Founder DarkDragon, recently known as Silver, played his first game of
Battlefield Pirates. He met three mates: Meester, Smokey and Slaughterhouse.
after a month of playing together, the three "real pirates" of
those times(DarkDragon, Meester and Smokey, who played at least 6-7 hours
daily) in the middle of the night, they descided, a legacy was to be started.
at 4:20 AM exactly the three talked to eachother on MSN,
They first had to descide, who would be the leader.
For several reasons, DarkDragon was chosen(best skill, was the one who
wanted to create a clan, played the most.)
Smokey went to bed at 4:45(when the whose boss conversation ended)
Left behind, DarkDragon and Meester descided to think of a name,
start a site, and think of some rules.
after thinking of numerous ridiculous names(now used by other clans;) j/k)
they thought of the name Black Buccaneers,
they chose it, because it gives honour, mystery, and simply because the tag
had two same letters. [BB] was created!
Meester had quite good PhotoShop capacities, and started straigt away on the
detailed pictures(wich are still to be seen on www.blackbuccaneers.tk)
DarkDragon started up the site and they where now on their way to becoming
the greatest BFP clan there is.
-Dates from this moment are not clearly remembered and will only be writen in
chronological order-
Soon, Piccolo and sharpshooter joined. Piccolo dragged along lkg
as well, not too much after. lkg was an amazing player, to be reckoned with.
aprox 3 months later
By this time, members had been flooding into BB.
I think we were around 20-25 by then.
Lots of good players, since we had quite a strict joining regulation at start.
we only wanted good players, or those with potential.
cT and BB started feud after feud, both seeking dominance as the "best" BFP
Clan in the comunity.
I remember a certain SilverSurfer that hated Commodore Silver(he changed his
name sometime here) because he got beaten by him alot, due to what he called
cheating, and what Silver called tactics. the fact was, Silver used the
galleon to its best use, by hopping from stations to not get shot, and kill
many men doing so. CT soon started to offend BB for cheating. and another
feud started.
BB tried though, time after time, to end them.
In CT, I cant remember his name properly, a new man came to power, as
Capt.JackSparrow was out of order for a while.
This man and Silver had many discussions about peace, and both were willing
to end this from the start.
But alas, peace was shattered, as personal conflicts between several members
from both parties took their part in it.
Sides started spying eachother, and it seemed peace was far away from ever
Silver left the BFP comunity behind due several reasons(school, feuds with CT,
and also his time being eaten so he couldnt play Pirates very often)
he left lkg in charge. who found him being overthrown by a handfull of mates
who didnt agree with lkg's acts. they said he muted against his own clan,
and they replaced him with a so called "high council" wich was basicaly
a handfull of mates, who wanted to be in control, but instead messed it up.
Through Piccolo, Silver heard that [BB] was going down the drain,
and he felt the need to intervene. He returned to the clan, starting a poll
to see if the gross wanted him back, most voted yes, and Silver took
"his throne". He dismissed the whole High Council, much joined CT, and he
returned the clan to a certain glory, and order. This being done, he felt
that yet again, his time was consumed by making sure others have fun.
So this time, he left, and gave leadership to Piccolo and lkg together.
Piccolo and lkg took BB to yet another leap in the sky, and also felt the
presure of leading on their backs. Powdermonkey gained control.
Powdermonkey was not heard of in quite a while, so Detrux took his place.
Detrux has made the clan to what it is now, and in my writers opinion,
he's doing one HELL of a job. Taking the presure together with his Captains,

instead of bearing it alone.
Black Buccaneers History
According To Silver
Former Commodore and
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