In this world,music has been part of our daily living and it found a unique and vital role in the society. Music is a
universal language of our soul - it may talk about love, friendship, problems, nature and even God. Furthermore, it also have a diffirent
genres as times goes by, such as pop, classic, ballad, R&B and so on.
But did you ask yourself what kind of song and type of genre you are going to sing?
Which of which is good to hear?
What among those song will affect you and give you a good daily habit after listening?
Is it a lovesong? popsong? friendship song? worldy songs? or a song that will praise and worship the name of the Lord?

Peaceful day! I am
Benedict S. A bracia , a 17 years old sophomore student of
Letran, Manaoag taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. A faithful son of the Lord who offers and encourage you
to sing, listen and hear the right songs that will benefit you, give you a deeper sense of music and put you on a right track to seize and unfold
the mysteries of today and tommorow.

All together - let us sing and listen to . . .

Songs for God are created for God. Songs for the world are created for the world.
You can not sing songs frrom the world for God. Rather sing a song that was craeted to glorify God above all.

Here are some examples of hillsongs:
( Just CLICK the following images)