

Gatch - Gatchaman
BotP - Battle of the Planets
GOS - G-Force, Guardians of Space
ER - Eagle Riders

Canon - Follows the series strict format for characters and their places with little or no deviation.

Alternate - Putting characters in scenerios that never happened in canon and probably never would. Not the same as alternative. Ex: You have three alternatives (a choice) vs. I'd like an alternate partner (to change; different).

Challenge - A story is written in response to a challenge to write a particular plot line, point of view etc.

Spoiler - This story refers to plot element of an episode, and thus may spoil the show for those who have not seen it.

Mary Sue/Gary Stu - A character created by the writer who steals the show from the central characters of the story. Most often attractive, helpful, agile, with excellent singing voice, and fighting skills. Usually under appreciated by anyone other than the writer who created the character, though there are exceptions.

Angst - One or more characters experiences emotional pain and confusion, usually followed by some new understanding.

Character abuse - Taking any character and putting them through the most miserable, painful, humiliating scenerios, often without a reason other than to be comforted.

Comfort - Characters comforting each other. Usually after abuse, sometimes used in angst, often used in slash.

Slash - Two characters of the same sex in romantic relations; see also yaoi.

F/F - Female to female sex

M/M - Male to male sex.

Sex - I shouldn't have to explain this.

Lemon - A story written for the sake of sexual exploits and adventures, usually a PWP.

PWP - Plot what plot? A story that exists for itself with little or no plot.

Vignet - A short slice of life look at one or more characters.

Crossover - Two different series meet in one story.

Japanese -----

Oneechan - Big sister

Aniki - Big brother

Hakase - Doctor

Yaoi - Same sex relations

Kuso/K'so - Damn or shit.

Baka - Idiot or fool

Nani - What? or Yes? A question.

Arigato - Thanks or thank you

Dare da - Who is it? Who's there?

KNT - Kagaku Ninja Tai - Science Ninja Team

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