Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association Menu

Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association is a nonprofit, mutual aid organisation for homeschooling families and individual teens everywhere in the world engaging in Afrocentric, Black-oriented, pro-Black, or Black-positive education.
Based in Ontario, Canada, it was founded by Cheryl Edwards in 1996. Some may remember it as "Homeschoolers of Colour Connection", "African-Canadian & Aboriginal Homeschoolers Association", or "Black and Aboriginal Homeschoolers Association".
Welcoming homeschooling families regardless of race, class, educational background, location, income, religion, lifestyle, etc., we network to share information, tips, material, mutual aid support, and anything else to aid our home-based educational programs. We are a very diverse group of unschoolers, deschoolers, structured educators, and other types of anti-racist homeschooling families. Our Black-positive education methodology dispels racist myths, self-destructive beliefs, and empowers our children to live well as adults.
Although for homeschoolers, AHA is also open to all families endeavouring to incorporate anti-racist knowledge for the preK - 12 period of learning via our
Contact Us
AHA Representatives:
Peterborough, Ontario: Cheryl
AHA Contact Exchange
Crystal's store (all-natural, tropical fruit based sauces made with mango, pineapple, banana, or a combination of those fruits)
Art Gallery
Black Child's Pledge

I pledge allegiance to my Black People.

I pledge to develop my mind and body to the greatest extent possible.

I will learn all that I can in order to give my best to my People in their struggle for liberation.

I will keep myself physically fit, building a strong body free from drugs and other substances which weaken me and make me less capable of protecting myself, my family and my Black brothers and sisters.

I will unselfishly share my knowledge and understanding with them in order to bring about change more quickly.

I will discipline myself to direct my energies thoughtfully and constructively rather than wasting them in idle hatred.

I will train myself never to hurt or allow others to harm my Black brothers and sisters for I recognize that we need every Black Man, Woman, and Child to be physically, mentally and psychologically strong.

These principles I pledge to practice daily and to teach them to others in order to unite my People.

The Black Panther, October 26, 1968
by Shirley Williams

Except where otherwise noted, the activities, instructions, and illustrations on this site were created by Cheryl Edwards on behalf of Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association.
Please do not duplicate and distribute any such material without crediting "Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association". Thank you!
To contact AHA, fill out the form below:


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