By Dr. S. W. Heath, 1905

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32 Mrs. JOHN MIDDLEHAM was born in 1775 and married John Middleham, date unknown, as they were unfortunate in not having any children to perpetuate their memory. They moved to Kentucky prior to the coming of the younger members to Indiana as it is a traditional story that they stopped and visited with John Middlehams as they were moving to Indiana. They were surely not very highly esteemed relatives as we never heard their names mentioned or that there was any communication between them afterward. It was only by close questioning that we discovered that such people ever lived and all the facts we could obtain was that they never had any children and that the folks stopped and visited them. Now that is about as much information as you would find on a tombstone in a grave yard and it is too sad to relate that it is too true of many people who die and leave not a line to their posterity of their life's experience and purpose or that they cared for anybody or anybody cared for them. It is said that all families trace their ancestry back to three brothers and it seems to be true in the Tomlinson Family.

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