1. light at dusk
2. the long rain
3. the fountainhead
4. brave new world
5. the magician's assistant
6. a gracious plenty
7. midnight in the garden of good and evil
8. uncle tungsten: a chemical boyhood
9. atlas shrugged
10. a prayer for owen meany
11. flowers for algernon
12. a wrinkle in time
13. the wizard of earthsea
14. the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
15. the complete adventures of sherlock holmes
16. the whalestoe letters
17. son of a smaller man
18. the heart is a lonely hunter
19. red china blues
20. lolita
21. martin sloane
22. the mystery roast
23. closer to the sun
24. the time machine
25. exegesis
26. metamorphosis
27. larry's party
28. the english patient
29. the bell jar
30. undisputed
31. the lost oasis
32. an equal music
33. interview with a vampire
34. the tale of the body thief
35. an acceptable time
36. making history
37. smilla's sense of snow
38. the narnia chronicles
39. pride and prejudice
40. griffin and sabine
41. the martian chronicles
42. foucault's pendulum
43. andorra
44. dead men do tell tales
45. where she has gone
46. the forgetting room
47. guns, germs and steel
48. field guide
49. getting out
50. into the forest
51. great apes
52. microserfs
53. girls' guide to hunting and fishing
54. against a dark background

previous + next

can one be bound to the sun?
like a scaffolding built as a cast around me
interlocked to the sky
linked to everything around me
like intercellular fluid
cohesing life, whim and alarm
tripping through the electric field of untouched amber
the weight of me on the soles of my feet on the periphery of a sphere
"don't think linearly, think spherically"
the magnetic of the thought that could hold me intact and blow me apart
de facto

"island of wonder
where do you come from
is it the way the sun hits my face"[nelly furtado]

tea-egg day

oct 7 @ 2:28am

we supped by good hour today. leftover catfish+kolrabi plus fresh kolbassa+chinese lettuce. highlite of day: finished richler's book;
in the end, you realize you could always be freer. no matter what status you mount, it will entail strings and one day you will inevitably wake to sever it all.

grapefruit jus

oct 8 @ 8:04pm

two teas day-chrysanthemum+coconut bubble. listened to speaker on pumpkinseed sunfish trophic polymorphism; changing behaviour patterns due to environmental competition.

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