In February 2004 3 of BB's most active members (and skilled) took it upon themselves to overthrow the current commodore LKG. He was accused of spying on the Cut Throat Clan, Lying to them and other bad stuff. Lkg claimed part-innocence. He said that his brother had said all the bad stuff about BB. He also bravely admitted to using a CT account to look at private forums. This enraged both clans and LKG decided to willfully resign from his post and to leave Battlefield Pirates.

In his absence BB argued amongst themselves over lkg's statement, and if it was the truth or a lie. Eventually, the clan was split into two: The lkg Supporters, and the Mutineers+their supporters. There was a struggle for control of the clan in which one of the Mutineers used his admin account to take over the forum, and purge it of lkg's presence, as well as removing any admin status his supporters had. They then created a democratic council that you were to be voted to and would serve for a month and then you would either be re-elected or have somebody replace you. The members who wanted things changed would propose something to the council and they would vote on and decide. Also, all ranks were eliminated and everyone was made equal. This new system went on for 1-1.5 months. During this time,  the Lkg supporters (Piccolo, Sharpshooter, Xenocide, FlyingKaribu, Pirate (Capt.Morgan), and Falcon5) made a move to retake the clan and were able to convice the mutineers to leave BB some joined the established CT (who had helped fuel the mutiny) and some of them joined the newly formed SOS clan everyone left BB except the LKG supporters listed above and LKG came back (Detrux stayed a member too and would have been an LKG supporter but he was on vacation in Asia at the time). Then it seemed like everything would be ok. Then two of the leading mutineers Munk and GotMilk took over Pirates(Capt.Morgans) account on the forums since munk knew the password and banned most of the above ppl removed all admins except Pirates(Capt.Morgans) account and changed the password.
Then they locked all the forums and made Pirates(Capt.Morgans) account a non admin account and they locked all the forums and changed it back to its old password. That locked us out of unfortunalty (when detrux got to a computer for a day or two in Asia and was very pissed off to learn that his website had ironically been pirated he said if they did not leave his website alone he would press charges against the mutineers never caused any more problems after that). Since the clan members couldnt decide who should lead the clan they appointed both Piccolo and LKG as commodore. Then months later when detrux returned we were able to retake the site.
Site Hack, LKG
Over-throw, and High Council.
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