Glory to God the Father who created You , Me and Everything ------------------------------------------------------------ full name: Bhagirath Kumar Lader department : Computer Science & Engineering descipline : Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) currently in: final year (graduating in July 2002) registered: July 28,1998 on /dev/ttytf speed 4800 from other e-mail addresses: birthday : October 2, 1979. sex: Male interests: _ reading,thinking and caring for others. _ specially interested in philosophy. _ also in correlating science with nature. - working on computer and keep working continously - knowing Operating System Fundamentals - reading nice Hindi literature, especially classics - watching old movies, and listening old songs Bhagirath on the web at (atleast for intel-lab people) * Wish you Bests for your Life ! plan last updated : October 10, 2001 (Wednesday, 3:16 pm).