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Activities > Gameboard Creation > Circular Path
You can do one of the following things to draw this game board.

1. Print out this
page (use your "back" button to return to this page), and enlarge the image by a photocopier (your local library, pharmacy-variety store, or printer should have a self-serve photocopier that does this). The game board will not be that big, but you will be able to use it (You can also create 2 - 4 of the enlarged copies, and use them to make a game board For instructions, see below).

2. Use a very large round tray. Make sure that it fits within the boundaries of the stiff surface (wood, cardboard, or foam board). If you don't have a large tray, use a large round cushion or another large round item that you can draw around. Also, get a large dinner plate -- the largest you have. You might even have a round platter. Use that instead. If you don't want to use a plate, use your round bucket. Even if it is not perfectly round (some of them have a little spout on the edge), that is fine. Whatever you use, the 2nd round item should be smaller than the 1st.

Place the larger round item in the middle of the stiff surface. Lightly trace around it with a pencil. Remove the tray. Place the smaller round item in the middle of the circle you just made. Trace around it, as you did the first. Create the path spaces. Use straight lines, crooked lines, or mark the spaces with shapes large enough to hold a pieces or all the pieces.

You can decorate the edges however you wish. Leave it in pencil or glue small items (such as beads) along the lines you've drawn. You can also just trace around the objects with marker or pen, instead of a pencil, but the ink may stain the object. If you're using a wooden board and intend to varnish the board after finishing it, trace it in pencil, then paint the edges (with the items removed) if you wish.

Multi-disk game board: Draw the path as instructed above, but use much smaller round pieces, and when you place them on the board for tracing, make sure that there is enough room left for the other paths you shall create. Link the paths with bridges or in some other way, to make it easy to move from path to path. You can also just decorate the paths differently, and write in your rules when a player should move from one to another.

Note to parents: You can draw a path that is a symbol, such as a letter. If there is only one child in your family, your path can be the first letter of the child's name.

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