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Challenge #1

-My first is a story where Spike goes throough a HUGE transformation. He can get his soul if you want but I don't, make that DON'T, want him becoming a human.
-What I want is for him to become some othher kind of supernatural creature, like an angel, a new kind of vampire or some kind of new demon you make up.
-It must be a Buffy/Spike story
-You can put it in any season but I would suggest seasons 4 to upcoming season 7 (season 2 or 3 might be interesting though).
-The Scoobies must help him through it. -He must also try to hide whats happening to him at first. Buffy or a Scooby finds out by accident.
-What he turns into must be good or neutraal not evil.
-The reason for his change is your choice but here are some suggestions:
1) He has been changed because of something that happened to him while he was at the Inititive.
2) He had some kind of recent encounter. (with a demon, witch, angel, ect.)
3) It's some part of a prophecy.
4) It's something from his past he had either forgotten about, was made to forget, or never knew about. You could tie it to his parents or the Watchers Council or some powerful force like a Coven or an old demon. Mabye even the Powers that Be.

Challenge #2

My second idea is a prophecy just take it and write a B/S story with it. Well here it is...

Black the day and fires bright
New his heart with golden light
Welcome in a broken soul
Old but new with tarnished veil
Trust and hope both given free
A lingering touch will let them see
An evil comes with heart of coal
End of all with wicked tale
When the two come whole be done
Evermore will see the sun
Two will carry out this role
Listen well or all will fail
Peace will last for but a time
But lose and all will be for nigh

Well there it is. Use it however you see fit. I wrote it to make a sort of sense that isn't sense, like how most prophecys are. Make whatever sense of it you can, cause I hardly know what I meant.

Challenge #3

My third idea is for a post "The Gift" story.

-After Buffy died ( duh! )
-Giles or the Watchers Council take Dawn tto live in England.
-Spike demands to go with Dawn in order too protect her.
-Giles feels sorry for him and lets him coome and the Council is strangely agreeable to it.
-They live near or in the Council headquarrters.
-The Watchers become very interested in Sppike and his strange behaviour and start to investigate what happened to him in Sunnydale and learn about his love for Buffy and the odd changes in him.
-Soon they are studying Spike without his or the others knowlage.
-Have the other Scoobies come to visit theem during the story.
-They start to preform tests on Spike as wwell as experiments, but they are kept very descreet.
-They are also interested in Dawn but are up front about it, knowing there really isn't much use they could get out of a key that tears down the walls between dimensions. They truly want to keep her out of the hands of evil. She is more of a curiosity past that.
-Have them find something startling about Spike. He becomes something very important to them at that point.
-Soon (mabye while the Scoobies are there)) they find out about what the Council has been up to.
-If you want to have Buffy brought back goo ahead, but it's up to you to come up with how.
-Make sure you have lots of bonding betweeen Spike, Dawn and Giles.
-I want the Watchers to be a mix of good, bad and in between. I don't want them to all be all out evil.
-If Buffy does come back make sure you makke it a B/S story!
-Also I want what they find out about Spikke to be startling in a good way.
-The rest is up to you.

Challenge #4

-Spike and Buffy are kidnapped
-taken to somewhere in in Europe or Asia -They are used to make a half vampire (Bufffy becomes pregnant)
-They are used because most humans can't ccarry a vampires child and Spike is not only from a famous line of vampires but is strong in his own right, not to mention he is chipped. They also seem to fit with the prophecy
-Before Buffy died and before she knew thaat Spike is in love with her
-Spike is in love with Buffy, Buffy does nnot share his feelings at first, things change. Not to quickly though, it has to take a while she starts out hating him after all
-Buffy despite herself wants the child as does Spike ( duh! )
-The child is part of a prophecy (as are BBuffy and Spike)
-The Watchers Council is connected to the kidnapping
-They want the child to be under their conntrol, they also want Buffy and Spike in order to make more children
-They end up on the run
-The child is born and is a girl and has bbeen born for a good part of the story
-When they make it home (however they do iit) its been well over a year and a half
-The child has all the pros and none of thhe cons of both parents and their powers (though drinking blood makes her stronger and heal faster, and she is a night owl)
-Buffy becomes pregnant a second time, thiis time its all Spike and Buffy's fault, no outside influence
-Lots of interaction with Scoobies and Anggel characters
-Spike is a good father
-They defeat their enemies and get a happyy ending
-Show a little of their future
-Your choice if you want to show what happpened with the Scoobies while they where gone
-Your choice on how Buffy becomes pregnantt the first time (examples, artificial insemination, a spell that forces them some how like making them really horny, or just being threatened, ect.)
-NC17 if you want

Challenge #5

-Set after the gift except Dawn died insteead of Buffy
-Glory won and went through the portal whiile Buffy and Spike were too injured or far away to stop her.
-Then one of the Scoobies kills Dawn to cllose the portal
-Buffy and Spike freak, both shattered by Dawns death and the Scoobies actions
-Buffy true to her word of giving up the ffight asks Spike to take her away from Sunnydale, they mostly stay on the move
-The story is about those events and the nnext year or more of Buffy and Spikes life including both Angel and the Scoobies attempts to get Buffy to come home and be the Slayer
-She no longer cares about much of anythinng and only trusts Spike because she saw he was willing to die to save Dawn and he was as broken up about her death as she was
-Change Buffy and Spike appearance somehoww
-They find bittersweet happiness with eachh other

Challenge #6

-Spike falls into some kind of coma (magicc is involved)
-He is trapped within his own mind where hhis memories and subconscious mix in a strange dream world
-The Scoobie gang + some kind of guide( liike Angel or a good demon of some kind like Whistler or Skip from recent eps.of Angel) must enter Spikes mind in order to help him
-They see things from his past as a vampirre and as a human ( you know the shy geek from Fool for love, the eps. where Spike tells Buffy how he killed the two slayers)
-He interacts with them in his dream worldd but can't tell they are the real them
-The Scoobies are stunned by Spikes past aand his secrets
-Lots of big revelations for the Scoobies<
-When Spike wakes up they have to deal witth this sudden new knowledge of their bleach blonde vamp
-Have lots of interaction between all of tthe characters and Spike, not to mention a Buffy/Spike relationship

Challenge #7

-Takes place in the not to distant future<
Spike and Buffy are both dead
-They had a child (or more if you want) They died when the child (or children) was still young, about 3 or 4
-Angel is helping to raise the child (or cchildren) since it is half vampire
-The child (or children) are between 10-166 years old
-some how have Buffy and Spike meet their child (or children), you know time travel, resurrection or whatever
-Angel never approved of Buffy and Spike

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